-Caveat Lector-

West watches, worries as Putin takes power
Friday, 31 December 1999 10:35 (GMT)

Subject: West watches, worries as Putin takes power
Date: Friday, December 31, 1999 10:42:57 AM EST

West watches, worries as Putin takes power
By Martin Sieff, UPI National Security Editor   WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (UPI) --
King Log has been succeeded by King Stork.

  A corrupt but relatively democratic and pro-Western leader of Russia has
been replaced by one who has given every indication he is likely to prove
anything but.

Vladimir Putin, the 47-year-old, dour, ruthless former secret police chief
who has just succeeded Boris Yeltsin as president of Russia, will make no
move to ideologically reimpose communism in Russia.

In the West, we might very well come to wish that he would.

Instead, Putin is a striking expression of the gangster values, pervading
cynicism, anti-Western nationalist sentiments and utterly ruthless
implementation of policies that pervades modern Russia.

He is the embodiment of the new criminal-syndicalist state, a system where
big business has been forced to adopt the literal practices of gangsters to
survive, because the structures and procedures of the rule of law are
virtually non-existent.

Putin has made clear that he will retain the basic, freewheeling free
market structure of Russia.

But in foreign policy, he looks set to confront the United States and the
West far more vigorously -- and ruthlessly -- than any leader in the past 16
years since the death of his own personal hero Yuri Andropov, who
masterminded a wave of murderous international terrorism against the West.

He has not even pretended to have any "personal chemistry" with U.S.
President Bill Clinton.

When Putin met Clinton in Oslo in early November, he was confrontational
and -- deliberately -- charmless. Clinton and his press spokesmen were so
taken aback that in their descriptions of the meeting, they omitted all the
usual rhetorical boiler plate about "the chemistry was good" and
"friendships remained strong" even if there was disagreement on every issue.

Putin is no "phony tough." He really is tough.

He reflects the obsession by the brutal and ferociously anti-Western wave
of new nationalists in Russia with implementing the principle of U.S.
President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt - "Talk softly and carry a big stick
and you will go far." As prime minister, Putin already publicly threw his
weight behind rapidly rebuilding Russia's mighty Strategic Rocket Forces,
which even through the collapse of Soviet and Russian power have remained
the most deadly nuclear strike force in the world.

He has approved confrontational stunts by the Russian armed forces such as
plans to fly Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire bombers armed with nuclear cruise
missiles to Cuba or Vietnam next year.

He won the warm support of the Russian army's top general staff command for
giving them the green light to crush the secessionist Chechens, regardless
of the thousands of Chechen civilians who would die.

Domestically, he may well unleash a repressionist terror that would have
enormous public support.

Tsars Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century and Peter the Great in the 17th
century both became popular figures by crushing and humiliating the boyars,
the detested corrupt wealthy merchant class of their times.

Putin would enjoy similar overwhelming public support if he took such
actions against the billionaire oligarchs who have amassed enormous
financial, energy and media empires over the past decade while the living
standard of ordinary Russians has collapsed into impoverishment.

Putin already has a powerful political coalition behind him.

The pro-government Unity bloc won a stunning 23 percent of the vote in the
parliamentary elections just 12 days ago.

The Union of Right Wing Forces led by his old political mentor, former
Kremlin chief of staff Anatoly Chubais, won nearly 9 percent in the same
election. Chubais, in the words of analyst Dimitri Simes, president of the
Nixon Center, ran a shamelessly strident xenophobic and anti-Western
campaign, supporting Putin's policies in Chechnya.

Since then, Putin has openly signaled his warm approval of Chubais.

Ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who scraped back into parliament
with 6 percent of the vote, will also support Putin. He has little choice.

Zhirinovsky, who has threatened to obliterate Western cities with nuclear
weapons if he should ever win power, cynically supported Yeltsin in every
key parliamentary vote and was rewarded by having the pro-government
television networks shower favorable publicity on him in the parliamentary
election campaign.

He will not hesitate to applaud any and all confrontational, anti-Western
moves that Putin makes.

Even the majority Communists will rally behind Putin on key issues,
although they loathe his free market policies.

But they already support him on Chechnya and on confronting the West.

And they will cheer any moves he takes against the oligarchs.

The once-feared Fatherland-All Russia bloc will give Putin no real problem.

It is already falling apart.

Former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov is a veteran government insider with
no stomach for being on the receiving end of the abusive media propaganda
that Putin's supporters showered on him and his allies in the election

Also, it was Primakov who masterminded the anti-Western foreign policy
strategy, forging close strategic ties to China, that Putin has
energetically implemented.

But Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Krasnoyarsk Governor Alexander Lebed will
have a joyless and worried time this New Year's Eve.

In ability, power base, ambition and their own relative youthfulness, they
are the nearest things Putin has to challengers and rivals. And therefore
they are bound to be his first political targets.

In his first weeks in office, Putin will concentrate on his election
campaign. He may well present a moderate reassuring image to the West.

But once he is elected as president in his own right? Watch out.

Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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