Post from [seattleaction] re militarization - and psyops - of US Police.

 Here is an article lifted from a quarterly magazine called Covert Action
 Quarterly. Their web site is I reccomend
 reading this in tandem with Ken McCarthy's website
 for a good picture of what's up out there. John McCoy

 The Militarization of the Police
 By Frank Morales Spring-Summer 1999 # 67

 In the early morning of February 5, 1999, Amadou Diallo, 22, was killed
 in a hail of bullets in the vestibule of his apartment in the Bronx. He
 was shot by four white officers of the New York City Police Department’s
 plainclothes Street Crime Unit, who later claimed they were searching
 for a suspect in the vicinity, and they feared Diallo had a weapon. He
 did not. Diallo, who had come to New York from Guinea two years before,
 was struck by 19 of the 41 shots fired at him and died on the way to the

 Within two days of the shooting, a thousand people gathered in front of
 his apartment house, the first of a stream of protest gatherings. After
 nearly two months of demonstrations, including the arrest of 1,166
 people in nearly daily incidents of civil disobedience in front of
 police headquarters at One Police Plaza, the officers were all indicted
 by a Bronx Grand Jury on charges including a count of second degree
 murder, which alleges that the officers intended to kill Mr. Diallo. If
 convicted, they could face 25 years to life.

 Other investigations of the shooting have begun, including a federal
 Justice Department civil rights inquiry involving the Street Crime Unit.
 In the aftermath of Diallo killing, the Unit has come under vigorous
 media scrutiny. Reports have documented the Street Crime Unit’s
 violations of the rights of innocent, mostly non-white, people,
 particularly by unjustified searches. While the press covered the
 protests,(1) most media voices, generally friendly to the
 administration, have supported the Mayor’s "right or wrong" defense of
 the police, stressing the overall drop in crime along with a purported
 decrease in police shootings. These reports concede merely an
 over-reaction, and justify the shooting, despite the 41 shots. The
 implication is that "aggressive policing" is a price worth paying for a
 better "quality of life." But is it? A number of reports confirm that
 across America police killings are up. In 1990, 62 people died at the
 hands of the police, while in the first nine months of 1998 the number
 had grown to 205, an annual increase of more than 230 percent.(2)

 Police Killings on the Rise

 There is little record-keeping of police homicides, like the nameless
 graves at Potters Field. According to Amnesty International, "since
 1994, the federal government has been legally required to collect
 national data on police use of excessive force, but Congress has failed
 to provide the funding necessary for it to do so.... Disturbingly, there
 are no accurate, national data on the number of people fatally shot or
 injured by police officers."(3) Those who insist that police killings
 have decreased over the last twenty years rely upon Deadly Force: What
 We Know, a 1992 publication of the Police Executive Research Foundation,
 which is not only biased, but sorely out of date. In fact, Amnesty
 International reports that after a low of 14 police killings in 1987,
 "the number of police shootings in NYC started to rise again from the
 late 1980s onward, a trend seen also in some other major cities. In
 1990, 41 civilians were shot dead by NYC police officers, the highest
 number since the mid-1970s." There has been no letup since then. Amnesty
 also noted that "a disproportionate number of people shot in apparently
 non-threatening or questionable circumstances in New York City are
 racial minorities."(4) Concurrently, since 1980, there has been a 500
 percent growth in the activities of police paramilitary SWAT-type units
 across the country.(5)

 The Commandos of the NYPD

 What some laud as aggressive police work, and others call police
 brutality, has become a major political issue, not only in New York
 City, where it is threatening to undo Mayor Giuliani’s bid for higher
 office. What both critics and defenders of the police fail to probe is
 the background of the Street Crime Unit. Is it a peculiarly New York
 City phenomenon, or is it typical of urban policing nationwide? The
 Street Crime Unit has operational, political, and ideological roots that
 need to be understood if all the pious talk about better
 police-community relations is to have any meaning. The concepts of
 "aggressive policing" and "quality of life," and the relationship
 between them, must be subjected to a more probing analysis than it has

 Members of the NYPD’s Street Crime Unit are known as "the commandos of
 the NYPD."(6) In existence since 1971, the unit has undergone a 300
 percent build-up since 1997. Former NYC Police Commissioner William
 Bratton encouraged the men to "become far more aggressive."(7) Currently
 made up of roughly 400 mostly white officers, this unit, along with the
 7,000 strong Narcotics Unit, represent the front line in Mayor
 Giuliani’s "quality of life" crackdown on–and criminalization of–people
 of color, especially young, poor, and homeless people. They wear (and
 peddle) tee shirts that say: "Certainly There Is No Hunting Like the
 Hunting of Men." And their slogan is, "We own the night."

