-Caveat Lector-

Dec 30, 1999 - 09:58 PM

            Armed Anti-Terrorist Teams Sweep Into
            Communities Across U.S.
            By Catherine Ivey
            Associated Press Writer

            BOSTON (AP) - With a police helicopter hovering overhead, FBI
            agents, police, and immigration officials chased an Algerian man
            through a city neighborhood Thursday.

            As he was grabbed by authorities, Mouai Badredine yelled at
            television cameras that he was "just a person that wanted to go
            home to Algeria - that's it."

            Meanwhile, in New York, heavily armed anti-terrorist teams were
            raiding a working class Brooklyn neighborhood to arrest another

            "It was total chaos. There were SWAT teams, bomb sniffing dogs.
            They were all here," said Joe VanDusky Jr., 25, who was just
            arriving for work at an electrical supply store around the corner.

            In cities from Boston to San Francisco, dozens of people were
            detained Thursday in a nationwide sweep by federal agents trying
            to build a case against Algerian Ahmed Ressam, arrested in
            Washington state earlier this month and charged with smuggling
            explosives into the country from Canada on Dec. 14.

            Ramiro Escudero, an FBI spokesman in Los Angeles, said the
            people being questioned there were those officials believed might
            have information about Ressam.

            "It does not mean they are involved in any terrorist activities," he

            A spokesman for the Washington, D.C.-based American-Arab
            Anti-Discrimination Committee said authorities were overreacting
            to the possibility of terrorism and are treating some people
            differently because of their ethnicity.

            "We've sort of passed over from the stage of heightened vigilance
            into the stage where people's ethnic identity becomes suspect in
            and of itself," said Hussein Ibish. "People of Arab ethnicity who are
            being held on routine visa violations - the most mundane types of
            arrest - are being treated as potential terrorists."

            Some of the individuals questioned were arrested on immigration

            Badredine, 24, was one of five men arrested in Boston. He and two
            others were held on civil charges related to their immigration
            status; two were arrested on criminal charges, including having
            false green cards and illegal entry into the United States,
            according to federal officials.

            The man arrested in Brooklyn, Abdel Ghani, was charged with
            concealing his material support for Ressam. A criminal complaint
            alleges he traveled to Seattle to meet with Ressam and had
            planned to help him raise money.

            Three other men detained during the Brooklyn raid were
            questioned by authorities to establish their immigration status. It
            was unclear if any of them would be charged with a crime,
            authorities said.

            New York and Boston officials said no specific threats had been
            made, but that the operation was part of an aggressive campaign
            to protect against terrorism.

            "The FBI, in concert with other federal state and local law
            enforcement agencies is aggressively pursuing all information and
            leads we received in hopes of preventing any potential acts of
            violence," said special agent Barry Mawn, who is in charge of the
            FBI's Boston office.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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