-Caveat Lector-

As you read this document below on Military & Civilian populations used as
guinea pigs, keep in mind that military medical records for Gulf War
veterans have "gone missing" including approximately 400,000 records that
were stored along with evidence from the Fed's orgy of destruction at Waco.

England has a law that its government must investigate the death of its
citizens. They did their own investigation of three people killed at Waco.
They found our government malignant in its intent and charged the United
States with murder!
Because of the international picture (and media coverup) we don't hear what
is happening, but with the above information, consider how our government
would feel about Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark filing a claim for 84
people murdered at Waco. He would have been entitled to every piece of
information relative to Waco, all of it was stored at federal offices in
Oklahoma City!

A seismograph at Still Water (50 miles away) measured two tremors. Bomb
experts say there is no way to direct a car bomb to utterly destroy a
federal building and leave the YMCA across the street unaffected (window
washers weren't even knocked off their scaffolding).
(please read this paragraph several times if you are unaware of the fact
that the OKBOMB was NOT a "lone nut" with a truckoad of bullshit. This
"bullshit bomb" is merely the echoing laughter of the elites who planned the
bombing and the coverup. "Look what we fed the peasants thru the controlled

Retired Brigadier General Partin had much experience with explosives and
visited OKC. He found evidence of some supporting columns under the Murrah
Building were pulverized while some closer to the street (and "car bomb")
were intact. He pleaded with the senate for them to prevent the building's
demolition, with diagrams of his findings. He said it was a much bigger
operation than a car bomb.

Retired FBI veteran Ted Gunderson of Santa Monica had explosives experience.
He dismissed as a cover-up the U.S. Justice Dept. claim that a simple car
bomb could do the damage. He was quoted in The Spotlight, 5/15/95 as saying,
"A very high tech and top secret barometric bomb was the cause ... could not
have been built ... without the knowledge of research classified at the very
highest level of top secret by the U.S. government."

Ben Williams of American Christian Ministry said "No DEA people were in
their offices at the time [of the explosion]. The `Cult Awareness' people
were not in their offices at the time. A distance away, the FBI offices were
also empty." A mother who lost two boys in the day-care center asked on CNN
"why?" and was later told by phone to be quiet about it.

Dave Hartley



If your highest ambition in life is to become a highly evolved medical
guinea pig, the U.S. Army has a slogan for you, "Be all that you can be". It
has become evident that many who join the ranks of Uncle Sam's military are
viewed by their superiors in the Pentagon as just that: experimental animals
to be used for secret inoculation and non-consensual medical research.

Dr. Larry Goss, a Lawton, Oklahoma physician who has worked in Veterans
Administration hospitals and clinics, caring for Gulf War veterans, had
little regard for the rumors surrounding the origin of the supposed Gulf War
Illness (GWI). That is, until he contracted the disease, himself, from the
veterans he was treating. When his wife and son also became sick with the
"fantasy" illness, as the government has attempted to label it, he became a
staunch believer.

His patriotic identity, Dr. Goss told The WINDS, "was the American flag and
the Constitution. I should have been born on the Fourth of July," Goss said.
"I came from a military family, I was for the military--and," Goss added,
"I'm thoroughly disgusted and disillusioned."

Evidence indicates that the government has experimented with a very large
percentage of the veterans participating not only in Operation Desert Storm,
but currently with those in Bosnia as well. The American Gulf War Veteran's
Association* (AGWVA) claims that 40% (280,000) of the veterans participating
in the Persian Gulf hostilities have contracted some form of neuromuscular
or skin disorders. Among the most prominent are:

* Guillain-Barré, syndrome (acute idiopathic polyneuritis)
* Lou Gerig's Disease (ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
* multiple sclerosis
* Scleroderma
* lupus

The AGWVA, founded by retired U.S. Army Captain, Joyce Riley Von Kleist, RN,
was established to provide aid and an information for veterans who have
contracted GWI, also referred to as the Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). Von Kleist
claims to have substantial evidence supporting allegations that GWS comes
from the "one thing we all have in common--vaccinations." Capt.Von Kleist
engages in what seems to be well-founded speculation when she states her
belief that much of the problems suffered by Gulf War veterans stem from
secret inoculations intended as experimental HIV vaccines.

Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D., is a Professor of Internal Medicine and
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas
Medical School at Houston. He is also the Chief Scientific Officer for the
Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California, and has
personally examined almost two-hundred veterans suffering from Gulf War

During those examinations, Dr. Nicolson found that nearly half of the
veterans were infected with an unusual microorganism called mycoplasma
fermentans (incognitus strain). In almost half of the vets examined these
exceptionally tiny and primitive bacteria were found deep within the blood
leukocytes--the white blood cells that comprise the most aggressive part of
the body's immune system machinery. "This microorganism," Nicolson explains,
"is similar to a bacterium without a cell wall and, although mycoplasmas are
often found at superficial sites in humans, such as in the oral cavity, they
are rarely found in the blood."

An even more astonishing discovery was that those same bacteria found in the
Gulf War veterans' blood also contained a portion of the HIV--the virus that
causes AIDS. This gene, called the gp120 or "envelope" gene, only codes for
creating the surface protein of the virus. This is an important factor in
the cell's ability to do its nasty work.

A virus, Dr. Goss explains, can be compared to an M&M candy. The sugar
coating is the protein shell and the chocolate is the viral DNA. The shell
tricks the host cell into allowing the virus to penetrate its wall and
inject its DNA, which then commandeers the cell's reproductive machinery to
make copies of itself--somewhat like a prankster using the church Xerox
machine to copy pornographic photos--a destructive purpose for which it was
never intended. When enough of the viral copies are "replicated", they burst
through the cell wall, destroying the cell and begin the process all over
again, only with thousands more copies of the virus with which to work.

"This gp120 is how the HIV virus gets into cells," Dr. Nicolson explains.
"When you put this protein onto cells like the mycoplasma fermentans, which
already has the ability to enter some cells, it greatly increases its
ability to enter a variety of different cells." The new protein, functioning
as a key to give it the capacity to act like the AIDS virus, "can now go to
virtually any cell, any tissue, any organ and enter cells and interfere with
metabolism and kill them."

Doctors Goss and Nicolson both claim that the result of this marriage of a
portion from the AIDS virus with a primitive bacteria has created a powerful
pathogen that causes system-wide infection and cell damage from the kidneys
to the brain, and nearly everything in between. The chilling part of this
concept is that this microscopic matrimony could only be accomplished by
artificial genetic engineering whereby the gp120 gene was severed from live
HIV virus with an enzyme "knife" and then implanted into the mycoplasma
giving the bacterium its destructive power.

Damning evidence for the fact that this is an artificial, man-made
infection, according to Dr. Nicolson, "is the fact that antibodies against
synthetic squalene, which is only used in experimental vaccines, has been
found in the blood of soldiers. There are very few experimental vaccines
that have this type of adjuvant in them--and one of them is an HIV vaccine."


In personal research stimulated by his illness and perceived betrayal by his
country, Dr. Larry Goss has pieced together information about the Gulf War
and its pursuant illness that paints a startling and ominous, but
believable, picture.

Of the twenty-eight Gulf War coalition forces, Goss said, the military cadre
of twenty-seven of those nations have contracted GWI. The only country that
claims no infected personnel is France. Is it just coincidence that France
is also the only member of the coalition that refused to allow their
soldiers to receive vaccinations?

Dr. Goss, in treating Gulf War veterans with GWI, discovered that a one-two
punch of the anti-viral drug, Famvir and the antibiotic Doxycycline was
quite effective in their treatment--so much so that Dr. Nicolson's Institute
for Molecular Medicine has included it in its recommended therapy. What else
Goss uncovered was that the French, "before their military even left their
ports to go to the theater, were giving their troops Doxycycline--500mg
twice a day. They were giving them so much that these guys were vomiting and
messing their pants' from reaction to the drug.

Were the French the "control group" in an insidious study?

"What did they know," Goss questioned, "how did they know it and when did
they learn it?" In addition, he said, "some U.S. units were ordered to take
Cipro--an appropriate antibiotic for mycoplasma." Veterans told Dr. Goss
that "the medics in their units pulled up in the back of their Humm-Vs and
started shoveling out cases of Cipro, and said "fill your pockets and start
taking it twice a day." The next day they got hit with their first Scud
attack--and then two weeks later they were told to turn in any remaining
Cipro. Other U.S. units in the theater," Goss added, "got no Cipro.
Double-blind study--perhaps?"

