-Caveat Lector-

unverified, other than by a reasonable number of similar personal

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: APFNetwork [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 1999 10:28 PM
Subject: ~~~~~The Beating of "Citizen joe 6pk" by the Gestapo
Importance: High

The Beating of "Citizen joe 6pk" by the Gestapo

APFNetwork: Joe has been/is one of the hardest working researchers
and reporters that was a prayer come true. He beyond a doubt
belongs in the Patriot Hall of Fame.... no question he has a place
at God's side..... Please send him a note and let him know we love
him and will respond to his appeal. //KLV//

Please post to your groups and forward immediately!!
This guy has worked his tail off for the movement!!!!!!!!!

  Subject: The Beating of "Citizen joe 6pk" by the Gestapo
  Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 18:36:21 -0500

 The Beating of "Citizen joe 6pk" by the Gestapo - 12/23/99

      I had thought I had relinquished my moniker of "joe 6pk" with the
  writing of what I felt was to be my last article titled " The Passing of
  "joe 6pk". It seems the literal stomping on my chest (and other parts) by
  the Anderson County Tennessee Sheriffs Office may have indeed brought new
  breath to my lungs.  Let's call it a close encounter with a "Police

      As many of you know: I have had to devote more time in these crucial
  day's to family matters due to illnesses. Last month my Mom was diagnosed
  and hospitalized with cancer. Additionally, 2 weeks ago, my wife was
  rushed to the emergency room after she fainted at work and briefly quit
  breathing from as yet unknown causes. Last week my sister was rushed to
  the hospital with upper abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. After a few
  hours in the emergency room, in walked my nephew with his wife in severe
  pain as well.  It's a good thing I am not a conspiracy theorist or I
  would think someone was out to get my family. Of course I consider the
  occasional fly by's of fully armed Cobra choppers to be just routine
  military training :-)).

      On Monday I was at my parents home and stepped across the street to
  visit with my sister in her home. She was having problems with her grown
  twin daughters and was asking them to please leave her home. I briefly
  counseled with both girls and asked them to comply with their mothers
  wishes. I had thought they were going to do that, so I left . Later at
  about 5:30 p.m. I saw two squad cars pull up and I went to check on my
  sisters safety. It turned out she had called them to remove the two
  girls. I entered my sisters home and was surprised to hear the officers
  speaking rudely to my sister. They asked who I was and my sister
  responded: that is my brother and he is welcome in my home anytime. He is
  here making sure I am OK. She once again requested the officers remove
  the girls. Instead the officers each took one of the girls aside and
  began talking to them. My only words to the officers were that I was not
  there to interfere, I was only there to make sure my sister would be OK.
  Again my sister repeated I was indeed always welcome in her home.

      One of the officers stepped back inside and in a moment said I need
  you to step outside. I complied, thinking they were clearing the way to
  escort the two girls out. Instead the one officer followed me out and
  asked me if  I had a weapon on me. I responded:  " anything that I might
  have on me is my right to have, under the Constitution of the United
  States of America. He repeated his question and as I began repeating my
  answer, I reached to pull out my copy of the Constitution. The booklet
  went flying from my hand as he drove my head into the corner of the post,
  followed quickly by a chop to my windpipe.  He screamed the get down
  order to me but he had pressed me in the corner preventing me from doing
  so. I noticed a look of pleasure & excitement on his face before his
  delivery of his knee to my groin. Then a look of astonishment that I had
  not collapsed. He barked get down to me again with me still penned. I
  said if you will let me, I will be glad to comply. He stepped partially
  aside having my right arm in an armbar and his hand on my shoulder and
  walked me to the center of the porch. As I started down I was apparently
  not moving fast enough for him, (due to my disability of having two steel
  rods in my back, one of which is broken plus the beating.) so he did a
  Hulk Hogan type body slam of me on my back, slamming my head hard on the
  wood decking and shattering my glasses. The other officer joined in and
  kneed me in the ribs as they rolled me over. One stood on my head and
  ground it into the deck, as the other pulled my left arm up behind me
  much further than it is designed to go. In extreme agony I yelled out to
  my sister, Judy, I am complying with them do you see what they are doing,
  brutalizing me this way? She told the officers:, it was unnecessary to
  hurt me this way.  My brother is complying with you ! They told her to
  shut up or they would arrest her as they cuffed my right hand.  Then they
  stood over me and barked at me to get up with me on my  stomach and my
  hands handcuffed behind me.( try this ),( especially after a good
  beating),(with steel rods in your back) Of course I was unable to comply
  fast enough, so they yanked me up by my handcuffs. I was taken to the
  back of the patrol car and told to stay put as I was being slammed on the
  trunk. I was unable to comply since my rib was impacted by the cars
  police antenna which had folded into my rib.  So for moving in recoil of
  pain I was slammed down on the trunk again.  My Dad had come over from
  his house and protested this treatment of me while I was incapacitated.
  He was told to shut up or he would be arrested as well. Later I found out
  my Mother had gotten out of her sick bed and witnessed this final assault
  at the car from her window. I was searched by the officers.

