-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

National Foreign Trade Council is trying to block perhaps the only justice
we have left..BURMA LAW Had the courts struck down South Africa-related laws
in the 1980's, Nelson Mandela might still be in prison today.

Burma Law
                         NEW ENGLAND BURMA ROUNDTABLE
                         Last Push! Call Your State Attorney General to
Support Mass. Burma Law
                     January 5, 2000
                     1.    Update
                     2.    Background & Previous Tally
                     3.    Sample Letter & Talking Points
                     4.    List of State Attorneys General
                     1.    Update
                     This is it! This is our last chance to make sure our
state attorneys general sign on to the final amicus brief in support of the
Massachusetts Burma Law.
                     On Monday, January 3, the North Dakota Attorney General
Heidi Heitkamp and the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG)
circulated an amicus brief to all state attorneys general.
                     The brief will be filed with the U.S. Supreme Court
arguing the Massachusetts Burma Law in constitutional. It is vital that as
many state AG's as possible sign on to the brief.
                     Time is short. Your state attorney general needs to
hear from you by **Friday, January 7th** - if not sooner.
                     The deadline for signing the brief is Monday, January
                     If you live outside Massachusetts, please take the
following action:
                     1.    Fax or overnight a letter to your state attorney
general to arrive by **Friday, January 7th**.
2.      Call your state attorney general's office. Specifically ask for the
assistant attorney general responsible for amicus briefs filed with the U.S.
Supreme Court. Urge the Assistant AG to make sure the state AG signs the
amicus brief led by North Dakota Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp. (Tell them
to call the coordinator of the brief, North Dakota Assistant AG Beth
Baumstark at (701)328-3623.)
3. Encourage your friends, family, co-workers to also make a call. The more
calls the
                     4. If you obtain a response - positive or negative -
from your state AG's office, send a quick email to
                     Massachusetts Assistant AG's Tom Barnico at
                     Sweeney at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Tell them
the name of the person to whom you spoke and their response.
                     It doesn't matter if you've written or called before.
Please call and/or fax your state Attorney General
                     as soon as possible. You'll find phone and fax numbers
                     Thank you so much for your help! Let's make this final
amicus brief the best supported yet!!
                     Simon Billenness
                     *for the New England Burma Roundtable*
                     Trillium Asset Management
                     711 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02111
                     (617) 423-6655, x225
                     (800) 548-5684
                     (617) 482-6179 - fax
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     2. Background & Previous Tally
                     On June 22, 1999, the Massachusetts Burma Law was
struck down in federal appeals court. The
                     National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC), which represents
major multinational corporations, brought the case. The NFTC claims that the
law is unconstitutional. But this decision - if it stands - would greatly
restrict our ability as citizens to direct how our elected officials spend
our tax money.
                     Modeled on similar anti-apartheid statutes, the
Massachusetts Burma Law effectively barred the state from buying goods or
services from companies that did business in Burma. Had the courts struck
down South Africa-related laws in the 1980's, Nelson Mandela might still be
in prison today.
                     If the U.S. Supreme Court finds the Massachusetts Burma
Law unconstitutional, it could also affect the constitutionality of similar
laws with regard to Northern Ireland, Nigeria, Tibet, East Timor as well as
laws that restrict state and local purchases of old-growth or rainforest
                     On the last set of amicus briefs - filed in federal
appeals court in
                     * the following state attorneys general signed on an
amicus brief in support of the Massachusetts
                     Burma Law:
                     New Hampshire
                     New Mexico
                     North Dakota
                     Rhode Island
                     3. Sample Letter & Talking Points
                     Please fax and/or call your state attorney general -
name, address and fax number are below.
                     If you call, ask specifically for the assistant
attorney general responsible for signing on to amicus
                     briefs. Be sure to reach them by FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th.
                     Start your letter: "Dear Attorney General _____"
                     I am writing to urge that you sign on an amicus brief
to be filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in
                     support of the Massachusetts Burma selective purchasing
                     [Include a paragraph describing yourself and your roots
in the local community.]
                     On June 22, 1999, the Boston Federal Appeals Court
struck down the Massachusetts Burma Law.
                     Sponsored by state rep. Byron Rushing, this law
effectively barred companies that do business with
                     the Burmese military junta from receiving state
procurement contracts. On November 29, the U.S.