 According to police data, the unit’s activity "has in the last two years
 resulted in 45,000 street searches to net fewer than 10,000 arrests."(8)
 Nearly all of those stopped by police were people of color. But New York
 State Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer, who has launched a civil rights
 investigation into the "stop and frisk" practices of the Street Crime
 Unit, "said the unit may have searched hundreds of thousands of people
 in the last two years without finding any basis for arresting them."(9)
 In fact, the New York Times reported, "half the gun arrests made by the
 Street Crime Unit in the last two years were thrown out of court."(10)

 Federal Aid

 Meanwhile, federal government efforts are now aiming to provide the unit
 with the latest in "hunting" technology. The Clinton administration
 extended the police/military connection by mandating that the Department
 of Defense and its associated private industries form a partnership with
 the Department of Justice to "engage the crime war with the same resolve
 they fought the Cold War." The program, entitled, "Technology Transfer
 From Defense: Concealed Weapons Detection,"(11) calls for the transfer
 of military technology to domestic police organizations to better fight
 "crime." Previously, direct "transfers" of this sort were made only to
 friendly foreign governments.(12) This latest directive from the Clinton
 administration ensures the formalization of direct militarization of the

 Speaking to members of the defense, intelligence, and industrial
 communities in November 1993, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno
 contrasted the victory over the Soviet Union to the "war against crime."
 "So let me welcome you," she informed her guests, "to the kind of war
 our police fight every day. And let me challenge you to turn your skills
 that served us so well in the Cold War to helping us with the war we’re
 now fighting daily in the streets of our towns and cities across the

 Shortly after this challenge was issued, the Department of Justice and
 the Department of Defense entered a five-year partnership to formalize
 joint technology sharing and development efforts for law enforcement and
 those military operations unrelated to war.(14) Stated areas of "shared"
 law enforcement technology include "devices to detect concealed
 weapons," including unobtrusive scanners,(15) to avoid "Fourth Amendment
 limitations" against unreasonable searches. Another shared technology is
 in the area of "virtual reality training, simulation, and mission

 A History of Brutality

 Historical instances of collaboration between the police and the
 military reveal not only the operational aspects of such "transfers,"
 but political and ideological ones as well. The current NYPD Street
 Crime Unit, along with the former Civic Affairs Unit in Philadelphia,
 active in the targeting of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal for his
 spirited and informed defense of MOVE (see sidebar), grew out of the
 anti-radical "red squads" of the sixties. These police units, laden with
 the most dedicated and brutal white supremacists, adapted, over time and
 changing circumstances, their hatred of radicals to a hatred of
 "druggies and criminal perpetrators."

 This change coincided with the broader criminalization of protest, the
 boom in drug busts, and the ideological and practical dehumanization of
 certain people, especially Blacks (as in the promotion of books like The
 Bell Curve, the move to "workfare" neo-slavery, the depiction of Black
 and Latino youth as born into a violent "underclass," etc.). Thus, by
 the 1980s, "the police were confronted with charges of brutality in the
 treatment of Blacks, but not in a context of racial or political
 protest."(17) Organizations like the Street Crime and Narcotics Units
 are the spearhead of politicized police departments and carry on the
 strategies of yesterday’s "red squad" war on radicals. In addition,
 these police units have become, and remain, the chief beneficiaries of
 generous military largesse. Throughout the seventies, the Law
 Enforcement Assistance Administration facilitated these military
 "transfers" through the creation of entities like Special Weapons and
 Tactics (SWAT) units which were modeled on the U.S. military’s Special

 In the 1970s, the NYPD’s Bureau of Special Services (BOSS) functioned in
 this role. It "bore a distinction akin to that of the Green Berets."(18)
 Seeing themselves in a "war for survival," BOSS targeted the Black and
 Latino liberation movements in NYC as "part of a trade-off to appease
 elements in the police that threatened self-help and vigilantism unless
 punitive courtroom measures were taken against the ghetto militants"(19)
 Hardline police factions like the Law Enforcement Group orchestrated a
 1968 mob attack on a Brooklyn courtroom demanding the removal of the
 judge hearing a case involving three members of the Black Panther Party.
 When Mayor Giuliani told a rally of police officers on the steps of City
 Hall some years ago during the Dinkins administration, "I love the New
 York City Police Department," Black and Latino politicians were roughed

 In December 1997, two former NYPD undercover detectives told the story
 of one of the most secretive units within the Police Department. The
 unit, which functioned as a "Black Desk" beginning in the mid-1980s,
 "aimed at investigating dissident Black groups and their leaders." The
 unit worked out of the Protective Research Unit, which was in the Public
 Security Section of the NYPD’s Intelligence Division, headed at the time
 by Deputy Chief Robert Burke. Black groups that were targeted included
 the Patrice Lumumba Coalition and the December 12th Coalition, then
 known as the New York 8. "Historically, the department’s political
 surveillance unit has held some of the NYPD’s most closely guarded
 secrets. It was nicknamed the Red Squad, because it had investigated
 supposed Communists and political activists in the McCarthy era. In the
 1960s, the unit, known as the Bureau of Special Investigations, turned
 its attention to Malcolm X and later to the Black Panthers...." These
 units were, and continue to be, outfitted with the latest in
 surveillance ("stealth") and weapons technology.(20)

 The recent upsurge in popular resistance to incidents like the Diallo
 shooting has spawned much debate on the problem of a runaway militarized
 police. Soon after the shooting, NYC Police Commissioner Howard Safir
 ordered the commander of the Street Crime Unit to have daily discussions
 with his officers about the use of firearms. Patrick E. Kelleher, first
 deputy commissioner, said at a news conference that "what we are doing
 is taking a close look at our training procedures and ways police
 officers communicate among each other in enforcement situations."(21)
 Mayor Giuliani, for his part, "set aside $15 million for sensitivity
 training for officers.(22) The Mayor and his Police Commissioner popped
 into Harlem’s 32nd Precinct one recent morning touting their
 wallet-sized politeness cue cards. "The police officers listened
 politely, in a way that members of paramilitary organizations are
 obliged to listen."(23)

