-----Original Message-----
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 14 December 1999 11:07
Subject: WHO was using WHAT weapons against Seattle victims/Seattle Postcards

WHO was using WHAT weapons against Seattle victims?

Folks, we have a problem. Ken (Brasscheck) points out that photos such
as that attached to this email provide unarguable evidence that law
enforcement (or SOMEBODY) was at least ready to fire a lot more than
"rubber" bullets at demonstrators and other civilians during the
anti-WTO protests two weeks ago in Seattle.

The shotgun with the scope that the Nazi germ is holding inches from the
back of a helpless person's head is most likely refitted to fire SLUGS--
chunks of metal serious enough to penetrate the ENGINE BLOCK of a vehicle!

Nice going, you slimesucking Gestapo pig-dog punks!

NewsHawk® inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Subject: Weapon ID in Seattle
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 16:27:08 -0500
From: Brasscheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

December 13, 1999

Weapon ID in Seattle

The pictures just coming in from Seattle are a lot
more graphic and alarming than what I've seen on the
various web sites thus far.

For example, does anyone ID these weapons?


If the gun in this picture was loaded and the
safety was off, all it would have taken was
a sneeze for this young person to have had a
hole in his or her back where the spinal
cord should be. All for the crime of peacefully

They look like shotguns (of the hunting variety) to me,
and pretty funky ones at that, but one of them has a
scope on it.

Were these guys invited to bring in their own weapons
from home? They don't look like the kind of shotguns
usually used by law enforcement. Is this some kind of

Also, what's with the scope? You don't need a scope on
a shotgun for the same reason you don't need one on
a gun that launches gas cannisters (limited range)
Scopes are for long distances. What did he plan to
shoot that was going to go a long distance?  As far
as I know only bullets go that far.

I understand the national Lawyers Guild, Amnesty
International, and Physicians for Social Responsibility
are conducting investigations into things like
the gas used, torture of jailed arrestees, and
civil rights violations. What about the weapons
these guys were toting, who authorized them,
where they came from, who paid for them, and
other common sense questions?

If you know of any organization carrying out this
research, please point me to it.



Title: Postcards from Seattle

Postcards from Seattle

Questions to ponder

  • Who decided on the terror strategy?
  • Where did all the money come from for the equipment and training to carry it out?
  • Who conducted the training?

    This image was not received until December 12, 1999. There is a huge amount of photographic and video evidence emerging that documents the terror campaign waged by Seattle police and others against WTO protesters as well as residents and visitors to the city. To date, very little of this evidence has been made public - even in the alternative media.

  • Facts

    1. Police stood passively by and watched while black hooded "anarchists" torched their police cars, but when it came to dealing with peaceful demonstrators, no mercy was shown.

    2. Police arrested very few people on charges of damaging property. They included a "drifter" and a young woman who is known to be experienced and active in peaceful, non-violent protest. She denies having anything to do with the property destruction.

    3. During the demonstrations, a vacant apartment building was seized by a group of self-described "anarchists." In spite of the fact that this building was widely believed to house people responsbile for vandalism and was located within the "no protest" zone, police took no action whatsoever against the residents.


    UPDATE 12-2-99/7:30 PM - CNN reports US military sent "advisors," including active duty Special Forces, to "assist" Seattle police in their preparations for the WTO meeting.

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