-Caveat Lector-

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Year 2000

Sarin Gas Attack Leader Freed in Japan

A new messiah.

A SENIOR member of the Aum doomsday cult was released from jail in Japan
yesterday amid fears that he will assume leadership of the group, reviving it
in time for the Millennium.

More than 100 police surrounded the prison in Hiroshima, western Japan, in
preparation for the release of Fumihiro Joyu in case he was attacked. But the
police were far outnumbered by journalists and television cameras providing
blanket coverage of his return to freedom.

Joyu, 37, had served a three-year sentence for perjury and forgery in
connection with the cult's activities. He was its public relations chief. He
was in Russia at the time of Aum's sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo
underground system in 1995 when 12 people died and thousands were injured.
The cult's leader, Shoko Asahara, is still on trial in connection with the
gassing and other crimes. Other senior members have been sentenced to death
for their part in the attack. Joyu is expected to fill the void left by the
guru he still refers to as "messiah". Many cult experts fear that his return
just before the end of the century could attract a new wave of young people
into the cult.
Joyu emerged from the jail looking pale and thin. He did not speak, but
released a statement before boarding a plane for Tokyo. He said: "I plan to
return to the group in Tokyo but since I have just got out of prison and know
nothing about my surroundings, I will not discuss my future now."
The London Telegraph, Dec. 30, 1999

Digital Society

DVD Round One Goes to Hackers

Suit attempts to prohibit WWW links.

In a lawsuit that accuses 72 Web site owners of posting -- or linking to --
illegal DVD software code, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge William J.
Elfving declined the DVD Copy Control Association's request for a temporary
restraining order on Wednesday.

"We think he made the right decision about not having the temporary
restraining order," Electronic Frontier Foundation executive director Tara
Lemmey said.

EFF attorneys provided stop-gap legal defense to prevent the many individuals
targeted in the suit from going unrepresented at the hearing.

DVD industry attorneys could not be reached to comment on the judge's
decision, nor have they ever publicly commented on the suit.

The judge's decision came after attorneys for both sides argued in a packed
courtroom over the temporary restraining order, which would have forced
individuals and Web sites named in the suit to remove the code from the

The allegedly illicit code is compiled into the software utility DeCSS.
Programmers say the software was first created because of the lack of DVD
playback software for the Linux computer operating system.

Although the software's exact origin has not been legally established by
either party in the case, a group of Norwegian programmers are said to have
reverse-engineered Windows player software to provide DVD playback for
Linux-based computers.

The industry's suit said the DVD protection scheme was unlocked by "hacking"
and/or improperly reverse-engineering software created by CSS licensee Xing
Technology Corporation.
The case takes its next major step at a hearing for a preliminary injunction
in January.
"It's important to continue to allow the speech to be open and posted while
we go through this process," Lemmey said. "And I think the judge understood
that importance."
Wired News, Dec. 29, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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