Goss confessed that he didn't understand their reasoning in all this until
he realized he was "thinking like an altruistic physician who follows the
Hippocratic oath." The ones doing this, he said, have such a scientific
clinical mindset that "they don't care if they kill you. I had to get past

Goss realized that their reasoning behind using mycoplasmas comes from the
fact that they would be undetectable without the use of DNA-PCR tests--the
same ones used to try to convict O. J. Simpson--and very few labs have that
capability. As it happened, Dr. Nicolson's laboratory has the equipment and
was able to determine the presence of the little carrier bacterium.

A Washington Times article claims that, "Dale Vesser, a retired Army
general, was the first Pentagon spokesman to admit...that the Department of
Defense had squalene and used it in recent experimental medical tests on
about fifty soldiers to test an antimalaria vaccination. At the time,
mid-August, Vesser claimed that was the only Pentagon usage of squalene."
(The Washington Times, Oct. 16, 1997).

The cover-up aspect of this scenario becomes even more plausible when it is
considered, according to Dr. Nicolson, that "the NIH [National Institutes of
Health] and the military were jointly testing an HIV vaccine before the Gulf

"The NIH and military researchers refused to provide the Institute for
Molecular Medicine with any samples of their experimental vaccine so that
IMM could determine what they were dealing with in the treatment of veterans
with GWS. They also refused to give the institute any shot records of the
vets to aid in their diagnosis."

This refusal on the part of the government appears somewhat unusual
considering that the military will soon be sending scientists from
organizations like the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and Walter Reed
Army Medical Center to Dr. Nicolson's institute so the government scientists
can receive training in the identification of these deep-cell infections.

The government, it seems, should have been aware of the danger posed by the
little bacterium. Among other studies, the University of Alabama School of
Medicine reported, "Four silver leaf monkeys inoculated with mycoplasma
fermentans (incognitus strain) showed wasting syndromes and died in 7-9
months." In fact, the government did know of the powerful nature of this
organism. The study referenced the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology,
Washington D.C.

There is even more evidence that the government scientists were well aware
of the pathogenicity (dangerous infectious nature) of the mycoplasma
incognitus bacteria before ever using it as a vehicle for an alleged HIV
vaccine. The aforementioned Armed Forces Institute of Pathology maintains a
training program for medical personnel on infectious diseases in which was

Mycoplasma fermentans [incognitus] are the mycoplasma organisms that are
known to be transmitted sexually....Results obtained in-vitro suggests that
mycoplasmas act as cofactors with the Human Immunodifficiency Virus (HIV) in
the development of AIDS and mycoplasmas have been isolated from HIV-infected
individuals. These mycoplasmas have the capacity to invade cells and to be
potent immunomodulators [altering the immune system].

The most serious presentation of M. fermentans is that of a fulminant
[violent] systemic disease that begins as a flu-like illness. Patients
rapidly deteriorate, developing severe complications including adult
respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation,
and/or multiple organ failure.

The organs of patients with...M. fermentans infection exhibit extensive
necrosis [dead tissue]. Necrosis is most pronounced in lung, liver, spleen,
lymph nodes, adrenal glands, heart and brain.

Lo and associates demonstrated M. fermentans infection in the tissues of 70%
of AIDS patients....No other microorganisms were present in these lesions of
these AIDS patients. (1)

The WINDS has obtained a copy of a letter to a Gulf War veteran from the
Uniformed Services University, dated June of 1997, in which they stated
that, "In 1995, the University dropped lectures discussing mycoplasma
fermentans due to a curriculum reform." This presents serious questions as
to why studies on such a virulent, and apparently widespread disease-causing
bacterium would be excluded from lectures on pathology--the very medical
discipline that focuses on such studies.

In addition, this reporter has received copies of medical reports of tests
conducted on several veterans of the Gulf War suffering from GWS indicating
infection with M. fermentans. One official examination record makes another
interesting observation. It claims, "The veteran has been exposed to
chemicals during the Gulf War and a mycoplasma --- with 6mm war agent was
found."(sic). The vet was given a determination of 50% disability--from a
war zone in which the government and the commanding general, Norman
Schwarzkopf, claimed there was no exposure to such agents.

Indeed, the government seems to have been playing a form of biological
roulette with its service members' well-being and medical history. In an
article published on December 21st, the Cleveland Plain Dealer claimed that
a U.S. Army ethics review board, just prior to the Gulf War, insisted that
it would be a breach of medical ethics to test an unapproved vaccine on
military personnel without issuing a warning as to its potential effects.
That ruling, however, "by the ethics committee at the army's biological
research station at Fort Detrick, Md., was overridden after the Defense
Department cited national security concerns."

