-Caveat Lector-

Bush Questions Hunger Report

.c The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - If Texas Gov. George W. Bush doubts the number of hungry
people in his home state, he can come see them himself, say advocates for the
poor and food bank officials.

Food is flying off the shelves as food banks try to serve poor people during
the holiday season, food bank officials said.

Bush sparked criticism from advocates for the poor across the state Monday by
saying he doesn't believe a federal report that the country's second-largest
state is also the second hungriest.

``I'm sure there are some people in my state who are hungry,'' Bush said at a
campaign stop in Manchester, N.H. ``I don't believe 5 percent are hungry.''

Food bank officials, however, say distribution in some areas is 38 percent
higher than 1998 while an 8 percent increase in contributions has failed to
keep pace.

``Where can I get hold of Mr. Bush? I'd like him to come visit our food bank
to see how empty our shelves are right now. We're scrounging for food,'' said
Amelia Gonzalez, executive director of the Community Food Bank of Victoria,

``Oh my. How can I put this tactfully? If he says he will see to it there are
no hungry people in Texas, that's good news,'' said Judy Carter, executive
director of the Capitol Area Food Bank in Austin.

``Certainly, our experience is there are many hungry people.''

Bush, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, also
questioned the timing of the Agriculture Department report that said 5
percent of Texas families sometimes go hungry.

Bush, who is running on a theme of ``compassionate conservatism,'' suggested
the report released in October might have been released to embarrass him.

``Yeah, I'm surprised a report floats out of Washington when I'm running a
presidential campaign,'' he said. ``It seems like a lot of reports are
floating out of Washington.''

Agriculture Department spokesman Andy Solomon denied there was any intent to
embarrass Bush.

``It might be tough to believe that during the best economy in generations
hunger persists in America and in Texas, but as our study and as food banks
in the governor's state can tell you, it does,'' Solomon said. ``Part of the
difficulty in addressing the problem of hunger is getting people to
acknowledge it.''

The report covered the years 1996-98. Bush took office in 1995.

``Its a shame he's not better informed about such an important issue,'' said
Celia Hagert, nutrition policy analyst for the Center for Public Policy
Priorities, an advocacy group for poor Texans. ``It's not some new report
from some left-wing organization. It's not telling a new story. Texas has
always had high levels of poverty and high levels of hunger.''

The report measured the percentage of households that experience ``food
insecurity'' - defined as difficulty in getting adequate, nutritious and safe
food - as well as hunger - an ``uneasy or painful sensation caused by lack of

The report found 12.9 percent of Texas households experienced food
insecurity, compared with a national average of 9.7 percent. Five percent
experienced hunger, compared with 3.5 percent nationally. Only Oregon had a
higher proportion of hungry families, 5.8 percent.

In 1995, Bush vetoed a bill that would have created the Texas Food Security
Council to study hunger in Texas and help local officials solve their hunger
problems. The council would have included members from state agencies as well
as from nonprofit food policy councils and agriculture sectors.

Bush's veto said a private entity could be more effective.

Americans often don't recognize hunger in the United States, said Liz Morris,
spokeswoman for Interfaith Ministries in Houston, which coordinates a network
of 90 church food pantries.

Hungry children won't have the bloated bellies of starvation but still need
food, she said.

``Hunger looks different in the United States than it does in Third World
countries,'' she said. ``We don't have a lot of starvation but we do have
chronic malnutrition - people who water down cereal or skip breakfast for
their children.''

``People may be employed but not making enough to feed their families,'' she
said. ``At the end of World War II, somebody with the sweat of his brow and
labor of his hands could feed their family. Today, without a degree, you
can't make enough to feed your family.''

Bush sounded of like mind on that last point in a speech to students Monday
afternoon. He told them how important it is to work hard in school, go on to
higher education and become conversant with the Internet.

``Years ago, you could make a pretty good living if you could lift things,''
he said. ``Today, you need to think.''

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