-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector

Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:584782">NEW YEAR'S AGE OF
From: Daniel Perez <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">t3armageddon
Date: Sat, 01 January 2000 07:19 AM EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is the decoding of the Masonic symbolism that took place in New
York City and Washington D.C. at midnight New Years Eve.

The crystal ball in Times Square was of "tetrahedral" design
representing hyperdimensional physics with 7 pointed star inscriptions
on each tetrahedral representing the Egyptian goddess Isis.  The "7"
points also symbolize the number of possible symetry spins of a
Tetrahedral, the basic 3-D geometric building block of all matter.  All
of this can be seen on Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission webpage;

<A HREF="http://www.enterprisemission.com/timesquare.htm">http://www.enterpris

After the "tetrahedral" Isis ball dropped in Times Square, the
traditional New Years Eve song "Auld Lang Syne" began playing.
Occording to official lore at the following website;

<A HREF="http://www.srmason-sj.org/council/journal/1-jan/paterson.htm">http://

Auld Lang Syne was first discovered by a Freemason named Robert Burns
"overhearing" an old man in Scotland singing the song back in 1788.
Unoffically, it was probably Burns himself who made up the song.  This
song is Masonically inspired like Mozart's "The Magic Flute".  Robert
Burns act of making the old man the "ghost author" of "Auld Lang Syne"
is like Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon making William Shakespeare the
"ghost author" of his work.  For your notes, the Rosicrusians and
Knights Templars were the predecessors of the Freemasons.

As for the New Years celebration in Washington D.C., the "19" of the
lighted year "1999" was directly in front of the Washington Monument.
"19" is an obvious reference to the hyperdimensional number 19.5
Degrees, which is the latitude where three vertices of a tetrahedral
are located in a sphere when the fourth vertice is placed at the pole
in the opposite hemisphere.

The Washington Monument is really a monument to the Egyptian god Osiris
put there in Washington D.C. by the Freemasons.   Washington D.C.
itself was named in honor of Freemason George Washington.

The symbolism of the lights going up the Washington Monument and
climaxing into fireworks symbolized Osiris's reconstructed phallus
being used to impregnate Isis and make their son "Horus" according to
Egyptian Mythology.  At that exact moment, the star Sirius(symbolic of
Isis in Ancient Egyptian Mythology) was located at exactly 33 Degrees
33 Minutes above the Southern Horizon as seen from Washington D.C.
according to the astronomy program RedShift 3.   "33" is symbolic of
the highest degree attainable in Freemasonry, 33 Degrees.

All of these occurences in Washington D.C. were obvious linkanges
between hyperdimensional physics, Ancient Egyptian Mythology and
Freemasonry as seen in the various celestial alignments tied to NASA on
the Enterprisemission's website;

<A HREF="http://www.enterprisemission.com/">http://www.enterprisemission.com/<

To top it off, the Isis symbolism taking place in New York City with
the Tetrahedral Ball was happening in the same city where George
Washington was originally inaugurated as America's first President.
While Washington was inaugurated at 12:58 PM on April 30th, 1789,
Sirius(Isis) was at the hyperdimensional 19.5 Degrees above the Horizon
as seen from New York according to the Table of Coincidence on the
Enterprisemission website;

<A HREF="http://www.enterprisemission.com/table_of_coincidence.htm">http://www

On another note, when the tetrahedral "Isis" ball dropped in Times
Square down a 77 foot pole, it symbolized Isis being impregnated by the
phallus of Osiris.   When one adds the two seven's in "77" together,
you get 7+7=14.  Osiris was killed and cut up into fourteen pieces by
Seth before he was resurrected and his artifically created
phallus(piece 14) was used to impregnate Isis in Ancient Egyptian
Mythology.  Fourteen also represents the number of total symetry spins
of a two tetrahedrals inside of a sphere.

Both the tetrahedral ball dropping in Times Square in 1999/2000 and
Washington's inauguration in 1789 were hyperdimensional events.

Therefore the following symbolism is decoded;

Tetrahedral Ball dropping in Times Square in New York = Isis
impregnated by Osiris

Lights Going Up Washington Monument and climaxing into fireworks in
Washington D.C. = Osiris impregnating Isis.

These simultaneous ceremonies in New York and Washington D.C. were the
"magical event" mentioned on the Enterprisemission's Hyperdimensional
New Year's Page.   It was sexual magic symbolism bringing in the Age of
Horus to the United States and the World.

The Age of Horus is here.

Yours truly,

Daniel Perez

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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