The army admits to 8,000 troops having received the vaccine, according to
the Plain Dealer, which was designed to counteract the effects of a possible
botulism attack by the Iraqis. They are also looking into the possibility
that involuntary vaccinations might explain the Gulf War Syndrome that has
afflicted an estimated 200,000 military personnel stationed in the Middle
East during the war.

A Pentagon spokesman for the Secretary of Defense told The WINDS that the
Defense Department objected to the Cleveland newspaper's use of the term
"experimental". "It is what is known as an investigational new drug," he
said, [government speak] claiming that the drug in contention is perfectly
safe. Questions present themselves as to what is the difference between an
"experimental" drug and an "an investigational new drug"? (I didn't say
"old", I said "antique".) Scientists routinely use the term "investigation"
when referring to experimental research. If the drug is deemed safe, why is
the government investigating it as a possible cause of GWS?

When asked specifically about the newspaper's allegation that the Gulf War
vets were given these drugs involuntarily and without being informed of the
nature of the vaccines, the Secretary of Defense's office flatly stated,
"That's not true...even though permission was given by the FDA to give these
drugs without consent, Central Command decided to make it voluntary and I
have evidence," the DOD spokesman continued, "that shows that the informed
consent information was made available to the Central Command and was
disseminated to the lower ranks for use."

The WINDS obtained a Department of Defense document entitled simply
"DOC_208_BIOLOGICAL_WARFARE VAC", addressing the administration of
experimental vaccines. The Pentagon told this office that military personnel
were informed of the experimental nature of the drug. This contrasts with
security instructions on the document stating, "The vaccine is to be
administered in an enclosed area. No media is to be present. No photographs
are permitted."--Of a simple vaccination? Why the secrecy? "The concept is
to keep this program as low key as possible."

A vaccination record of a Gulf War vet who has contracted GWS was also
obtained by this office. At the bottom of the record are the cryptic words
that seem to contradict the above statement by the Defense Department:
"Received Immunization "B" classified secret while participation in
Operation Desert Storm."(sic).

In direct contradiction to DOD's position is the report submitted to the
president by the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veteran's
Illness in which is stated:

In the Gulf War, DOD used two investigational products as prophylactic
measures against CBW agents....Under normal circumstances, neither could
have been administered without the informed consent of the individuals who
received them. In December 1990, FDA issued (at DOD's request) an interim
Final Rule permitting DOD to use investigational products without informed
consent during military exigencies; FDA granted waivers of informed consent.

With respect to the Gulf War, DOD has acknowledged that it did not comply
with the letter or spirit of its agreement with FDA....

This report from a Presidential Advisory Committee carries considerable
impact when it states that:

...the issue of accurate medical and vaccination records is central to the
concerns of many ill veterans, and the absence of records has been suggested
by some as evidence that the government is engaging in a cover-up of its own
predeployment practices.

Lies are not confined to lower ranking policy members of the Department of
Defense, however. General Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of Desert Storm,
admitted lying to Congress "about a chemical weapons case involving an Ohio

"Unpublished battlefront reports showing that Schwarzkopf knew about the
soldier in 1991 raised questions about why he told Congress this year that
he had no knowledge of anyone being exposed to chemical weapons." USA
TODAY,(Sept. 15, 1997).

In a process of apparent "reverse evolution"--i.e., getting worse--not
better--as time progresses, is it surprising that the government is doing
precisely with its troops now stationed in Bosnia as it did with Gulf War

The same presidential committee includes in its report:

DOD's performance in Bosnia with the investigational TBE vaccine has been an
abysmal failure....As determined by FDA, DOD's use of TBE vaccine during
Operations Joint Endeavor/Joint Guard has violated federal regulations
pertaining to investigational products on several accounts,
including...failure to ensure safety and efficacy; promotion of safety and
efficacy for the investigational product; and failure to obtain
institutional Review Board approval of informed consent documents.

The committee then recommended that the DOD obtain "independent evaluation"
of "the role of troops as human research subjects." (emphasis supplied).

"Since the 1950s, regulations have prohibited the military from giving
experimental drugs to troops without their knowledge. However, in 1964 the
Department of Defense and the FDA negotiated a memorandum of understanding
that allowed the contingent use of experimental drugs to protect against
battlefield exposure without following all the FDA rules, including informed
consent." (Cleveland Plain Dealer, Dec. 21, 1997).


