-Caveat Lector-

Who gives a shit?

William Shannon wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> The following, puportedly from Morris Dees' divorce papers exposes Dees as a
> sex-crazed kook and perhaps even a child molestor!
> >From www.deeswatch.com/court.html...
> H. Morris' Sexual Appetite
> Maureene was literally force to file suit for divorce in March, 1979, because
> of Morris' obstinate refusal to give up his mistress who he was then
> supporting and who had become pregnant by him.  However, Maureene did not
> give up her marriage easily.  Prior to Morris' permanent involvement with the
> McGaha woman, Maureene had endured a long series of degrading incidents which
> evidenced Morris' voracious and eclectic sexual appetite.  Since early in
> their marriage, Morris repeatedly bragged to Maureene that with his looks and
> his money he could have any woman he wanted, and he constantly bragged about
> women propositioning him (R. 350, et seq).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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