<tt>From:</tt> <tt>
&quot;Dan Russell&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</tt>
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<DIV>From: "David Goldman" &lt;<A 
<DIV>To: &lt;<A 
<DIV>Sent: Friday, January 28, 2000 10:17 AM</DIV>
<DIV>Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Hiett convicted....</DIV></DIV>
<DIV>&gt; From: David Goldman &lt;<A 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&gt;<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; 
Is she covering for hubby?????&nbsp; David Goldman</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Palatino size=3>&nbsp;<FONT face=Arial>Yes, she was covering for 
hubby.&nbsp; This was a covert op.&nbsp; </FONT>
<P align=justify><A href="http://www.drugwar.com">Drug War:</A></P>
<P>The most powerful paramilitary leader, Carlos Castaño, leader of the militia 
alliance known as the United Self Defense Forces of Colombia, is a longtime CIA 
asset who can call on regular army support any time. <I>The Washington Post</I> 
reports, 12/30/98, that the DEA insists that Castaño is also a major Cali 
kingpin.<I><FONT face=Palatino size=3></P>
<P>The Washington Post</I>, 8/11/98: "Colombian Army&#8217;s Third in Command 
Allegedly Led Two Lives; General Reportedly Served as Key CIA Informant While 
Maintaining Ties to Death Squads Financed By Drug Traffickers: For years 
Colombian Gen. Ivan Ramirez&nbsp;Quintero was a key intelligence source for the 
United States. After training in Washington he was the first head of a military 
intelligence organization designed by U.S. experts to fight Marxist guerrillas 
and drug traffickers, and served as a liaison and paid informant for the Central 
Intelligence Agency, according to U.S. and Colombian intelligence sources." That 
is, as the first head of the special counterinsurgency unit, it was Ramirez&#8217; job 
to coordinate military operations and weapons financing with Cali kingpin Carlos 
Castaño.<I><FONT face=Palatino size=3></P>
<P align=justify>The Village Voice</I>: 8/5/99: "The wife of the Army commander 
leading the U.S. government&#8217;s antidrug efforts in Colombia has been charged in 
connection with a cocaine smuggling ring that shipped that drug from an American 
military base in Bogotá to New York City, the <I>Voice</I> has learned."</P>
<P align=justify>"Laurie Hiett, the wife of Colonel James Hiett, was named in a 
criminal complaint filed in late June in Brooklyn federal court, according to 
records. She has been charged with conspiracy to distrubute cocaine." </P>
<P align=justify>Others named in the complaint reveal a vast, decentralized 
distribution system involving the entire structure around Col. Hiett, including 
many "embassy employees," direct military subordinates, their wives, chauffeurs 
and stateside contacts. The "embassy employees" were using the Army Postal 
Service (APO), which in Bogotá is a <I>de facto</I> part of the embassy&#8217;s 
customs-free diplomatic pouch.&nbsp; And whose coke was the antidrug Colonel 
exporting? Carlos Castaño&#8217;s Cali coke.</P>
<P align=justify><FONT face=Arial>Dan Russell<BR></FONT><A 
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"><FONT face=Arial>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</FONT></A><BR><A 


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