-Caveat Lector-

This was from another list.  Shows that "cloth" was used thousands of years
ago....A tribute to the ladies out there....Pablo

December 14, 1999

A h, the poor Stone Age woman of our kitschy imagination.
When she isn't getting bonked over the head with a club and dragged
across the cave floor by her matted hair, she's hunched over a fire,
poking at a roasting mammoth thigh while her husband retreats to his
cave studio to immortalize the mammoth hunt in fresco.
Or she's Raquel Welch, saber-toothed sex kitten, or Wilma Flintstone,
the original roccer mom. But whatever her form, her garb is the same:
some sort of animal pelt, cut nasty, brutish and short.

Now, according to three anthropologists, it is time to toss such
hidebound clichés of Paleolithic woman on the midden heap of
In a new analysis of the renowned "Venus" figurines, the hand-size
statuettes of female bodies carved from 27,000 to 20,000 years ago,
the researchers have found evidence that the women of the so-called
upper Paleolithic era were far more accomplished, economically
powerful and sartorially gifted than previously believed.
As the researchers see it, subtle but intricate details on a number of
the figurines offer the most compelling evidence yet that Paleolithic
women had already mastered a revolutionary skill long thought to have
arisen much later in human history: the ability to weave plant fibers
into cloth, rope, nets and baskets.
And with a flair for textile production came a novel approach to
adorning and flaunting the human form. Far from being restricted to a
wardrobe of what Dr. Olga Soffer, one of the researchers, calls
"smelly animal hides," Paleolithic people knew how to create fine
fabrics that very likely resembled linen.
They designed string skirts, slung low on the hips or belted up on the
waist, which artfully revealed at least as much as they concealed.
They wove elaborate caps and snoods for the head, and bandeaux for the
chest -- a series of straps that amounted to a cupless brassiere.
"Some of the textiles they had must have been incredibly fine,
comparable to something from Donna Karan or Calvin Klein," said Dr.
Soffer, an archaeologist with the University of Illinois in
Archaeologists and anthropologists have long been fascinated by the
Venus figurines and have theorized endlessly about their origin and
But nearly all of that speculation has centered on the exaggerated
body parts of some of the figurines: the huge breasts, the bulging
thighs and bellies, the well-defined vulvas.
Hence, researchers have suggested that the figurines were fertility
fetishes, or prehistoric erotica, or gynecology primers.
"Because they have emotionally charged thingies like breasts and
buttocks, the Venus figurines have been the subject of more spilled
ink than anything I know of," Dr. Soffer said.
"There are as many opinions on them as there are people in field."
In their new report, which will be published in the spring in the
journal Current Anthropology, Dr. Soffer and her colleagues, Dr. James
M. Adovasio and Dr. David C. Hyland of the Mercyhurst Archaeological
Institute at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa., point out that
voluptuous body parts notwithstanding, a number of the figurines are
shown wearing items of clothing. And when they zeroed in on the
details of those carved garments, the researchers saw proof of
considerable textile craftsmanship, an intimate knowledge of how
fabric is woven.
"Scholars have been looking at these things for years, but
unfortunately, their minds have been elsewhere," Dr. Adovasio said.
"Most of them didn't recognize the clothing as clothing.
If they noticed anything at all, they misinterpreted what they saw,
writing off the bandeaux, for example, as tattoos or body art."
Scrutinizing the famed Venus of Willendorf, for example, which was
discovered in lower Austria in 1908, the researchers paid particular
attention to the statuette's head. The Venus has no face to speak of,
but detailed coils surround its scalp.
Most scholars have interpreted the coils as a kind of paleo-coiffure,
but Dr. Adovasio, an authority on textiles and basketry, recognized
the plaiting as what he called a "radially sewn piece of headgear with
vertical stem stitches."
Willendorf's haberdashery "might have looked like one of those woven
hats you see on Jamaicans on the streets of New York," he said,
adding, "These were cool things."
On the Venus of Lespugue, an approximately 25,000-year-old figurine
from southwestern France, the anthropologists noticed a "remarkable"
degree of detail lavished on the rendering of a string skirt, with the
tightness and angle of each individual twist of the fibers carefully
delineated. The skirt is attached to a low-slung hip belt and tapers
in the back to a tail, the edges of its hem deliberately frayed.
"That skirt is to die for," said Dr. Soffer, who, before she turned to
archaeology, was in the fashion business. "Though maybe it's an
acquired taste."
To get an idea of what such an outfit might have looked like, she
said, imagine a hula dancer wrapping a 1930's-style beaded curtain
around her waist. "We're not talking protection from the elements
here," Dr. Soffer said. "This would have been ritual wear, if it was
worn at all, a way of communicating with higher powers."
Other anthropologists point out that string skirts, which appear in
Bronze-Age artifacts and are mentioned by Homer, may have been worn at
the equivalent of a debutantes ball, to advertise a girl's coming of
age. In some parts of Eastern Europe, the skirts still survive as lacy
elements of folk costumes.
The researchers presented their results earlier this month at a
meeting on the importance of perishables in prehistory that was held
at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
"One of the most common reactions we heard was, 'How could we have
missed that stuff all these years?' " Dr. Adovasio said.
Dr. Margaret W. Conkey, a professor of anthropology at the University
of California at Berkeley, and co-editor, with Joan Gero, of
"Engendering Archaeology" (Blackwell Publishers, 1991) said, "They're
helping us to look at old materials in new ways, to which I say
Not all scholars had been blinded by the Venutian morphology.
Dr. Elizabeth Wayland Barber, a professor of archaeology and
linguistics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, included in her 1991
volume "Prehistoric Textiles," a chapter arguing that some of the
Venus figurines were wearing string skirts.
The recent work from Dr. Soffer and her colleagues extends and
