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Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:590561">CIA's Afghan War;
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Subject: CIA's Afghan War; Ops Directorate; and, Wen Ho Lee
From: Ralph McGehee <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
Date: Sat, 22 January 2000 10:29 AM EST
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  The Afghanistani War's Terrorist Legacy; the CIA's Directorate
of Operations; and, the Wen Ho Lee Case

Compilation and comments by Ralph McGehee
<A HREF="http://come.to/CIABASE">http://come.to/CIABASE</A>


   Below are extracts from the book, The Bear Trap, written by
the Pakistani General who supervised for four years the
CIA/Pakistani/Afghanistani operation in Afghanistan. Recent
criticisms document the consequences of this war that unleashed
a generation of former CIA-supported terrorists on the world.
Please see my web site for more information.

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services
Intelligence) had responsibility for all intel matters at the national
level -- political, military, internal and external security, and
counterintel. Richest contribution from CIA to Afghan war was satellite
intel through photographs. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear
trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 22,93

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 83-87 The mujahideen staged fire-fights for
the media, with buildings wired in advance, all in true hollywood style.
The journalists had to pay and ops gave the commander publicity but the
films sold well in the U.S.. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992).
The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 5

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 CIA placed funds each month in the
ISI-controlled bank account. Rich individuals or organizations in the
private world contributed much money. without the extra millions the flow
of arms actually getting to the Mujahideen would have been cut to a
trickle. Problem was that all this money went to the four fundamentalist
parties, not the moderates. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear
Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 106

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 CIA supplied maps to the ISI from
CIA's spy satellites. Charter on CIA support to the mujahideen through ISI.
Casey went annually for 2-day visits to Pakistan.Yousai's experience
with CIA over 4 years - foremost function of CIA was to spend money -
billions of dollars on buying arms, ammo, and equipment. It was ISI
policy that no Americans ever trained, or had direct contact with the
Mujahideen, and no American went into Afghanistan. High proportion
of U.S. aid in cash. CIA appeared to have total ignorance of military
logistics - at times lacking even common sense. Mohammad Yousai &
Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 44,78-96

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 60-90 ISI's hqs in a large camp of 70-80
acres north of Rawalpindi, 12 kilometers from Islamabad. Inside high walls
were offices, transit warehouse thru which passed 70 percent of all arms
and ammo for the Mujahideen, at least 300 vehicles, several acres of
training area, a psywar unit, barracks, messhalls and the stinger training
school. This called Ojhri camp. General Akhtar set up another organization
for the provision of clothing and rations purchased in hugh quantities
throughout Pakistan, with CIA money. Richest contribution from CIA to
Afghan war was satellite intel through photographs. Mohammad Yousai &
Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 27,29, 93

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 CIA's roles in Afghanistan were to
purchase arms and equipment and arrange their transportation to Pakistan;
provide funds for vehicles and transportation inside Pakistan and
Afghanistan; train Pakistani instructors on new weapons and equipment;
provide satellite photos and maps for ops planning; provide radio equipment
and training; and advise on technical matters. All training of the
Mujahideen and the allocation and distribution of arms were the sole
responsibility of Pakistan's ISI. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). the
bear trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 95-6

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 83-87 Mohammad Yousai in 10/83 named to head
of the ISI tasked with training and arming the Mujahideen (soldiers of god)
and with planning their ops in Afghanistan. Until his retirement in 87, he
coordinated one of largest guerrilla campaigns in modern times, with a
staff of 60 officers and 300 senior ncos from the Pakistan army. during
Yousai's 4 years some 80,000 mujahideen were trained; hundreds of thousands
of tons of arms were distributed, several billion dollars were spent and
ISI teams regularly entered Afghanistan with the guerrillas. mohammad
yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 2,4,6

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 70-90 Yousai was incredulous at American's
Afghan policy over the previous two decades. Their response to USSR
encroachment seemed to be based on ignorance, apathy and appeasement.
Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's untold
story 26

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 There were seven Afghan resistance
parties formed into an alliance. political heads of each party called a
leader to distinguish from the mujahideen military commanders. Alliance
established after 83. Until the Quetta incident commanders usually received
supplies directly from ISI. Supplies then channeled through the parties.
Gul Badin Hekmatyar the youngest and toughest of alliance leaders. Mohammad
Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 40-1

