-Caveat Lector-

quote for the day:
"Statistics are used to manipulate the public trust."

Dave Hartley

by Sharon Kimmelman

Most people give more time and consideration to buying a car than to the
vaccines their children are given. Although volumes of books, medical
journals, U.S. Congressional Record testimonies, and international health
statistics spanning more than a hundred years question, challenge, discredit
and condemn the practice of vaccination as an unproven pseudo-scientific
theory, it remains in widespread use. The cry for a hearing of the facts is
rising once again, as the highly financed massive campaign is stepping up
its mandatory drugging; it is misleading the public with unsubstantiated
claims of safety, efficacy and necessity of vaccination. One need not be a
licensed "expert" to approach and comprehend this subject. An open mind, a
focused commitment to good health, and common sense will do.

As Ethly Douglas Hume explains in her classic book Bechamp or Pasteur(1923),
"The whole theory [of vaccination] is rooted in a belief in the immunity
conferred by a non-fatal attack of a disease. The idea arises from the habit
of regarding disease as an entity, a definite thing, instead of a disordered
condition due to complex causes; the germ theory of disease, in particular,
being the unconscious offspring of the ancient Eastern faith in specific
demons, each possessed of his own special weapon of malignity. Thus the
smallpox inoculation introduced into England from Turkey by Lady Mary
Wortley Montague in the eighteenth century [1717] and its substitute of
cowpox inoculation were based on the ancient Indian rite of subjecting
people to an artificially induced attack of smallpox to propitiate
Sheetula-Mata, the goddess of that torment."

The modern version substitutes "germs" for "demons." An organized
destruction of natural health care escalated around 1850, when chemist Louis
Pasteur grossly misinterpreted the brilliant and revolutionary work of Prof.
Antoine Bechamp (chemist, physician, naturalist, and biologist) on the
essential role of "germs" in life processes. We literally have been
suffering under that delusion ever since.

Vaccines Are Not Harmless

Vaccines are immunosuppressive. They are produced from and contain cells
from sickened animals (calf lymph, monkey kidney, chick embryo, etc.), human
fetus tissue, viruses, heavy metals (mercury, aluminum), antibiotics and a
host of chemical propellants and solutions (formaldehyde, exc.). These
substances are acknowledged poisons. Injecting foreign matter into the blood
stream results in a wide range of diseases of the blood, brain, nerves and
skin (cancer, leukemia, MS, arthritis, immune deficiency) and death. Does
putting these toxic substances into a pure and healthy newborn and
continuing to administer booster shots throughout childhood (and now
adulthood) prevent disease? The immune system is simply doing its job when
it expels material from the body (rash, diarrhea, nausea, fever, etc.). What
are we really preventing when we quell the cough, break the fever, drug or
suppress the symptoms? Are we promoting perhaps the sharp rise in
degenerative disease (leukemia, arthritis, and cancer) among children three
to twelve years old?

A Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (July 1985) table shows a long list
of adverse reactions to DPT vaccination occurring within 48 hours. One in
two doses resulted in pain, one in three redness, two in five swelling.
Although some symptoms of vaccine damage appear as mild, local reactions (up
to 50%), this does nor deny internal system damage. High-pitched screaming
and inconsolable crying (encephalitis or brain inflammation) occurs in one
percent of doses. Since every child gets five doses, this occurs to one in
twenty babies. The DPT vaccination is given to 67,000 U.S. children each
week. Does this relate to the steady rise in children with hyperactivity and
brain dysfunction? Some babies fall into a coma for the two-day observation
period. So, it, other damage and death which follow are not acknowledged as
"vaccine related," noted on the child's medical record, nor reported to the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which compiles and reports statistics
like incidence of adverse reaction to vaccines.

The patient vaccine information insert for the DPT
(Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus) triple vaccine reads: "Sudden infant death
syndrome has been reported following administration of DPT. The significance
is unclear...85% of SIDS cases occur in the period 1 through 6 months of
age, with the peak incidence at age 2 to 4 months." The vaccine is given at
2, 4 and 6 months. It is clear that death in infants from vaccination is
being called many things including SIDS to obscure the actual cause(s).
We've spoken with hundreds of parents: Not one was ever shown this patient
insert by a doctor.

What happened to the threat of swine flu? As of 1978, more than 3000
lawsuits for deaths and paralysis resulting from the swine flu vaccine
injections were filed against the U.S. government totaling 51.5 billion in
compensation. The vaccine was withdrawn. How did the disease disappear7
Perhaps it never existed?