 One often hears of the need to "sensitize" the police, presumably by
 making them feel at home in the ghetto. Discussion of issues regarding
 police training usually assume some form of humanistic behavior
 modification. The assumption is that the few bad apples need only to
 read a manual or two and talk to a counselor. In fact, the police have
 been trained to kill. The only role psychiatric behavior modification is
 playing is to assist in the brainwashing required to create a killer
 through conditioning, cultivating in the officer a near instinctual
 reaction to a programmed stimulus, and a "manufactured contempt" for the
 "perp." Ron Hampton, a retired police officer and executive director of
 the National Black Police Association, told Amnesty International in
 1988 that "in a training video, every criminal portrayed is Black."(24)


 One of the most interesting illustrations of the evolution of local
 police forces toward "paramilitarization" is the success of Firearms
 Training Systems, Inc. (FATS), which, since 1984, has specialized in
 customized firearms training and psychological conditioning of police
 forces in the U.S. and foreign military organizations, including the
 armies of Singapore and Italy, the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine
 Corps, and the BATF, FBI, and LAPD.(25)

 The military’s involvement in domestic law enforcement is subsumed under
 doctrines entitled Operations Other Than War (OOTW) and Military
 Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT), along with divisions known as
 Military Support to Law Enforcement Agencies (MSLEA) and Military
 Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA) divisions. In addition, there is
 much overlap within current U.S. military doctrine and planning for
 domestic "civil disturbance." For example, a 1994 DoD directive states
 that "military resources may be employed in support of civilian law
 enforcement operations in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the
 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories and possessions
 only in the parameters of the Constitution and laws of the United States
 and the authority of the President and the Secretary of Defense,
 including delegations of that authority through this Directive or other

 A recent scholarly journal notes:

 The military and the police comprise the state’s primary use-of-force
 entities, the foundation of its coercive power. A close ideological and
 operational alliance between these two entities in handling domestic
 social problems usually is associated with repressive governments.
 Although such an alliance is not normally associated with countries like
 the United States, reacting to certain social problems by blurring the
 distinction between the military and the police may be a key feature of
 the post-cold war United States. With the threat of communism no longer
 a national preoccupation, crime has become a more inviting target for
 state activity, both internationally and in the United States.(27)

 Nearly half of the hundreds of para-military police units in the U.S.
 have "trained with active duty military experts in special
 operations,"(28) while another 30 percent trained with "police officers
 with special operations experience in the military."(29) A "special
 operations" trainer had this to say: "We’ve had special forces folks who
 have come right out of the jungles of Central America. These guys get
 into the real shit. All branches of military service are involved in
 providing training to law enforcement."(30) In New York City, ground
 zero for the "quality of life" police crackdown, these units target
 "disorderly" areas, in other words, poor communities of color involved
 in a war for survival.

 Simulated Paramilitary Policing

 "You’ve got him in your sights. Drawing a gun, he turns, you fire. A
 life and death situation? Not if it’s a simulation system from Firearms
 Training Systems (FATS).... FATS is the leading worldwide producer of
 interactive simulation systems designed to provide training in the
 handling and use of small and supporting arms."(31)

 In 1985 FATS developed its first video simulation system for police and
 military application. Since that time they have sold more than 2,200
 systems in over 30 countries. FATS simulation systems, according to its
 manufacturer, "enable users in law enforcement agencies and the military
 the ability to train in highly realistic scenarios through the
 integration of video and digitalized projected imagery and modified,
 laser emitting firearms that retain the fit, function and feel of the
 original weapon.... The FATS simulator evaluates each officer on a
 series of judgment, accuracy and reaction time exercises.... Using video
 or computer images projected onto a screen, the simulator’s easy to use
 menu guides the user through a series of training exercises, which
 include appropriate use of deadly force."(32)

 The company believes that it "has been an integral training tool for
 federal, state and local enforcement agencies honing their judgment
 skill in shoot/don’t shoot situations." And should these "shoot
 situations" generate public controversy, "FATS systems used by law
 enforcement agencies are a viable defense tool against liability
 lawsuits relating to alleged uses of excessive force. The reason:
 officers training on FATS systems receive the most realistic training
 available to law enforcement personnel."(33)

 The President and CEO of FATS is Peter A. Marino, who was formerly the
 Director of the Office of Technical Services of the Central Intelligence

 Military Counterparts

 In order to improve the realism and increase the effectiveness of
 Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team training, the Naval Air Warfare
 Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) has developed the Weapons
 Team Engagement Trainer (WTET) prototype. This system provides realistic
 tactical engagements for team members of military special forces, SWAT
 teams and other law enforcement close quarter

 Recently, FATS Inc. contracted with the Office of Naval Research. They
 will be producing a commercial version of the Weapons Team Engagement
 Trainer (WTET) and will be working directly with potential military and
 law enforcement customers to develop a commercial version of the system.

