-Caveat Lector-

Here are a couple of posts about protecting yourself from the lizzies or
generall y the bad dudes.
The URL is for the merkaba.

You can't get to them through the use of geometries for now, but you can use
it to protect yourself from them.

You can get to them from within, by law. That's why I sent you the
invocation work to do. Within (like Independence Day movie) is not a
technology.  It is the law which follows guilt.  The lizzies have been using
metaphysical laws by which they've tricked certain spiritual autorities into
turning over their power and making a covenant by which they invoke
protection against 'karma' upon themselves for misuse of power. The true
guilt that they have is leeched into the human consciousness, using humans
as scapegoats to take the guilt for them.  This is what happens each year in
the springtime, and the fall. Finally, through my own battle along with one
other, we have managed to remove this covenant shield.  It is set up so that
when they go into their blood sacrifice rituals, the true guilt inherent to
the laws of the Universe to all Beings who make the choice to practice evil,
will trigger inside of them.  As you know, the blocks that guilt sets up
with Chi are very powerful and has been used against humans for thousands of
years to prevent the lizzies from being stopped.

The rightful laws are now back in place.  As they trigger the lawful
mechanism of guilt within themselves, they will become weakened and your
work will become more powerful against them.  You're going to win this war,
my friends.  We are, that is.  The next 12 or 13 years you're going to enjoy
stalking and destroying them.

The Sword visualization that you speak of frightens them because it is a
symbol of the sword Excalibur, the Sword of Truth given to the Children of
Righteousness by which they can fight and defeat the evil results of
spiritual lies.  These asshole are clowns, bozos with a capital B.  They use
ignorance, (as you well know) to win by every mean trick in the book.  The
inverted pentagram is not a symbol of evil as everybody has been taught.  It
is a symbol which 'negates', it is the reverse of the pentagram which is
'permission given, yes', the inverted symbol is 'permission denied, no'.
Inverted pentagrams act as a block and are very powerful, but used wrongly
violate the human energy field.

Here is an example of how it works.  The human energy field has a map,
similar to a tree (Kabbalah).  Each place on the map vibrates to a certain
sound energy.  When you do sacrifice and blood ritual, the Tree of Life
symbol has it's different energy spots vibrated.  If they are after a
specific person, they get that persons name or a photo, or something of that
person, and place it in the center of the altar.  Then they chant the god
sounds, focus their intentions, and then close the ritual, which seals in
the force of their work.  Most implants are done in this manner.

Using your visualizations are very helpful, but working with geometric forms
are also very good.  I will send a site that teaches a very powerful one.
You can send for the basic tape.  It is the Merkaba.  Don't be afraid of it.
That's what they want you to do, be afraid so you won't use the very
techniques to protect yourselves that you need!  The Merkaba is another
geometric energy field.  By visualizing it and doing the breaths and eye
movements, you activate it's shielding effects, along with energize
yourselves to manifest your abiities even better.

Love, Diana
Don't be concerned about love and light issues, these people are into the
higher love octaves, the lower octaves of love are the area they are
confused about.  Higher octaves of love is to love creating things,  the
lower octaves of love is to love destroying things.

It is very important to remove oneself from the frequences of hate, etc.,
because these are sickly frequencies which give away power.  You don't have
to love or hate the lizzies.  What you have to do is love yourseld what YOU
are doing.  That is how you can use the energy frequencies of love for
yourself, loving what you do, loving to stalk them, loving to destroy them,
that way you can  use these geomatric energy fields to vibrate correctly and
help you in your work.  The Dracos destroy self-esteem because to love
oneself  and to love all of what makes you happy, makes one invulnerable to
them.  By cutting us off from the understanding of our lower octaves,
they've made us believe that it's bad or wrong to love destroying them, thus
leaving many feeling miserable about the healthy need and desire to destroy

The energy of hate and anger are distorted frequencies which come from a
sense of disempowerment, that's why they work hard to make us 'hate' them
and get furious.  It also causes bad judgement to set in.

The dracos have done a great job of confusing the issues.


Love, Diana

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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