-Caveat Lector-

I received this post from  Alec Newald, author of Coevolution, and he has
been asked to do an interview on the Art Bell show. Alec 'lost' 10 days
while traveling from Rotorua to Auckland (NZ)about 10 years ago as I
recall.I have read his book and it contained some very interesting material
and is a great read. He's a great guy too.
You can read a bit about the book at the following URL


Subject: Interview


Here's the information about the show. The Coast to Coast is the biggest
overnight radio show in North America. It has an audience of 15 million.  I
will be hosting the show on Sunday, December 19th from 10:00pm to 3:00am,
pacific standard time from Seattle, U.S.A. I believe you are 21 hours ahead
of my time.

I would like to interview you for the show. The interview would be a minimum
of 1 hour and a maximum of two hours. The actual length will be dependent on
the quality of the phone line. The slight delay concerns me. Is this normal
for a call from the U.S.?

The interview start time would be sometime between 11:00pm and no later than
1:00am. I believe that would make it Monday between 8:00pm and  10:00pm your
time. Although I stand to be corrected.  I'll firm the interview start time
to the interview date.

I would like to talk to you about your Co-Evolution book. Can you make it?

Do you have a web site? I'd like to gather more background for the



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