 The WTET police/combat training simulators, which "link large, video
 projection and digital audio technology, infrared (IR) location sensors,
 and realistic, multi-room training experience,"(36) have replaced
 traditional marksmanship exercises. According to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman,
 a former Army Ranger and paratrooper, and author of On Killing,(37)
 "modern training uses what are essentially B.F. Skinner’s operant
 conditioning techniques to develop a firing behavior in the soldier.
 This training comes as close to simulating actual combat conditions as
 possible." Grossman asserts that operant conditioning is "the single
 most powerful and reliable behavior modification process yet discovered
 in the field of psychology, and now applied to the field of warfare."
 Grossman points out that "soldiers who have conducted this kind of
 simulator training often report, after they have met a real life
 emergency, that they just carried out the correct drill and completed it
 before they realized that they were not in the simulator."

 Grossman explains that behavioral engineering geared to producing better
 killers is relatively recent. Citing a veritable "technological
 revolution on the battlefield," he states that "boot-camp deification of
 killing was unheard of during World War I, rare in World War II,
 increasingly present in Korea, and thoroughly institutionalized in
 Vietnam." According to Grossman, it has been demonstrated that "in World
 War II, 75 to 80 percent of riflemen did not fire their weapons at an
 exposed enemy, even to save their lives and the lives of their friends."
 The problem was evidently addressed before the Vietnam War, where "the
 non-firing rate was close to 5 percent." This was accomplished through a
 process of desensitization, denial and conditioning. "The method used to
 train today’s U.S. Army and USMC soldiers is nothing more than an
 application of conditioning techniques to develop a reflexive
 quick-shoot ability."

 This is not to suggest that the officers who killed Amadou Diallo were
 programmed to kill. But police training which is geared toward the
 cultivation of a reflexive, quick-shoot ability, reinforced by a violent
 and racist police culture, and founded upon an authoritarian municipal
 governmental system, needs to be thoroughly overhauled, or the killings
 and brutality will continue. Psychological conditioning will remain
 implicated in the rising rate of police killings. It is time to
 demilitarize our police.

 1. See, for example, the New York Times for April 14, 1999.

 2. See Stolen Lives, published by the National Lawyers Guild; and the
 reports of the Anthony Baez Foundation and the October 22nd Coalition.

 3. Rights for All, Amnesty International U.S.A., 1998, pp. 18, 21.

 4. Police Brutality and Excessive Force in the New York City Police
 Department, Amnesty International U.S.A., 1996, pp. 38, 39.

 5. Peter B. Kraska and Victor E. Kappeler, "Militarizing American
 Police: The Rise and Normalization of Paramilitary Units," Social
 Problems, Vol. 44, No. 1, Feb. 1997, p. 7. See also "Soldiers of the
 Drug War Remain on Duty," New York Times, Mar. 1, 1999, p. A1.

 6. New York Times, Feb. 15, 1999.

 7. Ibid.

 8. Ibid., Feb. 19, 1999.

 9. Ibid., Mar. 23, 1999.

 10. Ibid., Mar. 22, 1999.

 11. "Technology Transfer From Defense: Concealed Weapons Detection,"
 National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 229, Aug. 1995, pp. 42-43.

 12. Usually those with rampant death squads. "The United States gave
 money and training to a Guatemalan military that committed acts of
 genocide." New York Times, Feb. 26, 1999.

 13. Op. cit., n. 11, p. 42.

 14. Ibid., p. 42.

 15. Ibid., p. 45.

 16. Ibid., p. 42.

 17. Frank Donner, Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police
 Repression in Urban America (Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. of California
 Press, 1990), pp. 242-43.

 18. Ibid., p. 155.

 19. Ibid., p.194; see also, Leonard Ruchelman, Who Rules the Police (New
 York: NYU Press, 1973).

 20. Leonard Levitt, "Secret Cop Squad," New York Newsday, Apr. 29, 1999,
 p. A42.

 21. New York Times, Feb. 11, 1999.

 22. Ibid.

 23. New York Times, Apr. 8, 1999.

 24. Op. cit., n. 3, p. 27.

 25. The New York Times, in a Feb. 16, 1999 article focusing on the issue
 of police officer training referred to FATS as "a company that provides
 training programs to 450 law enforcement agencies, including the New
 York department." The success of this firm testifies not only to the
 pervasive militarization of civilian law enforcement but also to the
 Pentagon’s increasing "police" and "peacekeeping" missions abroad. FATS
 was involved in preparing U.S. units for service in the Gulf War and in

 26. Department of Defense Directive 3025.12, "Military Assistance for
 Civil Disturbances (MACDIS)," Feb. 4, 1994, pp. 1-3.

 27. Kraska and Kappeler, op. cit., n. 5, p. 2.

 28. Ibid., p. 11.

 29. Ibid.

 30. Ibid., p. 12. The militarization of law enforcement has a long
 history. See Joan M. Jensen, Army Surveillance in America, 1775-1980
 (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1991); and Ron Ridenhour with Arthur
 Lubow, "Bringing the War Home," New Times, 1975.

 31. Report of Firearms Training Systems, Inc., 7340 McGinnis Ferry Road,
 Suwanee, Georgia, 30024-1247.

 32. Ibid.

 33. Ibid.

 34. FATS 1998 Annual Report, p. 13.

 35. U.S. Navy, Technology Spotlight, Weapons Team Engagement Trainer,
 October 1998, mil/tech/wtet/wtet.htm.

 36. Ibid.

 37. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of
 Learning to Kill in War and Society (Boston: Back Bay Books, 1996), pp.
 177-78, 252, 255.

