-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Corporal Cueball in the Big Apple

James Carville, the obnoxious, big-mouth campaign consultant who brought us
the Clinton presidency in 1992, is at it again:  trying to bring New Yorkers
a Clinton senator.  Known primarily for his trash-talking, in-the-gutter,
politics-of-personal-destruction tactics, “Corporal Cueball” now has his
sights set on Hillary’s expected opponent next year, New York Mayor Rudy
Giuliani.  In his usually subtle manner, Carville recently called His Honor a
thug.  “I really shouldn’t have used that word,” he later said.  “There is
actually a better word:  goon.”  What a class act.  And when asked what
qualifications the Ice Queen has for filling retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick
Moynihan’s shoes, Carville responded:  “She’s been on the board of directors
of Wal-Mart.”  Thank goodness.  For a while there we thought that maybe
Hillary didn’t have any serious qualifications.  We stand corrected.  Why,
that’s certainly on par with successfully running one of the largest and
greatest cities in the world, isn’t it?  Back to the bayou, Corporal Cueball.
 New Yorkers aren’t as gullible as the chumps you’re used to dealing with.

Yeah, Yeah...He’s the Tax Man

After a week of beating up fellow tax-and-spend liberal Bill Bradley on
Bradley’s scheme to hike taxes to pay for his socialized medicine scheme, Al
Gore admitted he, too, would raise taxes on working families.  In a story in
Thursday’s New York Times, Gore admitted he’s ‘not ruling out’ hiking
and added:  “Nobody has a crystal ball.”  Joked RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson,
“If Al Gore COULD find a crystal ball, he’d probably try and tax that, too.”

Nicholson added, “Gore can’t take credit for inventing the Internet,
inspiring ‘Love Story,’ or discovering Love Canal - but he can lay claim to
casting the tie-breaking vote for the largest tax increase in the history of
America.”  By contrast, said the GOP chief, “All six of the Republican
presidential candidates have taken a pledge not to raise taxes.”

If Only They Still Taught This in Public Schools

“You know, even in listening to the comments and things that have been made
tonight, I guess I get a sense of some of the differences between myself and
others who are up here.  Because all of this business of standing in front of
you and promising I'm going to do this for you, and that for you, and we're
going to take care of the other thing for you, and tax cut, and everything --
this is not what this country is about.  We are supposed to take care of
ourselves. And the government's a mere instrument for doing a few things that
we do collectively when we can't take care of ourselves. That concept was the
one it was founded on.”

- Alan Keyes' closing statement, Arizona debate, 12/6/99

Giving Negative Ads a Bad Name

“Negative campaigning used to mean slanderous statements about an opponent.
But the trend of late has been to denounce a candidate for ‘negative
campaigning’ over little more than contrasting an opponent’s record of
performance with their own. ... So what if one Republican contrasts an
opponent’s record with their own?  This is what campaigns are supposed to be
about.  I remember watching Steve Forbes’ so-called ‘negative’ ads during
1996 primary.  They dissected Bob Dole’s Senate record and gave Mr. Forbes a
platform to describe how he would do things differently. ... The very essence
of American campaign politics is drawing sharp lines between the positions of
the participants and giving voters the chance to make comparisons and

- Columnist Scott Hogenson, executive editor of CNSNews.com, Washington
Times, 11/24/99

The Real Problem With the WTO

“We all saw the recent demonstrations at the World Trade Organization
meetings in Seattle. Although many of those who were protesting were indeed
rallying against what they see as the evils of free trade and capitalist
markets, the real problem when it comes to the World Trade Organization is
not free trade. The WTO is the furthest thing from free trade. Instead, it is
an egregious attack upon our national sovereignty, and this is the reason why
we must vigorously oppose it. No nation can maintain its sovereignty if it
surrenders its authority to an international collective. And, since
sovereignty is linked inextricably to freedom, our very notion of American
liberty is at stake in this issue.”

- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), FreedomWatch, 12/10/99

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em

"My family got all over me because they said Bush is only for the rich
people. Then I reminded them, hey, I'm rich."

- Retiring basketball star Charles Barkley on his vote for former President
George Bush in 1988, Washington Times, 12/10/99

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Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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