-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I would think this money could be better spent feeding the poor or housing
the homeless. Clinton's priorities are just a tad screwed up.

Jan 21, 2000 - 11:41 AM

Clinton Asks Money to Help Poor Get Online
By Terence Hunt
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton, pursuing his goal of connecting all
Americans to the Internet, will propose federal subsidies to narrow the
"digital divide" and help millions of low-income families go online,
administration officials said today.
A draft proposal calls for spending as much as $100 million to provide
computers and Internet access in perhaps as many as 9 million households,
but the officials cautioned that Clinton has not settled on the size of his

The president is expected to announce his proposal in his State of the Union
address Thursday. He says Internet access and usage should be as commonplace
as the telephone.

Late last year, Clinton set a national goal of connecting all Americans to
the Internet, not only in schools and libraries but also in homes, small
businesses and community centers. Commerce Secretary William Daley is
spearheading an effort with the private sector to develop a strategy for
achieving Clinton's goal.

In particular, the administration is working with the computer industry,
private foundations, nonprofit organizations and civil rights groups to make
the Internet more accessible.

"The president is committed to making sure that all Americans have access to
the best technology," White House deputy press secretary Jake Siewert said.
"But we don't have anything specific to announce at this point."

A Commerce Department report last July documented a wide digital divide in
America. It found that black and Hispanic households are only two-fifths as
likely to have Internet access as white families. Households with incomes of
$75,000 and above in urban areas are more than 20 times as likely to have
Internet access as households at the lowest income levels.

The administration says more than 50 percent of America's schools and over
80 percent of its classrooms are wired for the Internet. The goal is to have
all schools connected by the end of this year.

AP-ES-01-21-00 1138EST

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