      I was placed in the patrol car and never at any point told I was
  arrest (though that became obvious) or read any type of Miranda rights.
  Many of you know from my past articles about Andrews, N.C. that people
  have been being arrested there w/o Miranda warnings.  Since I exposed
  that over a year ago, 60 minutes TV recently revealed West Virginia,
  Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina no longer have Miranda rights.
    Soon I guess I will find out about Tennessee. After I was in the patrol
  car. One of the officers yelled in a loud voice (as they are trained to
  do ) to the officer standing next to him: did you see him go for that gun
  ? Yes I did yelled the second officer. You guy's are full of crap I
  yelled from inside the closed and windowed up car. You know that was my
  Constitution booklet, I proclaimed before realizing the futility of it.

      As I was being driven off to jail, my wife acted quickly notifying
  fellow Patriots and scraping funds together for bond. One officer
  remained behind and arrested my drivers license and derringer and
  overseeing the job he was called to do in the first place, the removal of
  the two girls. The ACSO has refused repeated requests to return my
  drivers license removed from my wallet by officer Parker.

      At the jail, personnel there immediately let it be known they were in
  charge as if that wasn't obvious to me. After I was searched they brought
  a nurse in who observed my injuries and asked me what happened and if I
  was hurt anywhere else besides my head that was obvious. I responded that
  I had been beaten by the deputies and my shoulder, ribs neck and back
  were injured as well. They determined I would need to go to the hospital
  after booking and processing (a lengthy process ). The desk officer who
  did the search began cataloging items removed from my pockets and person.
  He asked  me about two items in particular. A plastic pill carrier. He
  said is this for drugs? I said no it's to carry the aspirins in that I
  regularly take for pain. I don't do drugs ! He looked at my POW/MIA
  bracelet and said what is this ? I said It's a POW bracelet. What's that
  he said?

  Prisoners of  War that fought for our Constitution & America who never
  came home. He still looked puzzled and said: but that's not your name on
  there he asked? No of course not I responded in disgust. He also remarked
  how vicious my pocket knife looked. I asked about my glasses and wallet.
  He said I don't have them apparently the arresting officer has them.  I
  glanced to the right of me and noticed the infamous " torture chair" I
  had written an article about. The one that they strapped a petite young
  women in and sprayed her in the eye with mace for asking to pee w/o the
  male guards and male prisoners watching. She was also robbed of a hundred
  dollars by this same guard. I wondered to myself if I would escape this
  hell hole before it was discovered I was the author of that piece and
  placed in the chair myself. I also noted how two of the jail guards had
  recently been charged in separate murder cases.

      I was ordered by this captor to go stand in a painted box area, where
  I was finally able to knell and pray for my family. I was worried as to
  how they would be able to cope with what had transpired.

      I was informed by my captors that my bond would be $7,500. What for I
  asked? What are the charges for? Assault, resisting arrest and going
  armed he growled. I couldn't help but reflect back how my head had
  assaulted that post and porch deck and how resisting came from being
  battered & blocked and not being able to bend fast enough for them due to
  my disability. Being a Constitutionalist I know both the Tennessee and
  United States Constitutions and above all God's law give me the RIGHT to
  be armed, especially on my families property !!

      My  female captor complained my bond was to low because the going
  armed charge is a misdemeanor. She said : " That's what's wrong with this
  country, people going armed and it's just a misdemeanor" I know replied
  the male guard. I said: If you swore an oath to the Constitution you
  should know, law abiding Citizens have a RIGHT to be armed". In unison
  they told me to shut up. Nobody asked you to say anything the female

      I was told I would have a choice. I could let them transport me after
  booking to the hospital or I could be bonded out and my wife could take
  me. I opted for the latter and was allowed to call my wife when the phone
  line was finally available. ( they were doing a booming business that
  night ) ( Monday, Dec 20th ). My wife informed me she would be there
  immediately with the bondsperson.