 Shea Anderson wrote:
 > I was, for a couple of hours. The city council seemed bored, almost
 > restless - and Nick Licata's comments about "wanting to hear from those who
 > supported the police" scare me. People are still angry, with good reason -
 > but it appears that the City Council is starting to tune out.
 > And where were Sue Donaldson & Margaret Pageler???????
 > At 10:18 AM 12/16/99 -0800, Joshua M. Drake wrote:
 > > <>
 > >
 > >Lots of good questions, and scary assertions about the police violence.
 > Was anybody at the
 > >City Council meeting on Tuesday? What were your impressions?

Here is an article lifted from a quarterly magazine called Covert Action
Quarterly. Their web site is I reccomend
reading this in tandem with Ken McCarthy's website
for a good picture of what's up out there. John McCoy

The Militarization of the Police
By Frank Morales Spring-Summer 1999 # 67

In the early morning of February 5, 1999, Amadou Diallo, 22, was killed
in a hail of bullets in the vestibule of his apartment in the Bronx. He
was shot by four white officers of the New York City Police Department’s
plainclothes Street Crime Unit, who later claimed they were searching
for a suspect in the vicinity, and they feared Diallo had a weapon. He
did not. Diallo, who had come to New York from Guinea two years before,
was struck by 19 of the 41 shots fired at him and died on the way to the

Within two days of the shooting, a thousand people gathered in front of
his apartment house, the first of a stream of protest gatherings. After
nearly two months of demonstrations, including the arrest of 1,166
people in nearly daily incidents of civil disobedience in front of
police headquarters at One Police Plaza, the officers were all indicted
by a Bronx Grand Jury on charges including a count of second degree
murder, which alleges that the officers intended to kill Mr. Diallo. If
convicted, they could face 25 years to life.

Other investigations of the shooting have begun, including a federal
Justice Department civil rights inquiry involving the Street Crime Unit.
In the aftermath of Diallo killing, the Unit has come under vigorous
media scrutiny. Reports have documented the Street Crime Unit’s
violations of the rights of innocent, mostly non-white, people,
particularly by unjustified searches. While the press covered the
protests,(1) most media voices, generally friendly to the
administration, have supported the Mayor’s "right or wrong" defense of
the police, stressing the overall drop in crime along with a purported
decrease in police shootings. These reports concede merely an
over-reaction, and justify the shooting, despite the 41 shots. The
implication is that "aggressive policing" is a price worth paying for a
better "quality of life." But is it? A number of reports confirm that
across America police killings are up. In 1990, 62 people died at the
hands of the police, while in the first nine months of 1998 the number
had grown to 205, an annual increase of more than 230 percent.(2)

Police Killings on the Rise

There is little record-keeping of police homicides, like the nameless
graves at Potters Field. According to Amnesty International, "since
1994, the federal government has been legally required to collect
national data on police use of excessive force, but Congress has failed
to provide the funding necessary for it to do so.... Disturbingly, there
are no accurate, national data on the number of people fatally shot or
injured by police officers."(3) Those who insist that police killings
have decreased over the last twenty years rely upon Deadly Force: What
We Know, a 1992 publication of the Police Executive Research Foundation,
which is not only biased, but sorely out of date. In fact, Amnesty
International reports that after a low of 14 police killings in 1987,
"the number of police shootings in NYC started to rise again from the
late 1980s onward, a trend seen also in some other major cities. In
1990, 41 civilians were shot dead by NYC police officers, the highest
number since the mid-1970s." There has been no letup since then. Amnesty
also noted that "a disproportionate number of people shot in apparently
non-threatening or questionable circumstances in New York City are
racial minorities."(4) Concurrently, since 1980, there has been a 500
percent growth in the activities of police paramilitary SWAT-type units
across the country.(5)

The Commandos of the NYPD

What some laud as aggressive police work, and others call police
brutality, has become a major political issue, not only in New York
City, where it is threatening to undo Mayor Giuliani’s bid for higher
office. What both critics and defenders of the police fail to probe is
the background of the Street Crime Unit. Is it a peculiarly New York
City phenomenon, or is it typical of urban policing nationwide? The
Street Crime Unit has operational, political, and ideological roots that
need to be understood if all the pious talk about better
police-community relations is to have any meaning. The concepts of
"aggressive policing" and "quality of life," and the relationship
between them, must be subjected to a more probing analysis than it has

Members of the NYPD’s Street Crime Unit are known as "the commandos of
the NYPD."(6) In existence since 1971, the unit has undergone a 300
percent build-up since 1997. Former NYC Police Commissioner William
Bratton encouraged the men to "become far more aggressive."(7) Currently
made up of roughly 400 mostly white officers, this unit, along with the
7,000 strong Narcotics Unit, represent the front line in Mayor
Giuliani’s "quality of life" crackdown on–and criminalization of–people
of color, especially young, poor, and homeless people. They wear (and
peddle) tee shirts that say: "Certainly There Is No Hunting Like the
Hunting of Men." And their slogan is, "We own the night."

