>HEATHER HARDER Presidential News Briefs: 1/3/2000
 >    Happy New Year! By now most of you have realized that for the most part
 >the Y2K bug didn't bite. The year 2000 came in with a glorious nonevent.
 >Thanks to the prayers, meditations, and intentions, the National Guard was
 >needed and thankfully the generators are still unused. We all have a lot to
 >be grateful for. As for me I was nested away in Concord, New Hampshire and
 >quietly greeted the new year as a dear old friend who will soon be gone
 >again. As time implodes on itself (and it is) 2000 will soon be gone so do
 >not waste a minute, but be ever vigilant and always living consciously and
 >with intention. Your thoughts are becoming reality more and more quickly.
 >    My Concord address is 5 S. State Street, Concord, New Hampshire 03301,
 >603-227-0757 and our new office is at 18 Main Street, Concord. The cell
 >is still 219-629-0514. The weather has been wonderful and I welcome all of
 >you to come on up and help me knock on doors and make phone calls. We need
 >all the help we can get by Feb. 1, 2000. If you decide to come, call so we
 >clear a spot on the floor. Bring your own blow up mattress, linens and good
 >spirits. It is an exciting place to be. If you can't join me, give me a call
 >and I can still give you some names to call and jobs to do from a distance.
 >Meanwhile call everyone you know in New Hampshire and Iowa and tell them how
 >important it is to get out and vote for Heather Harder. Also contact every
 >club and organization you may belong to and ask them to get the word out.
 >    We are still posting new position statements so please continue to read
 >them and then pass them along to others who might be interested. Take a
moment to read the hemp position statement. After writing it, I am ready to
 >on Washington myself. We all need to get behind this incredible crop. It
 >alone has the power to address many of the problems this country now faces.
 >also recommend reading the Farm Position Paper. Our farm friends are the
keepers of
 >the land and they need our voice to join with theirs to ensure their
 >survival. We are losing approximately 70 family farms a day. At this rate we
 >will all be at the mercy of Monsanto before long, and standing in line to
 >their pretend food.
 >    We are still busy meeting the FEC fundraising requirements for a
 >candidate. The $5,000 in 20 states draws closer with every check that we
 >receive. Thank you all very much for your continued support. Teams are still
 >busy working to raise the money and we can use your help. Please send a
 >donation immediately. Your check, money order or credit card donation really
 >helps to keep the office running, and please continue to encourage your
 >friends to also give. A check for a dollar or more does make a difference.
 >   Every Sunday night at 8 p.m. Central Time we join in a conference call to
 >check campaign donation progress and join in the fellowship with each other.
 >If you would like to join us, just call the office to receive instruction.
 >---Ballot access continues to be a major challenge. We have a petition
drive going on in many states including Pennsylvania (Contact Ariel
215-489-9815 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]); Indiana (Doris at hdqters
219-663-7340 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]); Washington (Cathy
206-999-0952 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]); Illinois (Derek 630-637-7291 or
email [EMAIL PROTECTED]); Montana (Louise 406-222-1502) If you have
time to help, please contact your state coordinator. You can't vote for me if
I am not on your ballot.
 >    Since I have often been called the "higher consciousness candidate" I
 >decided to live up to the image. We have redone our campaign signs, buttons,
 >and bumper stickers to reflect our new image-they are a beautiful shade of
 >purple and look fabulous! We even have magnetic signs for your cars so you
 >tell the world who you support while driving around. We now have two sizes
 >yard signs -the standard 14 X 22 and a really big 28 X 44. Call the office
 >you can make arrangements to get yours today.
 >    As most of you have noticed, I have not yet broken through the national
 >media barrier. Now we are asking you for your help. First "see/intend" me on
 >the national show of your choice. Then take action to make it happen. As the
 >Dalai Lama said, "To bring about change, prayer and mediation are not
 >enough-one must take action." Adopt a talk show that you would like to see
 >on-study it. Read the credits to know who the producer is. Then send them
 >information about why I need to be on their show. Remember their only
 >is producing an interesting show so tell them why I would make a great show.
