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Lying query brings president to mind
By Jennifer Harper

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     The five Republican presidential candidates faced a real moment of truth
Wednesday night as they parried and postured before the cameras during a
televised debate.
     And it was a question about truth.
     CNN's Bernard Shaw wanted to know: "Should it be a felony for the
president to lie to the American people?"
     The five talked primarily — most talked exclusively — about lying under
oath with Bible in hand and lawyers present and assumed that Mr. Shaw was
referring to President Clinton.
     * George W. Bush: "Lying under oath is a felony. And all of us on this
stage can make the pledge that we will swear to uphold the laws of the land
and the honor, integrity of the office to which we have been elected. . . ."
     * John McCain: "I voted to convict the president of the United States on
grounds that he lied under oath. . . . The people of this country are
suffering from Clinton fatigue, and it's because they want someone who will
look them in the eye and tell them the truth. That's the pledge I've made to
the people of New Hampshire and the people of this country."
     * Steve Forbes: "This president has lied repeatedly, and I don't think
it's going to work to, say, try to get in a situation where he may not say
something for national security reasons, as Dwight Eisenhower did. But that
is very different from lying under oath, which this president did. That is a
felony, and he should have been removed for it. . . ."
     * Gary Bauer: "Lying under oath is a felony. That's absolutely right. .
. . Presidents have sat there in that office and have made decisions that
resulted in our sons going off to foreign battlefields. This president sat in
that office, and we know what he did. . . . This brings shame to our country."
     * Alan Keyes: "Well, I think that lying under oath is clearly a felony.
But we shouldn't think that that's how you take care of a president when he
lies and disregards his oath. That is the responsibility not of the courts
but of Congress. And I think that this Congress under the corrupt pressure
from a Democrat Party that surrounded its corrupt president — that refused in
fact to apply the necessary strictures in order to call this nation back to
accountability and integrity — they need to be held accountable. . . ."
     Mr. Shaw said he asked the question "without qualifiers or clauses"
because he "wanted the candidates to fill in the blanks, to reveal thoughts
and feelings. The prime issue in this race is character, and that question
was designed to get at that quality."
     But nobody replied with much "historical width," Mr. Shaw said.
     If the president lies to the public — or "misleads" them, as Mr. Clinton
said during the battle over his impeachment — is it a major crime?
     "The line is not bright or clear on this," said presidential scholar
Bruce Buchanan of the University of Texas. "The nature of politics and the
presidency itself is the strategic maneuvering and shading of information.
     "But if lying to the public was a felony," he added, "They all would
have gone to jail."
     Presidents have fibbed for personal reasons, to protect the American
integrity or the national interest, Mr. Buchanan said.
     Defining the parameters of all this maneuvering, Mr. Buchanan said,
helps define the nature of the presidency itself. This notion has intrigued
and perplexed many.
     Independent prosecutor Kenneth W. Starr wrote in his report to Congress
that grounds for impeachment included the fact that "President Clinton abused
his constitutional authority by lying to the public and the Congress in
January 1998 about his relationship with [Monica] Lewinsky."
     In three impeachment articles approved by the House Judiciary Committee
against President Nixon in 1974, one paragraph indicted Mr. Nixon for "making
false or misleading public statements to the purpose of deceiving the people
of the United States. . . ."
     During the founding period, Alexander Hamilton noted in one of the
Federalist Papers that an impeachable offense hinged upon "injury" inflicted
upon "society itself."
     Beyond legalities, lying is also an emotional offense. In the months
surrounding Mr. Clinton's impeachment, polls gauged the subjective side of
     A Gannett survey last year asked respondents if it was acceptable for
public officials to lie if their "motives are good."
     Eighty-two percent said "no," while 60 percent said politicians lied
more often than the average person.
     A U.S. News & World Report poll taken after the president's acquittal
tallied the fallout of fibbing: 56 percent said Mr. Clinton is the least
moral of modern presidents and more than two-thirds thought the scandal had
affected America's moral fiber.
     A 1998 book called "A People's History of the United States" cited
multiple "lies" of the last six presidents that involved national security.
Another book — "The American Leadership Tradition: Moral Vision from
Washington to Clinton" — reviewed the connection between private and public
     A few months ago, Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Bradley told CNN
that Mr. Clinton lied to the American people during the Lewinsky matter — and
that the nation paid a price.
     "Any time a president lies, he undermines his own authority and
squanders the people's trust," the former New Jersey senator said.
     And maybe not just the nation.
     Thursday, the Arkansas Supreme Court ordered its professional conduct
committee to investigate a complaint that Mr. Clinton lied and obstructed
justice in the Paula Jones sexual misconduct case — which could lead to
disbarment proceedings against the president.

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