A horrifying footnote to current events on the subject of human
experimentation comes in the way of multinational goals in massive
population reduction and the manner they may conceivably have in mind to
accomplish those goals.

Dr. Larry Goss shared with this reporter that he has discovered that many of
the Gulf War veterans he has examined have been given smallpox vaccinations.
One could not help but wonder why they would do this since the last case of
naturally acquired smallpox was reported from Somalia in 1977. Because the
virus cannot remain viable for long without expressing itself in a host, the
World Health Organization (WHO) declared the disease to be extinct in 1980.

In studying events surrounding GWI, Dr. Goss discovered that, not some, but
nearly all of the vaccination records of the 700,000 Persian Gulf vets are
missing--and the ones that remain have no record of the soldiers having
received any smallpox vaccinations.

There are two repositories maintaining live variola (smallpox) virus
cultures, kept for "research purposes". According to the WHO they are the
"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, United
States of America and in the Institute for Viral Preparations in Moscow,
Russian Federation."

What more effective way of drastically reducing the human population than to
declare a disease, that is so virulent that it has taken millions of lives,
to be eradicated--then raise up a generation with no inoculated immunity to
that disease and release it back into that population? It is, as scientists
like to put it, an elegant solution.

The Bulletin for Experimental Treatment for AIDS (BETA), a publication of
the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, lists some of the companies involved in
the search for an AIDS vaccine. Among them "Bristol-Myers Squibb of New York
City is developing a recombinant vaccine made by inserting fragments of
gp160, a protein on the envelope of the virus, into live but weakened
smallpox virus...."

Does Iraq's accusation, reported by ABC News, now seem quite as unrealistic,
that "America is likely to launch military strikes on these sites and
others, using mass destruction weapons which contain chemical and biological
elements, so that it can say, after the strikes, that its allegations were
right," an official spokesman told the Iraqi news agency INA. "It is quite
necessary to warn against such a wicked American conspiracy, which is
confirmed by well-informed sources," the spokesman said.

Warn against "such a wicked American conspiracy"? How could they think such
a thing? Does the Iraqi government know more than the American public?


That the United States Government has been performing secret medical
experiments on its own citizens (civilian as well as military) without their
permission or knowledge is not only an historically proven fact, known by
many, but it is obvious that it is not confined to history. What most do not
know is that U.S. law actually provides for the government's use of its own
citizens as experimental test subjects without their permission or prior

Federal law 50 USC 1520 entitled, "WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE, CHAPTER 32 -
CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM" begins with the ominous, almost
Mengelian prologue:

Use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents by
Department of Defense; accounting to Congressional committees with respect
to experiments and studies; notification of local civilian officials...

The only provision contained in the law for challenging such experiments is
in the obliquely worded paragraph one of subsection "b" which says:

The Secretary of Defense may not conduct any test or experiment involving
the use of any chemical or biological agent on civilian populations unless
local civilian officials in the area in which the test or experiment is to
be conducted are notified in advance of such test or experiment...

This necessarily applies to peacetime civilian populations. There would be
no permission asked, or granted, of a foreign government with which this
nation were at war, for permission to experiment on their citizens.

And such test or experiment may then be conducted only after the expiration
of the thirty-day period beginning on the date of such notification.

It should be noted that no definition exists within that law which defines
who or what constitutes "local civilian officials". Under this wording
compliance could be satisfied by the notification of an off-duty meter maid.

The reality of 50 USC 1520 is that it is, on the face of it,
unconstitutional. The fourth article of amendment to the U.S. Constitution
clearly states, "The right of the people to be secure in their
persons...shall not be violated."

The most prominent application of the federal law, with which most people
are familiar, is the infamous Tuskegee Experiments. These were studies
performed by the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) upon 412 black
American citizens infected with syphilis, depriving them of a proven cure
for the purpose of a 40-year study of the disease's effect--which,
untreated, is nearly always death.

More recently has come to light experiments being performed, again on black
people, by the United States government; this time outside the restrictions
of U.S. law.

