-Caveat Lector-

On 5 Jan 00, at 9:52, Andrew Hennessey wrote:
> Looking at lessons from history we see the shapeshifters, faeries and
> elementals - ie. other worldly creatures fear of iron. anecdotal
> evidence of the philadelphia experiment tells us that some crew after
> they came back from wherever - touched a ships magnetic compass and
> burst into flame. Iron earths and dissipates the self contained
> reservoir of energies within these beings somewhat like a lightning
> conductor. Magnetised iron is going to be even more effective at that.
> Firstly - the reptiles have a control over matter which may be harmed
> more by magnetic iron grapeshot or shrapnel or a good styled round.
> Having magnetic iron amongst their unworldly constitution is probably
> going to do more lasting damage than a lead round.
> Secondly - these guys don't just growl like a bear - they use a form
> of psionic mind control - which could well ensure that their victim
> didn't get a second round off - so I would recommend coating the
> magnetic iron round/shrapnel in some hallucinogenic eg. lsd which I
> would hope - would interfere with their will power long enough for the
> defendent to reposition.

Sounds wonderfully inventive and probably effective to me.

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