According to police data, the unit’s activity "has in the last two years
resulted in 45,000 street searches to net fewer than 10,000 arrests."(8)
Nearly all of those stopped by police were people of color. But New York
State Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer, who has launched a civil rights
investigation into the "stop and frisk" practices of the Street Crime
Unit, "said the unit may have searched hundreds of thousands of people
in the last two years without finding any basis for arresting them."(9)
In fact, the New York Times reported, "half the gun arrests made by the
Street Crime Unit in the last two years were thrown out of court."(10)

Federal Aid

Meanwhile, federal government efforts are now aiming to provide the unit
with the latest in "hunting" technology. The Clinton administration
extended the police/military connection by mandating that the Department
of Defense and its associated private industries form a partnership with
the Department of Justice to "engage the crime war with the same resolve
they fought the Cold War." The program, entitled, "Technology Transfer
>From Defense: Concealed Weapons Detection,"(11) calls for the transfer
of military technology to domestic police organizations to better fight
"crime." Previously, direct "transfers" of this sort were made only to
friendly foreign governments.(12) This latest directive from the Clinton
administration ensures the formalization of direct militarization of the

Speaking to members of the defense, intelligence, and industrial
communities in November 1993, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno
contrasted the victory over the Soviet Union to the "war against crime."
"So let me welcome you," she informed her guests, "to the kind of war
our police fight every day. And let me challenge you to turn your skills
that served us so well in the Cold War to helping us with the war we’re
now fighting daily in the streets of our towns and cities across the

Shortly after this challenge was issued, the Department of Justice and
the Department of Defense entered a five-year partnership to formalize
joint technology sharing and development efforts for law enforcement and
those military operations unrelated to war.(14) Stated areas of "shared"
law enforcement technology include "devices to detect concealed
weapons," including unobtrusive scanners,(15) to avoid "Fourth Amendment
limitations" against unreasonable searches. Another shared technology is
in the area of "virtual reality training, simulation, and mission

A History of Brutality

Historical instances of collaboration between the police and the
military reveal not only the operational aspects of such "transfers,"
but political and ideological ones as well. The current NYPD Street
Crime Unit, along with the former Civic Affairs Unit in Philadelphia,
active in the targeting of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal for his
spirited and informed defense of MOVE (see sidebar), grew out of the
anti-radical "red squads" of the sixties. These police units, laden with
the most dedicated and brutal white supremacists, adapted, over time and
changing circumstances, their hatred of radicals to a hatred of
"druggies and criminal perpetrators."

This change coincided with the broader criminalization of protest, the
boom in drug busts, and the ideological and practical dehumanization of
certain people, especially Blacks (as in the promotion of books like The
Bell Curve, the move to "workfare" neo-slavery, the depiction of Black
and Latino youth as born into a violent "underclass," etc.). Thus, by
the 1980s, "the police were confronted with charges of brutality in the
treatment of Blacks, but not in a context of racial or political
protest."(17) Organizations like the Street Crime and Narcotics Units
are the spearhead of politicized police departments and carry on the
strategies of yesterday’s "red squad" war on radicals. In addition,
these police units have become, and remain, the chief beneficiaries of
generous military largesse. Throughout the seventies, the Law
Enforcement Assistance Administration facilitated these military
"transfers" through the creation of entities like Special Weapons and
Tactics (SWAT) units which were modeled on the U.S. military’s Special

In the 1970s, the NYPD’s Bureau of Special Services (BOSS) functioned in
this role. It "bore a distinction akin to that of the Green Berets."(18)
Seeing themselves in a "war for survival," BOSS targeted the Black and
Latino liberation movements in NYC as "part of a trade-off to appease
elements in the police that threatened self-help and vigilantism unless
punitive courtroom measures were taken against the ghetto militants"(19)
Hardline police factions like the Law Enforcement Group orchestrated a
1968 mob attack on a Brooklyn courtroom demanding the removal of the
judge hearing a case involving three members of the Black Panther Party.
When Mayor Giuliani told a rally of police officers on the steps of City
Hall some years ago during the Dinkins administration, "I love the New
York City Police Department," Black and Latino politicians were roughed

In December 1997, two former NYPD undercover detectives told the story
of one of the most secretive units within the Police Department. The
unit, which functioned as a "Black Desk" beginning in the mid-1980s,
"aimed at investigating dissident Black groups and their leaders." The
unit worked out of the Protective Research Unit, which was in the Public
Security Section of the NYPD’s Intelligence Division, headed at the time
by Deputy Chief Robert Burke. Black groups that were targeted included
the Patrice Lumumba Coalition and the December 12th Coalition, then
known as the New York 8. "Historically, the department’s political
surveillance unit has held some of the NYPD’s most closely guarded
secrets. It was nicknamed the Red Squad, because it had investigated
supposed Communists and political activists in the McCarthy era. In the
1960s, the unit, known as the Bureau of Special Investigations, turned
its attention to Malcolm X and later to the Black Panthers...." These
units were, and continue to be, outfitted with the latest in
surveillance ("stealth") and weapons technology.(20)

The recent upsurge in popular resistance to incidents like the Diallo
shooting has spawned much debate on the problem of a runaway militarized
police. Soon after the shooting, NYC Police Commissioner Howard Safir
ordered the commander of the Street Crime Unit to have daily discussions
with his officers about the use of firearms. Patrick E. Kelleher, first
deputy commissioner, said at a news conference that "what we are doing
is taking a close look at our training procedures and ways police
officers communicate among each other in enforcement situations."(21)
Mayor Giuliani, for his part, "set aside $15 million for sensitivity
training for officers.(22) The Mayor and his Police Commissioner popped
into Harlem’s 32nd Precinct one recent morning touting their
wallet-sized politeness cue cards. "The police officers listened
politely, in a way that members of paramilitary organizations are
obliged to listen."(23)