A September 18 article in the New York Times reveals that "...for the past
two years, the United States has been conducting experiments on pregnant
women infected with HIV in Africa, Thailand and the Dominican Republic, in
which some women are given drugs that can prevent transmission of the deadly
AIDS virus to their babies and some receive only dummy pills. (emphasis

"The study is so controversial," the Times article continues, "that even
some of the government's own scientists have questioned whether it is

In an editorial by Dr. Marcia Angell, executive editor for the New England
Journal of Medicine (NEJM ), Dr. Angell opens with a powerful argument
against the ethics of these studies. "An essential ethical condition for a
randomized clinical trial, comparing two treatments for a disease is that
there be no good reason for thinking one is better than the other....If
there is," says the Journal editorial, "...the investigators would be guilty
of knowingly giving inferior treatment to some participants in the trial."

Angell goes on to quote the World Health Organization, who she identifies as
being "widely regarded as providing the fundamental guiding principles of
research involving human subjects."

"In research on man," she excerpts from the WHO's Declaration of Helsinki,
"the interest of science and society should never take precedence over
considerations related to the well-being of the subject," and "in any
medical study, every patient -- including those of a control group, if
any -- should be assured of the best proven diagnostic and therapeutic
method." (ibid.)

Could it not be logically questioned why not conduct the research in this
country which, outside of Africa and Haiti, has about the highest incidence
of HIV infection in the world?

That question is forcefully answered by the director of the Center for
Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Arthur Caplan. "If you
tried to do this study in the U.S.," Dr. Caplan said, "you would have to do
it through a throng of demonstrators and a sea of reporters." (NYT, Sept.
18, 1997).

The research, using non-American black women, is founded on studies that
show that women with HIV infections that are treated with the drugs under
study are two-thirds less likely to pass the disease on to their unborn
children. "But the drug regimen costs about $1,000 per mother, so public
health officials want to know if there are less expensive ways to use AZT to
achieve the same benefit." (ibid.). [Note the ubiquitous references to money
as a motivational factor in human "compassion".]

"Half the foreign women in the experiments receive AZT," says the Times
article, "at varying levels that differ from the amounts used in the United
States. The other half get the dummy, or placebo, pills."

The condemnation of this clinical act of God-playing lies in the fact that
more than 1,000 children, critics say, will acquire the HIV infections of
their mothers and, as a result, will die from AIDS -- which could have been
prevented. (ibid).

Dr. Angell also makes a strong comparison of the AZT program to the syphilis
study mentioned earlier. "A textbook example of unethical research is the
Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis. In that study... from 1932 to 1972,
[the subjects] were followed and compared with 204 men free of the disease
to determine the natural history of syphilis."

The Tuskegee studies were terminated in 1970, just two years shy of its
40-year goal, when public outcry erupted following news reports revealing
their existence. By that time, it is estimated, nearly a quarter of the men
involved had died of the disease.

"The only lament," Dr. Angell noted, "seemed to be that many of the subjects
inadvertently received treatment by other doctors," thus denying the
researchers the full benefit of observing the disease's ultimate expression
in those individuals. Indeed, they had taken extraordinary precautions to
prevent their test subjects from receiving treatment. In order to assure
that this virile and violent disease went unchecked in USPHS's human guinea
pigs, a comprehensive list of all participants was provided every agency,
physician, every venereal disease treatment program with whom they might
come in contact--even draft boards."

It appears that the same ethic is being plied upon the Gulf War veterans by
the Defense Department when they decreed that all vets suffering from GWS be
treated only in VA hospitals, according to the American Gulf War Veterans
Association. They have the choice to seek private treatment, but at their
own expense, because the VA will not issue chits for such care as they have
done under different instances. This makes the military a research
scientist's dream--the perfect, isolated, test population. They have
engineered circumstances much the same as with the Tuskegee experiments,
ensuring that there is little or no outside interference with their studies.


The case histories are numerous of involuntary, secret experiments being
performed on American citizens by their government. As testimonial to the
extreme likelihood that such violations of personal rights by this
government will continue covertly, the following historical citations are

The Green Run 2 - This experiment was carried out by the Atomic Energy
Commission (now the Nuclear Regulatory Agency) in December, 1949 which
expelled 28,000 curies of radioactive material into the atmosphere at
Hanford, Washington to test the effects and their ability to detect foreign
bomb-making production. This was knowingly done upwind from local residents
whose health was secretly monitored to observe any effects the release might
have- -apparently as a fringe benefit to researchers of the primary purpose
of the release. These residents were not informed of the release--national
security, of course.

