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From: omega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Scott Balson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Internet threat to Israel, say rabbis.htm
Date: Sunday, January 09, 2000 2:28 AM

Internet threat to Israel, say rabbis

            ISSUE 1688 Saturday 8 January 2000

      Internet threat to Israel, say rabbis
      By Alan Philps in Jerusalem

           Torah Sages ban Internet use [7 Jan '00] - Ha'aretz

           Jewish links - Maven Jewish Portal

           Orthodox Union [Jewish portal]

      ISRAEL'S leading orthodox rabbis have issued a ruling banning the internet from 
homes, arguing that it is "1,000 times more dangerous than television" and threatens 
the survival
of the country.
            The ruling, issued by the Council of Torah Sages, is an attempt by the 
rabbis to halt the
infiltration of "sin and abomination" from the internet into the homes of the 
whose children have hitherto been shielded from the temptations of the modern world.

            The rabbis recalled that they had banned television 30 years ago, and said 
that the dangers
from the internet were even greater. They said it "puts the future generations of 
Israel in grave
danger in a way that no other threat has since Israel became a nation".

            The newspaper of Degel Hatorah, one of the strictest of the religious 
parties in Israel, said
the internet was "the world's leading cause of temptation, it incites and encourages 
sin and
abomination of the worst kind."

            The majority of Israelis, who are secular, will ignore the ruling. But it 
is likely to deprive
young members of the ultra-orthodox community - those who wear the black hats and long 
of the European ghetto - of a window on the secular world. Religious leaders are 
worried about a
growing number of youths who break out of their closed communities in search of a 
secular life -
a development that is partly blamed on the arrival of the computer in their homes, 
giving them
the chance to join discussion groups, hear forbidden music and read about life outside.

            The ruling follows a sharp debate in the ultra-orthodox community about 
the role of
computers. Some have seen them as a blessing, enabling men and women to earn money as
computer programmers - a skill that many in these strict communities believe they 
excel in
thanks to years of studying the intricacies of Jewish religious texts.

            But other rabbis have argued that the computer is a Trojan Horse of 
secular filth.

            The Torah Sages recommended that those who make a living in computers 
should be
allowed to use them only at the work place. Those who do not have rabbinical 
permission to use
a computer are called on to delete the web browser, which makes it impossible to surf 
the net.

            The newspaper Haaretz pointed out that while the most extreme sects banned 
all uses of
the internet, even for business, as a "deadly poison which burns souls", there are 
many web sites
designed as aids to studying the Torah. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of 
Israel, has
his own website.

            Earlier this week, a 17-year-old student from Hertfordshire announced 
plans to float his
Jewish community web site on the London Stock Exchange. Benjamin Cohen could become a
millionaire with the popular site which includes business news, a dating agency and a 

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