Vaccines Are Not Effective

"Immunity" is a grand medical delusion. Immune function, though, like all
other body processes, responds to and is the direct result of changing
beneficial and detrimental health practices and factors. There is no magic
pill or potion which will lock us into a state of "protection" in spite of
our actions. We are biologically accountable for our behavior. Technology
cannot trick nature without serious repercussions.

In 1950, the British Medical Society conducted exhaustive studies on the
relation of the incidence of diphtheria to the presence of antibodies. Their
conclusion: there is absolutely no relation between the two. More recently,
Dr. Wendell Belfield of San Jose, California has stated that when primary
immune defense (leukocytes, interferon, etc.) is intact, antibodies are not
needed or produced. If vaccine toxicity destroys the first line of defense
of immune function to create antibodies, what do we gain in their pursuit?

Polio and paralysis are not synonymous. Dr. Ralph Scoby, president of the
Polio Research Institute, published (Archives of Pediatrics, 1950) a list of
170 diseases with 'polio-like symptoms and effects but with different
names." Paralysis is the result of the diphtheria (and other) vaccination,
tonsillectomies and malnutrition (sugar ingestion). Yet the public was
rallied to accept the Salk anti-polio vaccine for a disease diagnosed
without viral confirmation, the medical standard. The result: paralysis
increased up to 600% and 17 states banned its use. Also, government agencies
knew that 350 million vaccine doses contained cancer-causing SV 40 virus,
yet refused to recall them to keep public confidence in vaccines high. If
the Salk vaccine wiped out polio, why did the Sabin oral vaccine replace it?
It was called "superior." It is not. Taken by mouth, it is only less lethal.

A State Communicable Disease Report for California (1971) shows that between
1955 and 1966 the reported number of polio cases dropped from 273 to 50
while viral meningitis rose from 5 to 256 cases. Another California report
lists "0" polio cases. An asterisk leads the reader to this statement: "All
such cases now reported as meningitis." The media is playing Meningitis
(Hib), a "polio twin," exactly as it played polio in the 50s.
Coincidentally, it has its own vaccine. What's the best way to wipe out a
diseased? Rename it!

 Date                   Viral or Aseptic Meningitis       Polio

July 1955                              50                          273

July 1961                               161                          65

July 1963                                151                         31

Sept.1966                                256                         5

Vaccines Are Not Responsible for the Eradication of Disease

The Presidential Address of the British Association for the Advancement of
Science (1971) and Scientitic American (1973) presented records which
document that 90% of all "contagious" disease was eliminated as the result
of vastly improved sanitation, water systems, nutrition and living/working
conditions. Mass vaccination (and antibiotics) was introduced about a
century after that period of enormous decline (1850-1940) and yet is given
full credit for it. The U.S. Congress' Office of Technology Assessment's
report entitled "Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Technologies"
states: "It has been estimated that only 10 to 20% of all procedures
currently used in medical practice have been shown to be efficacious by
controlled trial." Of all drugs, devices and surgeries in daily use, 80-90%
are unproven. It adds that almost every surgery which was subjected to
controlled medical study has been abandoned. Vaccination (technically
surgery) remains unproven because authorities consider it unethical to not
do it. Vaccinating the entire population would destroy the evidence for
proving or disproving the theory. Dr. Leon Chaitow has reported that in
testimony given under oath, British army medical personnel were instructed
by their authorities to re-diagnose any disease which occurred (and was not
supposed to) as a result of the mandatory vaccinations. Statistics are used
to manipulate the public trust.
Statistics are used to manipulate the public trust.
Statistics are used to manipulate the public trust.
Statistics are used to manipulate the public trust.
especially when the are repetitively hammered at people by monopoly owned
media -D.

Vaccination Does Not Prevent Disease

World health records (England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines,
British India, etc.) document the devastating epidemics which followed mass
vaccination. The worst smallpox disaster occurred in the Philippines, after
10 years (1911-1920) of a compulsory U.S. program which administered 25
million vaccinations to its population of 10 million. The result: 170,000
cases and more than 75,000 deaths from smallpox. History past and present is
replete with similar tragedies. "Public education" by vaccine producers and
their supporters always omits self-incriminating facts.

