-Caveat Lector-

On 17 Dec 99, at 13:29, Andrew Hennessey wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> WHY is there a NEW LOONEY RELIGION made to order by the ESTABLISHMENT
> by Andrew Hennessey
> I have been holding fire for a while now listening to the new doctrine
> of Ascension - trying to take the various concepts to their natural
> extremes in order to map out the ways this scene could evolve - and I
> have been a bit troubled by the results of what I have learnt from
> various practitioners.
> The idea sounds lovely - Earth is moving up through the frequencies
> and everything bad will be left behind because they didn't inwardly
> deserve to come. Great idea ? ...... well no actually.
> In answers to questions like ..... how many are moving up - the
> answers vary from a small band to a couple of billion - and all the
> billions of people not ready will be left behind - and if you get left
> behind its all your own fault because You Create Your Own Reality. If
> you get ill and have a disease for instance - it simply means that
> your soul is not too spiritual at this time and has a dis-ease with
> the cosmos and therefore the illness is your fault.

If it makes you feel any better, Andrew, I noticed this, too. In spite
of all the folks focused on Ascension and all the "lightworkers," I've
found the internet to be rather daunting in terms of the spiritual life.
I mean, consider the Holocaust in terms of "Create Your Own
Reality." It's worse than revisionism. (Although the wonderful movie,
"Life is Beautiful" may be a case in point.)

I mean, how can folks who can't operate spiritually in the 3rd
dimension even begin to imagine that they could function in the 5th?


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