                     Supreme Court agreed to review the case.  How
Massachusetts - or any state -spends its tax
                     dollars is matter for the citizens of Massachusetts and
their elected officials. It is a violation of state
                     sovereignty and local democracy for the federal
government or corporations to try to micro-manage
                     state or local spending.
                     Inspired by the anti- apartheid campaign, Aung San Suu
Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and
                     leader of the Burmese democracy movement, has called
for economic sanctions on Burma to press
                     the ruling military junta to restore democracy in that
country. She has described selective
                     purchasing laws - such as the Massachusetts Burma Law -
as an effective way of supporting the
                     Burmese democracy movement.  I urge you to offer your
support in defending the Massachusetts
                     Burma Law. I specifically urge you to sign on the
amicus brief in support of the petition to be filed by
                     Massachusetts on January 13th arguing that the law is
constitutional. To do this, please contact
                     either Thomas Barnico (x2086) or Jim Sweeney (x3321),
both Massachusetts Assistant Attorneys
                     General at (617) 727-2200.
                     The deadline for signing on to this amicus brief is
Monday, January 10th.
                     [Don't forget to thank your state AG if he or she
signed on the last amicus brief. See list of AG's
                     I appreciate your prompt attention to this crucial
issue. Please write back and tell me what action
                     you intend to take.
                     Please send a copy of your letter to:
                     Assistant Attorney General Tom Barnico
                     Commonwealth of Massachusetts, One Ashburton Place,
Boston, MA 02108.
                     (617) 727-5785 - fax
                     4.    List of State Attorneys General
                     STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL
                     Honorable Bill Pryor
                     Attorney General of Alabama
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State House
                     11 South Union Street
                     Montgomery, AL 36130
                     PHO:(334) 242-7300
                     FAX: 334-242-7458
                     Honorable Bruce M. Botelho
                     Attorney General of Alaska
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Post Office Box 110300
                     Diamond Courthouse
                     Juneau, AK 99811-0300
                     PHO:(907) 465-3600
                     FAX: 907-465-2075
                     Honorable Janet Napolitano
                     Attorney General of Arizona
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     1275 West Washington Street
                     Phoenix, AZ 85007
                     PHO:(602) 542-4266
                     FAX: 602-542-4085
                     Honorable Mark Pryor
                     Attorney General of Arkansas
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     200 Tower Building, 323 Center Street
                     Little Rock, AR 72201-2610
                     PHO:(501) 682-2007
                     FAX: 501-682-8084
                     Honorable Bill Lockyer
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     P.O. Box 944255
                     Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
                     PHO: (916) 445-9555
                     FAX: 916-322-5341
                     Honorable Ken Salazar
                     Attorney General of Colorado
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Department of Law
                     1525 Sherman Street
                     Denver, CO 80203
                     PHO:(303) 866-3052
                     FAX: 303-866-3955
                     Honorable Richard Blumenthal
                     Attorney General of Connecticut
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     55 Elm Street
                     Hartford, CT 06141-0120
                     PHO:(860) 808-5318
                     FAX: 860-808-5387
                     Honorable M. Jane Brady
                     Attorney General of Delaware
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Carvel State Office Building
                     820 North French Street
                     Wilmington, DE 19801
                     PHO:(302) 577-8600
                     FAX: 302-577-6499
                     Honorable Robert A. Butterworth
                     Attorney General of Florida
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     The Capitol
                     PL 01
                     Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
                     PHO:(850) 487-1963
                     FAX: 850-487-2564
                     Honorable Thurbert E. Baker
                     Attorney General of Georgia
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     40 Capitol Square, S.W.