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 In 87 the broad percentages of
material allocated [to the fundamentalists] parties was between
67-73 per cent. allocations to the parties were: hekmatyar 18-20
per cent, rabbani 18-19 per cent, sayaf 17-18 per cent, khalis 13-15 per
cent, nabi 13-15 per cent, gailani 10-11 per cent, and mujaddadi 3-5 per
cent. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's
Untold Story 97,105,215

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 CIA contributed substantially with
installation of interception equipment. op provided up-to-the-minute
reliable info on Soviet and Afghan intercepted messages. High-grade
tactical info on movement of units and their intentions. Mohammad
Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 94

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 A discussion of the weapons and
equipment pipeline. it in three distinct parts with the CIA owning the
first part, the purchase and transport of weapons to Pakistan. second part
ISI's responsibility - getting everything carried across Pakistan,
allocated to, and handed over to the parties at their hqs near peshawar and
quetta. the third leg was the parties allocated weapons to their commanders
and distributed inside Afghanistan. in 87 the broad percentages allocated
to the parties were hekmatyar 18-20 per cent, rabbani 18-19 per cent, sayaf
17-18 per cent, khalis 13-15 per cent, nabi 13-15 per cent, gailani 10-11
per cent, and mujaddadi 3-5 per cent. fundamentalists received a total of
67-73 per cent. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap:
Afghanistan's Untold Story 97, 105

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 On 9/25/86 stinger missiles used for
first time in Afghanistan. For six years it was politics that
prevented the use of stingers. neither the Pakistani nor american gvts
would allow this. stinger best of its kind in the world with which even an
infantry man can knock an aircraft out of the sky. in 10-month period, 187
stingers used in Afghanistan. twice in early 87, stingers were lost, first
to the soviets, and then to the iranians. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M.
(1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold Story 174-88

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 The Chinese supplied weapons for the
mujahideen and always insisted on absolute accuracy in all dealings.
Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's Untold
Story 27

   Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, 80-90 Until 1985 it was a firm policy that
only communist bloc weapons could be bought for the Mujahideen. China,
Egypt and later Israel supplied such. Until 1984 the bulk of arms and
ammo were purchased from China - they were reliable and discreet. In 1985
CIA began buying weapons from Egypt but weapons were often rusty and
unserviceable. CIA had two officers then increased to five in hqs of
Yousaf. Mohammad Yousai & Adkin, M. (1992). The Bear Trap: Afghanistan's
Untold Story 83

     Extracts From A Washington Post Article

    A new DO leadership team under Pavitt, a former ops officer
and NSCer, includes his new deputy, Associate Deputy Director for
ops Hugh Turner, a legendary DO operator who won the Silver Star,
Bronze Star and Purple Heart as a Green Beret in Vietnam...

   RMC Comment: Hugh Turner, above, has an admirable record of
achievement and courage -- but what sort of objectivity does an
action person of this sort bring to this "intelligence" agency?
Did he recognize the futility of the Vietnam war and makes those
views known?

   Stephen W. Richter, 57, former chief of the Near East Division was
named the director of the technology management group within the DO.
Richter in 1998 earned the wrath of Richard Perle, an assistant
secretary of defense during the Reagan administration, who publicly
demanded Richter's ouster for botching a series of covert actions
aimed at toppling Iraqi's Saddam. "Stephen Richter has an unbroken
record of failure," Perle said. "The head of the Near East division
at CIA....should be removed on grounds of incompetence and a lack
...qualifications..." Far from removing Richter, CIA awarded him
its Distinguished Intelligence Medal. Washington Post  9/21/99.

   RMC Comment -- an outside-of-CIA evaluation of Richter's
abilities by the hard-liner Richard Perle damns his incompetence.
His elevation indicates the self-protecting old-boys club in
action. I recall the Church Committee investigation of the mid-1970s
reported that in the CIA there was a close correlation between
failure and promotion. Here is a current demonstration this

   To protect the institution, failure is promoted.  It is far better
to do this than expose Agency problems. Since secrecy protects the CIA,
no outside authority can document or challenge its record. (Except
for the Senate and House Intelligence Committees who serve more as
cheerleaders for, rather than oversees of, the CIA.)  After more
than 50 years of non-examination by the outside world, the CIA masses,
accumulates and promotes failure. Its refusal to declassify operational
documents, even under a recent Presidential Directive, marks the degree
to which it sinks to keep its failures and activities from public

                  The Wen Ho Lee case.

   It looks like only Walter Pincus of the "Washington Post"
has discovered a more coherent explanation of the Lee case. The
Taiwan-born scientist may well be innocent of espionage for
mainland China, but perhaps not for his homeland.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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