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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] Big Media IS the 90 lb. Gorilla of 2000 Election
Date: Monday, January 31, 2000 5:19 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

January 30, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Big Media IS the 90 lb. Gorilla of 2000 Election

Again today we see the Establishment Media pushing hard and uniformly
for the “two-man race” propaganda in both Major Party New Hampshire
Primaries to be held this Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2000. Tim Russert, Sam &
Cokie, Tony Snow, CNN, Evans, Novak, Hunt and Shields – all playing up
Bush, Gore, McCain, and Bradley as the only “game” in town. In the last
week we have witnessed Media “full court press” campaign to narrow the
race in the two major parties down to these four, two in each party.

You might say that Network America website and listserve not only wants
to educate the populace on what constitutes a verifiable, honest
election, -- not only wants to organize honest citizens by precinct and
county across the United States – but also wants to expose how the Big
Media works in unison -- as one unit -- to direct the American people.
We want to be a part of breaking the power of the Big Media through
helping to destroy its credibility. This is the promise and exciting
potential of the internet, where independent news and opinion “rule”, as
the modern lingo goes.

Consider this: The Manchester Union Leader, an independent paper still
at this hour, has aggressively endorsed Steve Forbes. They are hammering
away at Bush and McCain in front page editorials everyday. Even though,
Forbes is a mere pathetic shadow of the candidate that Buchanan was four
years ago, and even though what Steve Forbes is about is still a
question in my mind --- let’s hope that Forbes, Keyes, and the New
Hampshire Union Leader can turn the Big Media on their heads, as
Buchanan and the New Hampshire Union Leader was able to do last time
(maybe with a little help in that 1996 contest from our Manchester Union
Leader Citizens for a Fair Vote Count sponsored ad “Don’t Let Anyone
Steal This election from Pat” which appeared on the day of the Primary
election, Feb. 20, 2000 – see our archives, votefraud section at

Forget the Democratic race. It means nothing, as both men are equally
useful to the Ruling Elite. I firmly believe that Bradley was coaxed
into the race and backed by the Eisner’s and the Geffen’s just so it
wouldn’t be too obvious that we already have a Soviet America in many

On the GOP side, they’re telling us that the Big Polls show McCain
around 35%  - 40%, Bush around 30% - 35%, Forbes at 10% - 15%, and Keyes
at 8% - 12%. Since New Hampshire is the only handcounted primary (all
the rest will be computer-generated results), then let’s hope there’s a
massive upset of the Poll numbers. 70% of New Hampshire is handcounted
by the local citizens, 30% is computer genereated and citizens are not
allowed to count or double-check their own votes on election day in
these computerized areas.

For new readers, remember that it was in hand-counted New Hampshire that
all 4 big TV networks, using the identical same exit polls provided to
them all by Voter News Service, projected Bob Smith to lose the 1996 NH
U.S. Senate race; BUT, as the handcounted, non-computer generated votes,
trickled in from around the “Live Free or Die” State – Smith pulled
ahead and won! Let’s hope something like that happens again.

We’ll be varying the subject matter in this e-wire after Tuesday, but
for now, with new readers coming aboard everyday, I want to stay focused
on New Hampshire and the recent Iowa Caucuses. Best Wishes to all --

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

To Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our website: www.networkamerica.org
Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

To read all current messages on the Network America listserve news service, do the 
following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
member which requires your e-mail address and a password you make up (this only need 
be done once)  3) then when you log in to www.topica.com, click on "my topica" at the 
top of the screen; then on 4) Network America, and then 5) click on "Read Current 
Messages" which is the top choice at the left column on that screen. (Note: in some 
cases you may find that you have skipped over the "my topica" screen and have been 
sent straight to the screen with the "Network America" choice.)

Faster, stronger and able to send millions
of emails in one click: the new Topica site!

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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
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