                     Atlanta, GA 30334-1300
                     PHO:(404) 656-4585
                     FAX: 404-657-8733
                     Honorable Margery S. Bronster
                     Attorney General of Hawaii
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     425 Queen Street
                     Honolulu, HI 96813
                     PHO:(808) 586-1282
                     FAX: 808-586-1239
                     Honorable Alan G. Lance
                     Attorney General of Idaho
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Boise, ID 83720-1000
                     PHO:(208) 334-2400
                     FAX: 208-334-2530
                     Honorable Jim Ryan
                     Attorney General of Illinois
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     James R. Thompson Center
                     100 West Randolph Street
                     Chicago, IL 60601
                     PHO:(312) 814-2503
                     FAX: 312-814-5024
                     Honorable Jeffrey A. Modisett
                     Attorney General of Indiana
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Indiana Government Center South
                     Fifth Floor
                     402 West Washington Street
                     Indianapolis, IN 46204
                     PHO:(317) 233-4386
                     FAX: 317-232-7979
                     Honorable Tom Miller
                     Attorney General of Iowa
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Hoover State Office Building
                     Des Moines, IA 50319
                     PHO:(515) 281-5164
                     FAX: 515-281-4209
                     Honorable Carla J. Stovall
                     Attorney General of Kansas
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Judicial Building
                     301 West Tenth Street
                     Topeka, KS 66612-1597
                     PHO:(785) 296-2215
                     FAX: 785-296-6296
                     Honorable Albert Benjamin "Ben" Chandler III Attorney
General of
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol, Room 116
                     Frankfort, KY 40601
                     PHO:(502) 696-5300
                     FAX: 502-573-8317
                     Honorable Richard P. Ieyoub
                     Attorney General of Louisiana
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Department of Justice
                     Post Office Box 94095
                     Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4095
                     PHO:(504) 342-7013
                     FAX: 504-342-8703
                     Honorable Andrew Ketterer
                     Attorney General of Maine
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State House Station Six
                     Augusta, ME 04333
                     PHO:(207) 626-8800
                     FAX: 207-287-3145
                     Honorable J. Joseph Curran Jr.
                     Attorney General of Maryland
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     200 Saint Paul Place
                     Baltimore, MD 21202-2202
                     PHO:(410) 576-6300
                     FAX: 410-576-7003
                     Honorable Tom Reilly
                     Attorney General of Massachusetts
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     One Ashburton Place
                     Boston, MA 02108-1698
                     PHO:(617) 727-2200
                     FAX: 617-727-3251
                     Honorable Jennifer Granholm
                     Attorney General of Michigan
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Post Office Box 30212
                     525 West Ottawa Street
                     Lansing, MI 48909-0212
                     PHO:(517) 373-1110
                     FAX: 517-373-3042
                     Honorable Mike Hatch
                     Attorney General of Minnesota
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol
                     Suite 102
                     St. Paul, MN 55155
                     PHO:(651) 296-6196
                     FAX: 651-297-4193
                     Honorable Mike Moore
                     Attorney General of Mississippi
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Department of Justice
                     Post Office Box 220
                     Jackson, MS 39205-0220
                     PHO:(601) 359-3692
                     FAX: 601-359-3441
                     Honorable Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon
                     Attorney General of Missouri
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Supreme Court Building
                     207 West High Street
                     Jefferson City, MO 65101
                     PHO:(573) 751-3321
                     FAX: 573-751-0774
                     Honorable Joseph P. Mazurek
                     Attorney General of Montana
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Justice Building, 215 North Sanders
                     Helena, MT 59620-1401
                     PHO:(406) 444-2026
                     FAX: 406-444-3549
                     Honorable Don Stenberg
                     Attorney General of Nebraska
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol
                     Post Office Box 98920
                     Lincoln, NE 68509-8920
                     PHO:(402) 471-2682
                     FAX: 402-471-3297
                     Honorable Frankie Sue Del Papa
                     Attorney General of Nevada
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Old Supreme Court Building
                     100 North Carson Street
                     Carson City, NV 89701
                     PHO:(775) 687-4170
                     FAX: 775-687-5798
                     New Hampshire
                     Honorable Philip T. McLaughlin
                     Attorney General of New Hampshire
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State House Annex, 25 Capitol Street
                     Concord, NH 03301-6397
                     PHO:(603) 271-3658
                     FAX: 603-271-2110
                     New Jersey
                     Honorable Peter Verniero
                     Attorney General of New Jersey
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
                     25 Market Street, CN 080
                     Trenton, NJ 08625
                     PHO:(609) 292-4925
                     FAX: 609-292-3508
                     New Mexico
                     Honorable Patricia Madrid
                     Attorney General of New Mexico
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Post Office Drawer 1508
                     Santa Fe, NM 87504-1508
                     PHO:(505) 827-6000
                     FAX: 505-827-5826
                     New York
                     Honorable Elliot Spitzer
                     Attorney General of New York
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Department of Law - The Capitol