The Times of London began three weeks of coverage with a front-page article
entitled "Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS viruses" (5/11/87). Newsworthy
enough, but the U.S. media reported nothing. In Africa, the greatest amount
of people with immune deficiency are located in areas where the WHO
vaccination programs are most intense. It is nor at all surprising that the
combination of poor living conditions and immune suppression via vaccination
has resulted in mass illness, call it what you will.

Good health is the result of managing multiple stress factors well:
nutrition, personal hygiene, environment, nurturing social relationships,
etc. As we build up and break down, the body builds up waste materials
(through lungs, skin pores, bowels, kidneys, tonsils, etc.). The less well
people are or the more waste products produced (from overtaxing the body's
systems), the more discomfort they may feel from these processes. When
needed, bacteria are "called" out of their natural balance to where waste
materials have accumulated, to decompose and recycle them and sanitize the
area. Wastes are there BEFORE the bacteria arrive. Bacteria are present in
great numbers in the second and third stages of disease. Bacteria do nor
cause disease. Dis-ease creates an environment favorable to the
proliferation of bacteria; it demands that they multiply. Dis-ease is not
something to be cured, it is cure.

It is "normal" for vaccinated children to live plagued with earaches and
sore throats. Even with lowered vitality their bodies seek the quickest
route out (skin, ears, tonsils) to expel toxic vaccine material and
resulting waste from the vaccines' damage. Antibiotics suppress symptoms and
drive the toxins deeper into the body, complicating elimination. Vaccines
lower immune response but the absence of medically acknowledged symptoms is
not a sign of better health. Conversely, lowered vitality, the norm in
vaccinated children, is never called a symtom.

Children injured "by dis-ease" are malnourished, force-fed, medicated,
vaccinated and already have degenerative disease. It is not the dis-ease
which is dangerous, it is the prior and continued mis-treatment which
weakens the child to such degree that a simple detoxification can threaten
his life. The view that elimination of wastes kills is what we call "The
Last Straw" Theory of Disease. It negates the essential factors which
influence health.

With all the new iatrogenic (doctor-caused) diseases, we've decided to name
one, too: PFLS. Patient for Life Syndrome begins when a healthy 8-week-old
is given the first vaccination which sickens him and initiates the cycle of
vaccination, earache, antibiotic, vaccination, sore throat, antibiotic,
vaccination ...ad mortem. Each additional vaccine further weakens the child,
setting up the condition for a lifetime of medical intervention. Is it any
wonder so many of us are suffering with allergies, asthma, skin, immune,
nerve (vision), and brain disorders?

Dr. Rosenow (Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1914) published his experiments
with bacteria in which he took strains from different disease sources and
put them in a uniform medium. Soon, there was no difference between them. He
concluded that bacteria are not different species but that they have the
capacity to transmute, to adapt to their environment. Fifty years earlier,
in "Notes on Nursing", Florence Nightengale wrote this enlightened
statement: "There are no specific diseases. There are specific disease

The rubella vaccine is particularly crippling in adult women, causing
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic rubella, immune deficiency, etc. Yet the New
York state legislature just passed a law to require revaccination with
measles, mumps and rubella of all college students born after 1956. We are
now told that those vaccines which eliminated disease were "relatively
ineffective" ... Well, which is it?

Medical schools are funded by drug companies which are profit-makmg
businesses. Why do we expect to get unbiased information from their students
and promoters? Would you go to a butcher to find out about vegetarianism?
Even caring doctors, if they have not thought out this issue for themselves,
continue to mislead people to believe that medical theories are facts.

The medical mainstream influences with FEAR which can overshadow our logic,
intelligence and protective instinct. Vaccine proponents insinuate that
without them and their "miracles" we will perish. It takes emotional support
to withstand the indoctrination. But more parents are making an informed
choice, even with the tremendous pressure from authorities and well-meaning
friends and family. It is sad that most parents are bullied, sweet-talked or
intimidated into giving uninformed consent and getting it done in a hurry.
Vaccination is nor-emergency care. Responsible informed choice requires
taking time to find out the facts, acknowledging our feelings and getting
moral support through meeting unvaccinated children, adults and their
families. This can offer parents a fuller picture of humanity's natural
abilities to use dis-ease in attaining better health.

Editor's Note: Sharon Kimmelman is director of Vaccination Alternatives/PO
Box 346/New York, NY 10023. She is also editor of the Nioin newsletter of
the Natural Immunity Information Network. You can send email to her at

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