-Caveat Lector-

Nicky Molloy wrote:
> I will tell you exactly where one of these cloning labs is located. Southeast of
> Salt Lake City, Utah [where some of the early secret cloning research was carried
> out] is Little Cottonwood Canyon....

"Invisible Contracts" by George Mercier

...The use of look alikes, or doubles, has a very long history to them, particularly
in dynastic settings where tremendous wealth is available for some looting; here in
the United States of 1985, Bolshevik synthetic altometons have already produced
marvelous results for their sponsors, in both family dynasty and political settings
involving important positions held in Juristic Institutions. When common public
knowledge of this technology actually will blossom out into the open, I do not know.
When the Apostle John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos, he once wrote a story on
events he had seen in a vision; John talks about how someday the world's Gremlins,
continuing to incorporate deception into their modus operandi like they do, will make
a big deal out of a man they will one day raise up for their purposes. Like the
inflated, dramatic, and overzealous presentation of Henry Kissinger's intellectual
credentials, this man will be shown on a much grander scale working great wonders
going about the world ending one tough crisis after another, as the imp goes about
his mischief trying to get folks to place trust and confidence in him (just like with
Henry); and great political power and authority will be given to this imp. John
describes a fellow who will bring down fire from Heaven, perform other great wonders,
and then be fatally wounded. As part of the Gremlin deception show, this little imp
will heal his own wounds and bring himself back from the dead. This little Gremlin
won't actually heal his own wounds, as the world's news media will then want you to
believe in furtherance of Gremlin conquests, but actually a double will be brought
forth that will have been previously manufactured, while the body of the mortally
wounded and double-crossed imp will be quietly disposed of out the back door; and at
the present time, excellent genetic doubles are very feasible to manufacture. At the
time the world's Gremlins pull off their impending magnum opus theatrics [meaning
"great act" theatrics], John tells us that they will succeed in deceiving many
people. Few people have in-depth factual knowledge on Gremlin movements, and so few
folks have trained themselves to be able to think in terms that Gremlins think in:
Terms that involve deception, intrigue, and the use of doubles, murder, and whatever
other cranking is necessary to get the job done. Like Tax Protestors never bothering
to try and see things from the Judge's and the King's position, by folks never
bothering to try and see things from the Gremlin perspective, the result is going to
be exactly what John tells us: That many people will be held in awe of this little
Gremlin, just like many people have already held Henry Kissinger in awe when they
should have thrown him in the trash can, as the little Hitler the real Henry once
was. As for bringing down fire from heaven and other magnum opus appearances that
John talks about, the holographic technology to create multiple colored images is now
also highly developed. Using a confluence of monochromatic radiation sources
(lasers), impressive visual images can now be created in an air reception media (just
like in Star Wars). The technically impressive show that the world's Gremlins will
one day sponsor to try and impress people world wide -- that their little imp is
worth admiring -- will actually have been rehearsed in a studio first, before being
brought for on some world exhibition stage the Gremlins will create.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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