                     2nd Floor
                     Albany, NY 12224
                     PHO:(518) 474-7330
                     FAX: 518-473-9909
                     North Carolina
                     Honorable Michael F. Easley
                     Attorney General of North Carolina
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Department of Justice
                     Post Office Box 629
                     Raleigh, NC 27602-0629
                     PHO:(919) 716-6400
                     FAX: 919-716-6750
                     North Dakota
                     Honorable Heidi Heitkamp
                     Attorney General of North Dakota
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol
                     600 East Boulevard Avenue
                     Bismarck, ND 58505-0040
                     PHO:(701) 328-2210
                     FAX: 701-328-2226
                     Honorable Betty D. Montgomery
                     Attorney General of Ohio
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Office Tower
                     30 East Broad Street
                     Columbus, OH 43266-0410
                     PHO:(614) 466-3376
                     FAX: 614- 644-6135
                     Honorable W.A. Drew Edmondson
                     Attorney General of Oklahoma
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol, Room 112
                     2300 North Lincoln Boulevard
                     Oklahoma City, OK 73105
                     PHO:(405) 521-3921
                     FAX: 405-521-6246
                     Honorable Hardy Myers
                     Attorney General of Oregon
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Justice Building
                     1162 Court Street NE
                     Salem, OR 97310
                     PHO:(503) 378-6002
                     FAX: 503-378-4017
                     Honorable Mike Fisher
                     Attorney General of Pennsylvania
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Strawberry Square
                     Harrisburg, PA 17120
                     PHO:(717) 787-3391
                     FAX: 717-787-8242
                     Rhode Island
                     Honorable Sheldon Whitehouse
                     Attorney General of Rhode Island
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     150 South Main Street
                     Providence, RI 02903
                     PHO:(401) 274-4400
                     FAX: 401-222-1302
                     South Carolina
                     Honorable Charlie Condon
                     Attorney General of South Carolina
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Rembert C. Dennis Office Building
                     Post Office Box 11549
                     Columbia, SC 29211-1549
                     PHO:(803) 734-3970
                     FAX: 803-253-6283
                     South Dakota
                     Honorable Mark Barnett
                     Attorney General of South Dakota
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     500 East Capitol
                     Pierre, SD 57501-5070
                     PHO:(605) 773-3215
                     FAX: 605-773-4106
                     Honorable Paul G. Summers
                     Attorney General of Tennessee
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     500 Charlotte Avenue
                     Nashville, TN 37243
                     PHO:(615) 741-6474
                     FAX: 615-741-2009
                     Honorable John Cornyn
                     Attorney General of Texas
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     Capitol Station
                     Post Office Box 12548
                     Austin, TX 78711-2548
                     PHO:(512) 463-2191
                     FAX: 512-463-2063
                     Honorable Jan Graham
                     Attorney General of Utah
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol, Room 236
                     Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0810
                     PHO:(801) 538-1326
                     FAX: 801-538-1121
                     Honorable William H. Sorrell
                     Attorney General of Vermont
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     109 State Street
                     Montpelier, VT 05609-1001
                     PHO:(802) 828-3171
                     FAX: 802-828-3187
                     Honorable Mark L. Earley
                     Attorney General of Virginia
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     900 East Main Street
                     Richmond, VA 23219
                     PHO:(804) 786-2071
                     FAX: 804-786-1991
                     Honorable Christine O. Gregoire
                     Attorney General of Washington
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     P.O. Box 40100
                     1125 Washington Street, SE
                     Olympia, WA 98504-0100
                     PHO:(360) 753-6200
                     FAX: 360-586-8474
                     West Virginia
                     Honorable Darrell V. McGraw Jr.
                     Attorney General of West Virginia
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol
                     Charleston, WV 25305
                     PHO:(304) 558-2021
                     FAX: 304-558-0140
                     Honorable James E. Doyle
                     Attorney General of Wisconsin
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     State Capitol
                     Post Office Box 7857
                     Suite 114 East
                     Madison, WI 53707-7857
                     PHO:(608) 266-1221
                     FAX: 608-267-2779
                     Honorable Gay Woodhouse
                     Attorney General of Wyoming
                     Office of the Attorney General
                     123 Capitol Building
                     Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
                     PHO: (307) 777-7841
                     FAX: 307-777-6869
                     Simon Billenness
                     *for the New England Burma Roundtable*
                     Trillium Asset Management
                     711 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02111
                     (617) 423-6655, x225
                     (800) 548-5684
                     (617) 482-6179 - fax
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     "I see my life...as part of a procession, a dynamic
process, doing all that we can do to move toward more good and justice; a
process that is not isolated from what has happened before or what will come
after. And I do whatever I have to do along the path, whether it's sowing
seeds or reaping theharvest or tending the plants half grown."
         Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's democratic leader under house arrest, in "On

                     the Issues," Fall '98

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

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