-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/18/2000 1:49:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  WOULDN'T BE WISE. WOULDN'T BE PRUDENT George W. Bush celebrated the Martin
  Luther King holiday today by staying inside the Governor's Mansion with
  the windows closed so he wouldn't hear the thousands of Martin Luther King
  celebrants listening to speeches right outside his window on the Texas
  capitol grounds, less than a football field away. While Bush says he wants
  to reach out to minorities, he could have easily done so, literally, but
  he didn't. We know he was in there because he had a telephone interview
  with the AP about taxes. He also didn't attend an earlier Martin Luther
  King Day meeting of students from all over Texas who assembled on the
  grounds of the Texas capitol to hear an anti-handgun speech from a tearful
  student from Colorado's Columbine High School. Perhaps leaders from both
  the anti-gun group and the racial harmony group should have apologized to
  Governor Bush for possibly disturbing him as he talked to the AP reporter
  about his candidacy to bring the country together. Politex, 1/17/00 >>

I really had no idea that the right wing was trying to show that they were
following the methods of the old south until very recently.  I was watching a
C-SPAN program the other day.  There was an Elaine Donnelly on.  She is
president of the Center for Military Readiness.   She kept proclaiming that
they were non-partisan, but when I checked the web, I found that most of
their people had been appointed to something or other by either Reagan or
Bush.  Anyway at one point she spoke of "Alan Keyes and Mr. Busch and Mr.
McCain.  It was quite sneaky, and for a moment I thought I was back in the
Albany, Georgia of forty years ago, where people were careful never to use
Mister when referring to a black man.  I figured she was sending a signal.
What with the Republican attitude and the decisions of Judge Rehnquist's
court, Blacks should be back cleaning houses and cutting lawns in no time.
Maybe Congressman Watts will be allowed to be butler at the White House.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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