-Caveat Lector-

On 16 Dec 99, at 7:25, Das GOAT wrote:

> What if the exorbitant profits of CRIME so *outpaced* the profits from
> LAWFUL activity that, after a few decades, they were sufficient to
> finance a slow "hostile takeover" of all legitimate economic
> institutions, particularly those operating on a "global" scale, like
> the multinationals and their "political administrators," the NGOs of
> the <ha> "NWO"? When they SUCCEEDED in this --a global "coup" by the
> Mafia-- how could we TELL? Seems to me, we'd be presented with
> conditions such as exist NOW all around us ...

Seems to me we're already there--and have been for at least a
decade.. Stop the arms and drug traffic and the global economy
would collapse.

There was a post about US sales of some super sophisticated
aircraft to some semi-hostile government. Isn't that so we can have
a "better" war?


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