amplifies on the Dr. Barber's original observations.
The new work also underscores the often neglected importance of what
Dr. Barber has termed the "string revolution." Archaeologists have
long emphasized the invention of stone and metal tools in furthering
the evolution of human culture. Even the names given to various
periods in human history and prehistory are based on heavyweight
tools: the word "Paleolithic" -- the period extending from about
750,000 years ago to 15,000 years ago -- essentially means "Old Stone
Age." And duly thudding and clanking after the Paleolithic period were
the Mesolithic and Neolithic, or Middle and New Stone Age, the Bronze
Age, the Iron Age, the Industrial Age.
But at least as central to the course of human affairs as the
invention of stone tools was the realization that plant products could
be exploited for purposes other than eating. The fact that some of the
Venus figurines are shown wearing string skirts, said Dr.
Barber, "means that the people who made them must also have known how
to make twisted string."
With the invention of string and the power to weave, people could
construct elaborate yet lightweight containers in which to carry,
store and cook food.
They could fashion baby slings to secure an infant snugly against its
mother's body, thereby freeing up the woman to work and wander.
They could braid nets, the better to catch prey animals without the
risk of hand-to-tooth combat. They could lash together wooden logs or
planks to build a boat.
"The string revolution was a profound event in human history," Dr.
Adovasio said. "When people started to fool around with plants and
plant byproducts, that opened vast new avenues of human progress."
In the new report, the researchers argue that women are likely to have
been the primary weavers and textile experts of prehistory, and may
have even initiated the string revolution in the first place --
although men undoubtedly did their share of weaving when it came to
making hunting and fishing nets, for example.
They base that conclusion on modern crosscultural studies, which have
found that women constitute the great bulk of the world's weavers,
basketry makers and all-round mistresses of plant goods.
But while vast changes in manufacturing took the luster off the
textile business long ago, with the result that such "women's work" is
now accorded low status and sweatshop wages, the researchers argue
that weaving and other forms of fiber craft once commanded great
By their estimate, the detailing of the stitches shown on some of the
Venus figurines was intended to flaunt the value and beauty of the
original spinsters' skills.
Why else would anybody have bothered etching the stitchery in a
permanent medium, if not to boast, whoa! Check out these wefts!
"It's made immortal in stone," Dr. Soffer said.
"You don't carve something like this unless it's very important."
The detailing of the Venutian garb also raises the intriguing
possibility that the famed little sculptures, which rank right up
there with the Lascaux cave paintings in the pantheon of Western art,
were hewn by women -- moonlighting seamstresses, to be precise. "It's
always assumed that the carvers were men, a bunch of guys sitting
around making their zaftig Barbie dolls," Dr. Soffer said.
"But maybe that wasn't the case, or not always the case. With some of
these figurines, the person carving them clearly knew weaving. So
either that person was a weaver herself, or he was living with her.
He's got an adviser."
Durable though the Venus figurines are, Dr. Adovasio and his
co-workers are far more interested in what their carved detailing says
about the role of perishables in prehistory.
"The vast bulk of what humans made was made in media that hasn't
survived," Dr. Adovasio said. Experts estimate the ratio of perishable
objects to durable objects generated in the average culture is about
20 to 1.
"We're reconstructing the past based on 5 percent of what was used,"
Dr. Soffer said.
Because many of the items that have endured over the millennia are
things like arrowheads and spear points, archaeologists studying the
Paleolithic era have generally focused on the ways and means of that
noble savage, a k a Man the Hunter, to the exclusion of other members
of the tribe.
"To this day, in Paleolithic studies we hear about Man the Hunter
doing such boldy wonderful things as thrusting spears into woolly
mammoths, or battling it out with other men," Dr. Adovasio said.
"We've emphasized the activities of a small segment of the population
-- healthy young men -- at the total absence of females, old people of
either sex and children. We've glorified one aspect of Paleolithic
life ways at the expense of all the other things that made that life
way successful."
Textiles are particularly fleeting. The oldest examples of fabric yet
discovered are some carbonate-encrusted swatches from France that are
about 18,000 years old, while pieces of cordage and string dating back
19,000 years have been unearthed in the Near East, many thousands of
years after the string and textile revolution began.
In an effort to study ancient textiles in the absence of textiles, Dr.
Soffer, Dr. Adovasio and Dr. Hyland have sought indirect signs of
textile manufacture.
They have pored over thousands of ancient fragments of fired and
unfired clay, and have found impressions of early textiles on a number
of them, the oldest dating to 29,000 B.C.
But the researchers believe that textile manufacture far predates this
time period, for the sophistication of the stitchery rules out it's
being, as Dr. Soffer put it, "what you take home from Crafts 101." Dr.
Adovasio estimates that weaving and cord-making probably goes back to
the year 40,000 B.C. "at a minimum," and possibly much further.
Long before people had settled down into towns with domesticated
plants and animals, then, while they were still foragers and
wanderers, they had, in a sense, tamed nature.
The likeliest sort of plants from which they extracted fibers were
nettles. "Nettle in folk tales and mythology is said to have magic
properties," Dr. Soffer said. "In one story by the Brothers Grimm, a
girl whose two brothers have been turned into swans has to weave them
nettle shirts by midnight to make them human again." The nettles stung
her fingers, but she kept on weaving.
But what didn't make it into Grimms' was that when the girl was done
with the shirts, she took out a chisel, and carved herself a Venus
[33]Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company
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