-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/25/2000 7:14:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<<  (Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, who is representing those
  individuals whose FBI files were misused in Filegate, yesterday
  received permission in court orders to question both Bill and
  Hillary Clinton's private investigator and an eyewitness who
  saw a White House official using FBI files at home -- and
  loading them onto his laptop computer.  The new depositions
  come in the ongoing $90 million Filegate class action lawsuit
  filed against Hillary Clinton, the Clinton White House, the FBI
  and others.  The lawsuit is on behalf of those former Reagan
  and Bush staffers (and others) whose FBI files were improperly
  obtained by the Clinton White House >>

Since a lot of Reagan and Bush staffers were pulling some strange shenanigans
after the baton was passed, I think investigations of their FBI or any other
files was totally justified.  I'm still trying to find out who that person
was who was phoning a report to Barbara Bush every day.  Prudy

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