-Caveat Lector-


Clinton considering pardon for Pollard
Tuesday, December 21, 1999
By Ben Anderson
CNS Staff Writer
Senior Clinton Administration officials met recently with an Israeli military
attorney who traveled to Washington to negotiate the release of convicted spy
Jonathan Pollard.

Israel's Defense Ministry attorney Moshe Kochnovsky, who serves as deputy
director of special affairs, reportedly met with White House officials to
discuss a possible presidential pardon for Pollard despite uniform
recommendations against his release from throughout the Administration.
Pollard is serving a life sentence for releasing classified information to the
Israeli government in the mid-1980s when he served as a civilian intelligence
analyst for the US Navy.

In 1986, Pollard confessed to spying for the Israeli government. He was
convicted of giving away intelligence information revealing diplomatic
communication codes and detailing data the United States kept on Soviet Union
missile sites.

As a civilian employee of the U.S. Naval Investigative Service, Pollard
supplied Israel with 360 cubic feet of classified documents. The federal
attorney who prosecuted Pollard, Joseph diGenova, said in a prior interview
that Pollard's actions put "tens of thousands of American lives at risk."
Kochnovsky was recently appointed by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to
manage the Pollard case between the U.S. and Israel.

When Barak and President Bill Clinton met in July, the two agreed to negotiate
the terms in more private manners rather than opening the issue to public
scrutiny which have soured previous attempts.

During a turn of events during the October 1998 Middle East peace talks in
Maryland, then Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised the possibility
of Pollard's release as a condition of signing the peace agreement. That effort
to secure his released was foiled when word of the negotiations were leaked to
the press.

A report in the Ha'aretz, an Israeli newspaper, suggests that Clinton may use
Pollard's release as a final bargaining tool in the Israel-Syria peace talks.

If Clinton grants Pollard a pardon, he would do so over the objections of every
cabinet member whose advice he sought in the matter. Such a move would also
come when First Lady Hillary Clinton has been under increasing pressure from
various New York Jewish delegations that she support Pollard's release.

Last year, Clinton sought the advice of four cabinet members, giving them a
January 18, 1999 deadline to make their recommendations on Pollard's case.
Attorney General Janet Reno, Secretary of State Madeline Albright and Defense
Secretary William Cohen each recommended Pollard continue serving his life
sentence. CIA Director George Tennet reportedly threatened to resign if Clinton
released the confessed spy.

In addition to the opposition Pollard faces from Clinton's cabinet members, he
also faces growing opposition from members of Congress. In January, 14
Democrats and 44 Republican Senators signed a bi-partisan letter to the
President expressing disapproval of any effort to pardon Pollard. One week
later, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) introduced a sense of Congress Resolution calling
on Clinton not to abandon any clemency considerations.

In August, New York state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, pushing for Pollard's
release, called on Mrs. Clinton to use her status and clout to persuade the
President to grant Pollard clemency. Hikind said that Pollard's case would
become a serious issue in the campaign.


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