One often hears of the need to "sensitize" the police, presumably by
making them feel at home in the ghetto. Discussion of issues regarding
police training usually assume some form of humanistic behavior
modification. The assumption is that the few bad apples need only to
read a manual or two and talk to a counselor. In fact, the police have
been trained to kill. The only role psychiatric behavior modification is
playing is to assist in the brainwashing required to create a killer
through conditioning, cultivating in the officer a near instinctual
reaction to a programmed stimulus, and a "manufactured contempt" for the
"perp." Ron Hampton, a retired police officer and executive director of
the National Black Police Association, told Amnesty International in
1988 that "in a training video, every criminal portrayed is Black."(24)


One of the most interesting illustrations of the evolution of local
police forces toward "paramilitarization" is the success of Firearms
Training Systems, Inc. (FATS), which, since 1984, has specialized in
customized firearms training and psychological conditioning of police
forces in the U.S. and foreign military organizations, including the
armies of Singapore and Italy, the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine
Corps, and the BATF, FBI, and LAPD.(25)

The military’s involvement in domestic law enforcement is subsumed under
doctrines entitled Operations Other Than War (OOTW) and Military
Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT), along with divisions known as
Military Support to Law Enforcement Agencies (MSLEA) and Military
Support to Civil Authorities (MSCA) divisions. In addition, there is
much overlap within current U.S. military doctrine and planning for
domestic "civil disturbance." For example, a 1994 DoD directive states
that "military resources may be employed in support of civilian law
enforcement operations in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories and possessions
only in the parameters of the Constitution and laws of the United States
and the authority of the President and the Secretary of Defense,
including delegations of that authority through this Directive or other

A recent scholarly journal notes:

The military and the police comprise the state’s primary use-of-force
entities, the foundation of its coercive power. A close ideological and
operational alliance between these two entities in handling domestic
social problems usually is associated with repressive governments.
Although such an alliance is not normally associated with countries like
the United States, reacting to certain social problems by blurring the
distinction between the military and the police may be a key feature of
the post-cold war United States. With the threat of communism no longer
a national preoccupation, crime has become a more inviting target for
state activity, both internationally and in the United States.(27)

Nearly half of the hundreds of para-military police units in the U.S.
have "trained with active duty military experts in special
operations,"(28) while another 30 percent trained with "police officers
with special operations experience in the military."(29) A "special
operations" trainer had this to say: "We’ve had special forces folks who
have come right out of the jungles of Central America. These guys get
into the real shit. All branches of military service are involved in
providing training to law enforcement."(30) In New York City, ground
zero for the "quality of life" police crackdown, these units target
"disorderly" areas, in other words, poor communities of color involved
in a war for survival.

Simulated Paramilitary Policing

"You’ve got him in your sights. Drawing a gun, he turns, you fire. A
life and death situation? Not if it’s a simulation system from Firearms
Training Systems (FATS).... FATS is the leading worldwide producer of
interactive simulation systems designed to provide training in the
handling and use of small and supporting arms."(31)

In 1985 FATS developed its first video simulation system for police and
military application. Since that time they have sold more than 2,200
systems in over 30 countries. FATS simulation systems, according to its
manufacturer, "enable users in law enforcement agencies and the military
the ability to train in highly realistic scenarios through the
integration of video and digitalized projected imagery and modified,
laser emitting firearms that retain the fit, function and feel of the
original weapon.... The FATS simulator evaluates each officer on a
series of judgment, accuracy and reaction time exercises.... Using video
or computer images projected onto a screen, the simulator’s easy to use
menu guides the user through a series of training exercises, which
include appropriate use of deadly force."(32)

The company believes that it "has been an integral training tool for
federal, state and local enforcement agencies honing their judgment
skill in shoot/don’t shoot situations." And should these "shoot
situations" generate public controversy, "FATS systems used by law
enforcement agencies are a viable defense tool against liability
lawsuits relating to alleged uses of excessive force. The reason:
officers training on FATS systems receive the most realistic training
available to law enforcement personnel."(33)

The President and CEO of FATS is Peter A. Marino, who was formerly the
Director of the Office of Technical Services of the Central Intelligence

Military Counterparts

In order to improve the realism and increase the effectiveness of
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team training, the Naval Air Warfare
Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) has developed the Weapons
Team Engagement Trainer (WTET) prototype. This system provides realistic
tactical engagements for team members of military special forces, SWAT
teams and other law enforcement close quarter

Recently, FATS Inc. contracted with the Office of Naval Research. They
will be producing a commercial version of the Weapons Team Engagement
Trainer (WTET) and will be working directly with potential military and
law enforcement customers to develop a commercial version of the system.

The WTET police/combat training simulators, which "link large, video
projection and digital audio technology, infrared (IR) location sensors,
and realistic, multi-room training experience,"(36) have replaced
traditional marksmanship exercises. According to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman,
a former Army Ranger and paratrooper, and author of On Killing,(37)
"modern training uses what are essentially B.F. Skinner’s operant
conditioning techniques to develop a firing behavior in the soldier.
This training comes as close to simulating actual combat conditions as
possible." Grossman asserts that operant conditioning is "the single
most powerful and reliable behavior modification process yet discovered
in the field of psychology, and now applied to the field of warfare."
Grossman points out that "soldiers who have conducted this kind of
simulator training often report, after they have met a real life
emergency, that they just carried out the correct drill and completed it
before they realized that they were not in the simulator."