      My female captor asked me for a nickname or alias. I have a Christian
  name I responded and started telling her the Capital and small letter
  spelling. She said I'm not listening to this crap and I am not going to
  release you w/o one she demanded. So after reviewing my lack of option, I
  stated my sister calls me "Bubby".

      I was ordered to step up to the camera for my photo and then was
  back and fingerprinted electronically by what I noted to be the LSS 2000
  labeled on the machine. Said high dollar equipment likely purchased by
  good of' "Federal" funding. On this apparatus your fingers are rolled
  across a space aged red laser glass panel. I couldn't help but note the
  red and associate it with the beast system many of these "public
  servants" serve.

     After waiting awhile in shear agony from my beating I was called
  forward to sign some papers. I immediately told the officer I could not
  read the papers he was requesting I sign w/o glasses. He told me to sign
  them anyway. I can't sign them w/o knowing what I am signing. Can I wait
  until my wife arrives so she can read them for me, I asked? No you can't
  was my captors response. You must sign them now or you will not be
  released he demanded. So I wrote: under duress w/o prejudice UCC 1-207 on
  all 3 forms and signed my name. He looked at them and tore them up and
  made new copies without saying anything. He put them on the counter and
  said sign these. Again I protested that I could not see and signed in the
  same manner. He looked and said what's this garbage. I ordered you to
  sign them, not write all over them. I said, It's to protect me under
  Uniform, he interrupted me and barked: go sit down, now ! He returned
  with the female guard and the guard also that I had written my  "Chair"
  article about.  My wife and the bondlady appeared at the window /
  partition at this same time. The female guard had reprinted another set
  of documents and said if you don't sign these without all the garbage on
  them, you will not leave here ! My wife noted as I did how bad this guard
  wanted to strike me in her anger. I told my wife to go ahead and leave I
  was going to continue to be held. The bondlady said Mr. Burton please
  sign them or they will never release you and you can take that issue up
  with the Judge in your case. Seeing the futility and still hurting from
  my injuries and needing treatment. I was forced to sign their way. I
  remembered as well, torture was certainly in my future if I remained for
  a seat in their special "chair".

      I gathered my remaining possessions and tasted the sweet air of
  freedom again. As my wife greeted me I remarked: this is not the America
  I grew up in !!!!!!!!!! I thought I knew how bad things are in light of
  my past real life articles, adventures and research. OH HOW WRONG I WAS
  !!!!!!!!! She said: I saw the " chair" you wrote about, you are right she
  said, this isn't America anymore !!!!!! My wife's cell phone rang, fellow
  patriots were calling to confirm that indeed I was walking out of the
  place. It was good to know my friends were indeed alert and watching. My
  wife noted on the paper work my arraignment date, December 29th, my
  mothers birthday.

      My precious wife took me to the hospital and miraculously no bones
  were broken, just knots, abrasions, bruises as well as aggravation of old
  injuries.  My body was so racked with pain I couldn't  hardly tell which
  part hurt the worst, but my bruised larynx made it difficult to swallow.

      It has taken me 3 days to be well enough to set up and write this
article. My body though battered and bruised will heal in time. My faith
in God almighty and my spirit for a restored America continue to soar
and  cannot be damaged !!!!!!!!!!!!!

      My fellow Citizens and Patriots I've never asked for anything in this
  movement, I've never profited in any way from my investigations, travel
  or research in this movement. I now need help with money for a legal
  defense. I know it's a bad time to ask with all that's going on and it
  being Christmas in a couple of day's. If you have just a few dollars and
  my work has meant anything to you and God leads you to help, I will
  attach my address below. If you cannot ,at least please keep my family
  and America in your daily prayers !!!!! Thank You.

      For God, Country and Family I am:

   Joe Burton - aka "joe 6pk Amer I CAN"  email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   EZE  33:6
  c/o 316 Market street
  Clinton, Tennessee   ( 37716 )

  p.s.- Please call Sheriff Manning and let him know treatment of Americans
          like this is wrong !

         Sheriff Scott Manning Office (423) 457-5400  he is seldom available
         the public  so here is his home phone  (423) 494-ooooops Can't do
         but check local directory.



God Bless you Joe..... renews my faith.. "NEVER GIVE UP!"

See additional postings APFNetwork MESSAGE BOARD:
To Perish or to Live as Slaves - Police State Murmurings


Federal Detention Centers

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