-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

On 12 Jan 00, at 19:51, Robert Weissman wrote:

> We recognize that this merger has "synergies that make some observers
> drool," as the Wall Street Journal explained. AOL will highlight
> InStyle magazine? Moviefone will pitch Warner Brother movies? Time
> Warner will include AOL disks in promotional mailings? That's
> progress, baby!

Isn't this how capitalism works? You gotta keep growing--expand or
die? But what happens when everyone  gobbles each other up?
Don't you inevitably have to end up with just one or two corporate
entities that own everything? And isn't that called fascism?

I remember my own days on AOL. I made lots of friends on the
AOL message boards that I kept for quite some time. But most of
us eventually left AOL for other entrees to the internet. Now I know
very few folks with aol.com following their @. Is AOL a beginner's
game? I must say that it probably it is a pretty good introductory
setup. But once you understand your way around, there are so
many less frustrating ways to get around the internet. I don't think
I've once gotten a busy signal either--or been cut off--since I left


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