Grossman explains that behavioral engineering geared to producing better
killers is relatively recent. Citing a veritable "technological
revolution on the battlefield," he states that "boot-camp deification of
killing was unheard of during World War I, rare in World War II,
increasingly present in Korea, and thoroughly institutionalized in
Vietnam." According to Grossman, it has been demonstrated that "in World
War II, 75 to 80 percent of riflemen did not fire their weapons at an
exposed enemy, even to save their lives and the lives of their friends."
The problem was evidently addressed before the Vietnam War, where "the
non-firing rate was close to 5 percent." This was accomplished through a
process of desensitization, denial and conditioning. "The method used to
train today’s U.S. Army and USMC soldiers is nothing more than an
application of conditioning techniques to develop a reflexive
quick-shoot ability."

This is not to suggest that the officers who killed Amadou Diallo were
programmed to kill. But police training which is geared toward the
cultivation of a reflexive, quick-shoot ability, reinforced by a violent
and racist police culture, and founded upon an authoritarian municipal
governmental system, needs to be thoroughly overhauled, or the killings
and brutality will continue. Psychological conditioning will remain
implicated in the rising rate of police killings. It is time to
demilitarize our police.

1. See, for example, the New York Times for April 14, 1999.

2. See Stolen Lives, published by the National Lawyers Guild; and the
reports of the Anthony Baez Foundation and the October 22nd Coalition.

3. Rights for All, Amnesty International U.S.A., 1998, pp. 18, 21.

4. Police Brutality and Excessive Force in the New York City Police
Department, Amnesty International U.S.A., 1996, pp. 38, 39.

5. Peter B. Kraska and Victor E. Kappeler, "Militarizing American
Police: The Rise and Normalization of Paramilitary Units," Social
Problems, Vol. 44, No. 1, Feb. 1997, p. 7. See also "Soldiers of the
Drug War Remain on Duty," New York Times, Mar. 1, 1999, p. A1.

6. New York Times, Feb. 15, 1999.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid., Feb. 19, 1999.

9. Ibid., Mar. 23, 1999.

10. Ibid., Mar. 22, 1999.

11. "Technology Transfer From Defense: Concealed Weapons Detection,"
National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 229, Aug. 1995, pp. 42-43.

12. Usually those with rampant death squads. "The United States gave
money and training to a Guatemalan military that committed acts of
genocide." New York Times, Feb. 26, 1999.

13. Op. cit., n. 11, p. 42.

14. Ibid., p. 42.

15. Ibid., p. 45.

16. Ibid., p. 42.

17. Frank Donner, Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police
Repression in Urban America (Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. of California
Press, 1990), pp. 242-43.

18. Ibid., p. 155.

19. Ibid., p.194; see also, Leonard Ruchelman, Who Rules the Police (New
York: NYU Press, 1973).

20. Leonard Levitt, "Secret Cop Squad," New York Newsday, Apr. 29, 1999,
p. A42.

21. New York Times, Feb. 11, 1999.

22. Ibid.

23. New York Times, Apr. 8, 1999.

24. Op. cit., n. 3, p. 27.

25. The New York Times, in a Feb. 16, 1999 article focusing on the issue
of police officer training referred to FATS as "a company that provides
training programs to 450 law enforcement agencies, including the New
York department." The success of this firm testifies not only to the
pervasive militarization of civilian law enforcement but also to the
Pentagon’s increasing "police" and "peacekeeping" missions abroad. FATS
was involved in preparing U.S. units for service in the Gulf War and in

26. Department of Defense Directive 3025.12, "Military Assistance for
Civil Disturbances (MACDIS)," Feb. 4, 1994, pp. 1-3.

27. Kraska and Kappeler, op. cit., n. 5, p. 2.

28. Ibid., p. 11.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid., p. 12. The militarization of law enforcement has a long
history. See Joan M. Jensen, Army Surveillance in America, 1775-1980
(New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1991); and Ron Ridenhour with Arthur
Lubow, "Bringing the War Home," New Times, 1975.

31. Report of Firearms Training Systems, Inc., 7340 McGinnis Ferry Road,
Suwanee, Georgia, 30024-1247.

32. Ibid.

33. Ibid.

34. FATS 1998 Annual Report, p. 13.

35. U.S. Navy, Technology Spotlight, Weapons Team Engagement Trainer,
October 1998, mil/tech/wtet/wtet.htm.

36. Ibid.

37. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of
Learning to Kill in War and Society (Boston: Back Bay Books, 1996), pp.
177-78, 252, 255.

Shea Anderson wrote:
> I was, for a couple of hours. The city council seemed bored, almost
> restless - and Nick Licata's comments about "wanting to hear from those who
> supported the police" scare me. People are still angry, with good reason -
> but it appears that the City Council is starting to tune out.
> And where were Sue Donaldson & Margaret Pageler???????
> At 10:18 AM 12/16/99 -0800, Joshua M. Drake wrote:
> > <>
> >
> >Lots of good questions, and scary assertions about the police violence.
> Was anybody at the
> >City Council meeting on Tuesday? What were your impressions?
> >
> >
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