-Caveat Lector-

Maybe if the Israelis did the crash due to the Egyptian Intelligence being
on board OR if the Israeli plane was actually queued up for that takeoff and
through a tip of a shootdown, left it till later - THAT may influence
things. Both these have been posted as possibilities on the net by me a few
days ago. I can tell you there are some pretty smart Egyptians around, I
used to know a lot of them once and they can use their 'powers' too to
investigate occult matters. I doubt they'd let the power of the pyramid go
elsewhere, unless they had a little plan of their own for their 'American
friends' to be inside at that time. hmmm Hell hath no fury like an Egyptian
This could get interesting...

No - looks like they've opted for the 'Conquest by Stealth' option instead.
It does mean that media such as the internet have forced them to be
but I definitely wouldn't get your hopes up - no way they would lose one red
cent on postponement ... [imo]

Andrew Hennessey

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