-Caveat Lector-

On 6 Dec 99, at 16:52, Das GOAT wrote:

> France Readies 2000 Crowd Control
> PARIS (AP) - France plans to put more than 60,000 police in the
> streets on New Year's Eve to fend off any trouble and help assure a
> smooth glide into 2000, the interior minister said Monday.
> About 11,000 extra riot police and mobile units will be added to those
> already in place for street duty, said Interior Minister Jean-Pierre
> Chevenement. An additional 1,600 soldiers will help survey airports
> and train stations, already under special watch, he said.

And New York City has promised to do the same--some
astronomical number of police out in force with (oddly) the same
number--11,000--in Times Square. Will all these revelers really feel
safe within their celebratory circles surrounded by riot squads?


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