 >Give them the show ideas. Every library and bookstore has books on media
 >can help you. But don't give up until you see me on the show! They say the
 >difference between a professional and an amateur is that an amateur will
 >once and quit where a professional builds a relationship over time often
 >taking 7 to 11 phone calls. Never be pushy or problematic only persistent
 >   Until next time, I send you a heart full of gratitude for all that you
do and
 >continue to do on behalf of this nation. Our freedom and liberty is in our
 >hands-I am doing all I can humanly do to restore the balance of power in
 >Washington. Are you? Please join me in my campaign for citizen participation
 >as together we work to take the power from the few and return it to the
 >American people. Together we must:
 >1. Restore the Constitution as the supreme law of this land. This will give
 >the power and responsibility back to the people. For corruption to exist,
 >many people must look the other way. We must stop this practice and give
 >power back to state, local, and individuals requiring the federal government
 >to stay within the limits of authority given it by the Constitution.
 >2. Allow only one law per bill written in Standard English. This will
 >simplify and bring integrity to government. This will eliminate much of the
 >pork barreling and various loopholes buried in documents up to 4,000 pages
 >long. We, the people, will know what laws are being enacted, whom they serve
 >and exactly who voted for them. There is something terribly wrong with the
 >system when I have earned a Ph.D. in education and yet am unable to read and
 >comprehend our Federal legislation.
 >3. Institute a National Referendum. This will give Americans a genuine
 >political voice to speak directly to key issues. Issues of morality are not
 >appropriate referendum issues since our Constitution does not authorize
 >congress to deal with them. Our forefathers were concerned even then with
 >"the tyranny of the majority." A referendum is needed for the controversial,
 >important and/or sensitive issues where the voice of the people must be
 >heard. It is no longer acceptable for our elected leaders to give themselves
 >multi-million dollar retirement packages while debating the health of social
 >security. Nor is it acceptable for our elected leaders to provide pork for
 >their campaign contributors. It is time for the people's will to prevail.
 >We can no longer turn a blind eye to what isn't working. It is time to stand
 >up and say, "ENOUGH" to the bureaucratic monster in Washington that consumes
 >our resources and freedoms at an ever increasing rate. Join me and let us
 >stand together to truly restore the spirit of this nation and the principles
 >of the Constitution.
 >With much love and appreciation, Heather Harder, Democratic Candidate for
 >Thank you for forwarding this information to your friends and member lists.
 >If this is your first HARDER NEWS BRIEF do read more about Heather on her
 >site www.harder2000.com   If you have questions, comments, or issues for
 >Heather? Send inquiries to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, or subscribe,
 >Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Heather Harder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 12:52 PM
Subject: Harder Presidential News Briefs

>HEATHER HARDER Presidential News Briefs: 1/3/2000
>    Happy New Year! By now most of you have realized that for the most part
>the Y2K bug didn't bite. The year 2000 came in with a glorious nonevent.
>Thanks to the prayers, meditations, and intentions, the National Guard was not
>needed and thankfully the generators are still unused. We all have a lot to
>be grateful for. As for me I was nested away in Concord, New Hampshire and
>quietly greeted the new year as a dear old friend who will soon be gone
>again. As time implodes on itself (and it is) 2000 will soon be gone so do
>not waste a minute, but be ever vigilant and always living consciously and
>with intention. Your thoughts are becoming reality more and more quickly.
>    My Concord address is 5 S. State Street, Concord, New Hampshire 03301,
>603-227-0757 and our new office is at 18 Main Street, Concord. The cell phone
>is still 219-629-0514. The weather has been wonderful and I welcome all of
>you to come on up and help me knock on doors and make phone calls. We need
>all the help we can get by Feb. 1, 2000. If you decide to come, call so we can
>clear a spot on the floor. Bring your own blow up mattress, linens and good
>spirits. It is an exciting place to be. If you can't join me, give me a call
>and I can still give you some names to call and jobs to do from a distance.
>Meanwhile call everyone you know in New Hampshire and Iowa and tell them how
>important it is to get out and vote for Heather Harder. Also contact every
>club and organization you may belong to and ask them to get the word out.
>    We are still posting new position statements so please continue to read
>them and then pass them along to others who might be interested. Take a moment to 
>read the hemp position statement. After writing it, I am ready to march
>on Washington myself. We all need to get behind this incredible crop. It
>alone has the power to address many of the problems this country now faces. I
>also recommend reading the Farm Position Paper. Our farm friends are the keepers of
>the land and they need our voice to join with theirs to ensure their
>survival. We are losing approximately 70 family farms a day. At this rate we
>will all be at the mercy of Monsanto before long, and standing in line to eat
>their pretend food.