To place in perspective the enormous quantity of radiation represented by
28,000 curies -- ONE curie, alone, is radiation equaling 22,200,000,000,000
(22.2 trillion) atomic disintegrations per minute. When that one curie is
multiplied by the 28,000 ejected during the Green Run tests it becomes more
than an incomprehensible amount of radiation.

Plutonium Injection Studies 3 of the late 1940's and early 1950's.
Case-in-point - a 53-year-old "colored male" as the report refers to him,
named Ebb Cade who was hospitalized by an automobile accident. He was
subsequently injected with plutonium for the purpose of testing its
long-term effects, because he was, except for his injuries, in excellent
physical condition, and would be expected to live for another twenty to
thirty years. Mr. Cade died thirteen years later.

In the DOE's official report on the matter it is recorded that the army
doctor who administered the injection, Dr. Joseph Howland, "told AEC
investigators in 1974 that..."there was, he recalled, no consent from the
patient. He acted, he testified, only after his objections were met with a
written order to proceed from his superior, Dr. Friedell."

"I was only following orders"--Does this contain a slight echo of Nuremberg?

"...in Mr. Cade's case," the DOD document states, "the risk of a
plutonium-induced cancer could not be ruled out." TRANSLATION: let's shoot
the guy up and see if he gets cancer.
The Department of Energy was thrown into a maelstrom of spin control in 1994
when an Albuquerque Tribune reporter revealed extensive radiation
experiments over a number of years by DOD on individuals without their
consent. "They included," the report stated, "235 babies in five states who
were injected with radioactive iodine, 100 retarded Massachusetts children
[deja vu Nuremberg again] who had been fed radioactive cereal, 800 pregnant
Tennessee women who had been exposed to radioactive substances and eight
people injected with various isotopes of strontium at the University of
California Hospital at San Francisco."

On the last day of 1997 CNN and the Associated Press published a story
claiming: "A group of former students who ate radioactive oatmeal [in the
1940's and 50's] as unwitting participants in a food experiment will share a
$1.85 million settlement from Quaker Oats and the Massachusetts Institute of

The Department of Energy's web site that addresses its "Human Subjects
Research" program opens with the header, "PROTECTING HUMAN SUBJECTS". After
what has been revealed of their past record of safeguarding the welfare of
their experimentees, one might well be advised to forego their "protection".
Perhaps their motto should read, "PROTECTING HUMAN SUBJECTS--if we must."

WILLOWBROOK 4 - "[Through] 1972 Dr. Saul Krugman of New York University led
a study team at the Willowbrook State School for the Retarded, on Staten
Island, New York....[T]he residents of the school, [were] nearly
all...profoundly mentally impaired children and adolescents....The Armed
Forces Epidemiological Board...approved and funded the research, and the
executive faculty of the New York University School of Medicine...approved
the research. Krugman and his colleagues injected some of them with a mild
form of hepatitis serum. The researchers justified their work on the grounds
that the subjects probably would have become infected anyway." They had told
the parents that the children would be given a vaccine when, in fact, none

Most people believe that the concept of the American government performing
harmful medical experiments on their own citizens is preposterous. That is
precisely the approach taken by Senator John Glenn (D.Ohio) when he
introduced Senate Bill S.193 in January of 1997. In his oral introduction of
the bill to the Senate floor he began with a hypothetical scenario:

"If I approached any Senator here and I said, "You did not know it, but the
last time they went to the doctor or went to the hospital, your wife or your
husband or your daughter or your son became the subject of a medical
experiment that they were not even told about. They were given medicine,
they were given pills, they were given radiation, they were given something
and were not even told about this, were not even informed about it, yet they
are under some experimental research that might possibly do them harm--maybe
some good will come out of it, but maybe it will do them harm also--but they
do not know about it," people would laugh at that and say that is
ridiculous. That cannot possibly happen in this country. Yet, that very
situation is what this piece of legislation is supposed to address."

Senator Glenn goes on to ask, rhetorically, "What law prohibits
experimenting on people without their informed consent? What I found, when I
looked into it," Glenn shares his surprise, "is there is no law on the books
requiring that informed consent be obtained."

Glenn also stated instances of what he called, "sad examples of unethical
research conducted in the United States...well after the Nuremberg Code was
issued [and] adopted...."

