-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>High-powered research team tries to get to the bottom of cow mutilations

I heard from a Linda Molton-Howe investigation of cattle mutilation in
that the Cattle were also found to be deficient in metabolic copper.

My ears pricked up immediately at that because some Greys are alleged to
have a copper/plant metabolism.

The question of why the coppers missing though takes me back to my
dissertation on heavy/light metal pollution - where slightly radioactive
minerals are known to cause metabolic disruption and harmful mutation -
again an interesting experiment for a species allegedly worried about its
degenerate DNA.
.... and maybe next house guests for Queen Elizabeth in her new palatial
underground facility !!! in colorado .... when the greys set up a permanent
terrestrial colony ... and open up a few roadhouses - get their green cards
and become legal aliens.

Andrew Hennessey


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