>    We are still busy meeting the FEC fundraising requirements for a credible
>candidate. The $5,000 in 20 states draws closer with every check that we
>receive. Thank you all very much for your continued support. Teams are still
>busy working to raise the money and we can use your help. Please send a
>donation immediately. Your check, money order or credit card donation really
>helps to keep the office running, and please continue to encourage your
>friends to also give. A check for a dollar or more does make a difference.
>   Every Sunday night at 8 p.m. Central Time we join in a conference call to
>check campaign donation progress and join in the fellowship with each other.
>If you would like to join us, just call the office to receive instruction.
>---Ballot access continues to be a major challenge. We have a petition drive going on 
>in many states including Pennsylvania (Contact Ariel 215-489-9815 or email 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Indiana (Doris at hdqters 219-663-7340 or email 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Washington (Cathy 206-999-0952 or email 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Illinois (Derek 630-637-7291 or email 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]); Montana (Louise 406-222-1502) If you have time to help, 
>please contact your state coordinator. You can't vote for me if I am not on your 
>    Since I have often been called the "higher consciousness candidate" I
>decided to live up to the image. We have redone our campaign signs, buttons,
>and bumper stickers to reflect our new image-they are a beautiful shade of
>purple and look fabulous! We even have magnetic signs for your cars so you can
>tell the world who you support while driving around. We now have two sizes of
>yard signs -the standard 14 X 22 and a really big 28 X 44. Call the office so
>you can make arrangements to get yours today.
>    As most of you have noticed, I have not yet broken through the national
>media barrier. Now we are asking you for your help. First "see/intend" me on
>the national show of your choice. Then take action to make it happen. As the
>Dalai Lama said, "To bring about change, prayer and mediation are not
>enough-one must take action." Adopt a talk show that you would like to see me
>on-study it. Read the credits to know who the producer is. Then send them
>information about why I need to be on their show. Remember their only concern
>is producing an interesting show so tell them why I would make a great show.
>Give them the show ideas. Every library and bookstore has books on media that
>can help you. But don't give up until you see me on the show! They say the
>difference between a professional and an amateur is that an amateur will call
>once and quit where a professional builds a relationship over time often
>taking 7 to 11 phone calls. Never be pushy or problematic only persistent and
>   Until next time, I send you a heart full of gratitude for all that you do and
>continue to do on behalf of this nation. Our freedom and liberty is in our
>hands-I am doing all I can humanly do to restore the balance of power in
>Washington. Are you? Please join me in my campaign for citizen participation
>as together we work to take the power from the few and return it to the
>American people. Together we must:
>1. Restore the Constitution as the supreme law of this land. This will give
>the power and responsibility back to the people. For corruption to exist,
>many people must look the other way. We must stop this practice and give real
>power back to state, local, and individuals requiring the federal government
>to stay within the limits of authority given it by the Constitution.
>2. Allow only one law per bill written in Standard English. This will
>simplify and bring integrity to government. This will eliminate much of the
>pork barreling and various loopholes buried in documents up to 4,000 pages
>long. We, the people, will know what laws are being enacted, whom they serve
>and exactly who voted for them. There is something terribly wrong with the
>system when I have earned a Ph.D. in education and yet am unable to read and
>comprehend our Federal legislation.
>3. Institute a National Referendum. This will give Americans a genuine
>political voice to speak directly to key issues. Issues of morality are not
>appropriate referendum issues since our Constitution does not authorize
>congress to deal with them. Our forefathers were concerned even then with
>"the tyranny of the majority." A referendum is needed for the controversial,
>important and/or sensitive issues where the voice of the people must be
>heard. It is no longer acceptable for our elected leaders to give themselves
>multi-million dollar retirement packages while debating the health of social
>security. Nor is it acceptable for our elected leaders to provide pork for
>their campaign contributors. It is time for the people's will to prevail.
>We can no longer turn a blind eye to what isn't working. It is time to stand
>up and say, "ENOUGH" to the bureaucratic monster in Washington that consumes
>our resources and freedoms at an ever increasing rate. Join me and let us
>stand together to truly restore the spirit of this nation and the principles
>of the Constitution.
>With much love and appreciation, Heather Harder, Democratic Candidate for
>Thank you for forwarding this information to your friends and member lists.
>If this is your first HARDER NEWS BRIEF do read more about Heather on her web
>site www.harder2000.com   If you have questions, comments, or issues for
>Heather? Send inquiries to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, or subscribe,
>Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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