The very first sentence of the ten articles of the Nuremberg Code, embraced
after WWII in response to Nazi atrocities, states, "The voluntary consent of
the human subject is absolutely essential." The United States is a signatory
of the Nuremberg Code, which apparently has become to this government the
equivalent of its treaties with Native Americans, of which this nation has
kept none.

Glenn's bill still sits in committee and has yet to be acted upon.

Dr. Marcia Angell, in her earlier quoted editorial, observes that, "There
appears to be a general retreat from the clear principles enunciated in the
Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki as applied to research in the
Third World. Why is that?" she asks, then presents, among her answers,
"Clinical trials have become a big business [money, again]....To survive, it
is necessary to get the work done as quickly as possible, with a minimum of
obstacles. When these considerations prevail, it seems as if we have not
come very far from Tuskegee after all."

Referring to the Gulf War incidents and the current practices taking place
in Bosnia, a memo from the army's ethics committee chairman, Col. Arthur O.
Anderson, also signed by the commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Col. Earnest Takafuji,

"...the government had a moral duty to adhere to its principles, even in
wartime, that nobody would be subjected to an experimental medication
without consent."

"A "military" justification for involuntary receipt of investigational
products because of strategic, doctrine and discipline concerns resembles
too closely the logic used by Nazi doctors to rationalize using humans in
research that had predictably destructive outcomes." (Cleveland Plain
Dealer, Dec. 21, 1997).

It is a profound and disturbing truth that government never relinquishes,
voluntarily, any power it has enjoyed over its citizens. The idea that the
governmental scientific community has done so by ceasing such
experimentation is unrealistic at best--especially when there are laws on
the books that permit such behavior--and especially when there exists
overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The most likely direction is for them
to continue as they have done, only with increasing power.

One of the principal indicators found in a society in severe moral
declension which precedes its demise, is the manner in which it treats the
elderly and mentally infirmed--in other words--those who have severely
diminished capacity to help themselves. Such conditions were, of course,
found in Nazi Germany which subjected certain classes of citizens to
involuntary medical experiments.

As power is removed from each strata of society and migrates upward, those
to whom it accrues tend to look upon those from whom they wrested it as
subhuman primates or cattle with whom they may do as they wish. That
wresting of power from the "least significant" of society began, in this
country, with the Native Americans, after that the blacks and Hispanics and
will continue its upward spiral until there are only two classes: the very
rich and the "cattle" who support them.

Why, in this society that seems to be more informed than any other on the
subject of human rights (it certainly thrusts it in the face of other
nations quite forcefully), is this hypocrisy permitted? It is evident that
the invisible, secret hand driving the new order are people who know, by
arduous observation of human nature and socio-cultural analysis, exactly how
far they can push the limits of American tolerance. They have had their
fingers on the apathetic moral pulse of this country for over 200 years and
there is virtually nothing that they have not
anticipated--except--intervention by Omnipotence.

They have stated their goals and means to attain them. In the much vilified
document, The Protocols, is plainly set forth that, "It is critical that the
people become exhausted with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy, even the
use of torture, starvation, inoculation of diseases, and poverty --leaving
the nations no other vision than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty
which is the control of money and all else. But if we give the nations of
the world any breathing room, the moment we long for will likely never

*The American Gulf War Veterans Association provides information and
instructional material free of charge to veterans of the Persian Gulf
conflict. They may be contacted at 1-800-231-7631.


1.) Uniformed Services University, School of Medicine, Department of
Pathology, Pathology Block VI Syllabus, 1993-1994. p. 91, 92.

2.) Department of Energy Memorandum to: Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments

3.) Department of Energy document /EH- 0461 - Oral Histories, HUMAN
RADIATION STUDIESU.S. Department of Energy, Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments - Final Report

4.) Senate Bill s.193, Floor Introduction, Senator John Glenn, D.OhioThe
Institute for Molecular Medicine, Huntington Beach, California

Additional statistical data from IMM:

About 45% of GWI patients and ~50% CFS/FMS [Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome/Fibromyalgia Syndrome] have such infections [mycoplasma incognitus]
in their blood, and this has also been found by a certified commercial
diagnostic laboratory, Imunosciences Laboratories (~50%), Dr. See of the
Department of Medicine, Univ. of California, Irvine(~70) and Dr, Lasko of
Del Mar, Ca. (~60%).

Written 1/1/98
Copyright © 1998 The WINDS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wisdom And Freedom produced by WORLD NEWSSTAND
Copyright © 1999. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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