>From Rayelan
To: Rumor Mill News Readers

The enclosed  article on Austria and Joerg Haider is old news by now.... it
has been on the Forum since the 1st, but I have not been able to send it via
AOL and/or  However, the more news that comes out in the media,
the more I am sure my analysis of the Austrian crisis is accurate. I urge you
to read the part I have sent. You will understand the true cause of this so
called "crisis".

There are a number of new posts on the Forum regarding the coming crisis in
oil, gold and bonds.  It appears to a number of us that by Monday, the
financial world could be thrown into chaos and crisis.

Our attention is being diverted by the crash of AlaskaAir 261, Elian, John
McCain, Hillary and other riveting stories. But behind the scenes, it appears
that we are in for an immediate and serious problem in the financial world.
In the past, our government has diverted our attention with wars.

At this moment, the United States has seized a Russian tanker. How long will
it be before the Russians label this an act of war? If war is needed, the
situation has  already been created which can escalate into war instantly.

It is my belief that the current situation in the world:

The breakdown of the peace agreement in Ireland, with the threat of British

The breakdown of the Israel-Palestinian peace talks

The seizing of the Russian ship by Americans

The crisis in Austria

Problems in the bond market

The rise of gold prices

The rise of oil

Potential major scandal for Clinton and the Democrats

Can  cause our current leadership to rely on his old and trusted diversionary
measures.... WAR! Take a look at the articles on the Forum and decide for

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Date: Tuesday, 1 February 2000, at 7:57 p.m.

===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY===========

Dateline: February 1, 2000





By Rayelan Allan

In the past few days, the European Union has been warning Austria that if
they allow Joerg Haider, the head of the Freedom Party, to form a coalition
government, the 14 nations that make up the European Union will
diplomatically isolate Austria.

In an official statement, issued out of Portugal, the European Union
threatened Austria. The official position of the EU warns that if Austria
allows the lawfully elected members of the Austrian Freedom Party, to take
part in their own government, that the members of the European Union will
diplomatically “snub” their ambassadors and all other representatives of

The Portuguese prime minister justified the EU’s position by stating “We
have to send a very clear signal that behavior os a racist or xenophobic
character will not be tolerated within the European Union.”

Haider responded by stating, “If Austria bows to foreign pressure, then we
might as well abolish democracy in this country straight away.”

Austrian leaders, even those who oppose Haider, were dumbfounded by the
attack on their sovereignty by the European Union. Other European leaders are
also taking another look at the enormous power they have given to the EU, and
wonder when the EU will turn their wrath on them.

The European Union should know that it cannot threaten Austria or Austrians.
In 1986, after 10 years at the helm of the United Nations, Austrian Kurt
Waldheim entered the race for President of Austria. All European nations
banded together to decry Austria’s Nazi inclinations. They labeled Waldheim a
Nazi and stated that he took part in sending Jews to gas chambers. Waldheim
denied the charge. Pressure was put on President Reagan by the international
bankers who own the Federal Reserve and direct the New World Order. Reagan
was forced to ban Waldheim from the United States.

The Austrian people were so angered by the world’s reaction to Waldheim, who
was one of the guiding lights in Austria after WWII, that he was elected

The Austrian people are different. They are one family. They treat their
country as responsible home owners treat their own private property. There is
no graffiti, no garbage, no slums. The transportation system is so good that
cars are not necessary. However, if you want to drive a car, the roads in
Austria are well maintained, scenic, clean and beautiful.

There are no homeless sleeping on the street, virtually no poor and crime is
almost non existent. The year I was in Vienna, there had been no murders and
only one rape. Women could walk in safety anywhere in Vienna at any time of
the day or night.

Austrians pay almost 50% of their salary in taxes, but they get a lot for
their money. Their health care is one of the most advanced in the world. They
combine all aspects of complimentary health care along with traditional
medical practices. An Austrian physician would be just as likely to prescribe
herbs or homeopathic formulas as they would to prescribe pharmaceuticals.

Austrians pride themselves on their great cultural heritage and their
history. Austrians have not forgotten that at one time they ruled Europe.
They also have not forgotten who was responsible for the destruction of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire. ALL Austrians KNOW their history. ALL Austrians know
who was responsible for the destruction of their empire.

Ordinary Austrians can discuss the New World Order, the Federal Reserve and
the British monarchy’s role in the destruction of most of the European royal
families. Take a ride in an Austrian cab, if your driver is a native born
Austrian, he can educate you in how American businesses, which were owned by
the international bankers that destroyed Austria in the late 1800's, funded
Adolph Hitler. He can tell you how Hitler’s henchmen routinely flew to London
to get their marching orders from the Tavistock Institute, the “think tank”
that formulates the plans, the weapons, the philosophies, the methods and the
puppet politicians of a One World Government.

Maybe your Austrian cabbie can even tell you about Adolph Hitler’s teachers
from Tavistock and the Society of Thule, organizations that use both mind
control and occult practices to weave a spell over an entire people. Germany
was Tavistock’s first experiment in mass mind control. Today their techniques
have been perfected to such a degree, that most Americans, through television
and the media, already are victims of the New World Order’s brainwashing.


Austrians remember who they are. Because they are basically one people, they
pull together faster and stronger than a country like France or the United
States. Divide and conquer works to separate Americans and French. Attacks on
American leaders by the international media will see the leader cave in. This
is not the case in Austria. If an Austrian leader is attacked by
“outsiders”, the Austrians will rally around him, hunker down and outlast
the attackers.

Just as the Austrian people rallied in support of Kurt Waldheim, so too will
the Austrian people rally around Joerg Haider. The more Haider is attacked by
the European Union, the continental European arm of the New World Order, the
more Austrians will support him.

Haider is being attacked because he is “anti-immigrant”. Why is Haider
labeled “anti-immigrant” when he is not anti-immigrant, but Pro-Austria?

1. Haider knows what many Americans are just now learning. Unless a country
is united by a common language and/or culture, it can be destroyed from
within. The immigration policy of the United States, and of all other
nations, is a creation of the New World Order. The NWO uses immigration to do
two things.

A. In the United States, immigration is used to gain more Democratic voters
who elect Democratic candidates who routinely implement more NWO policies
than Republicans.

B. The NWO uses the controlled media, and their plants in the alternative
media, to whip up emotions for minorities. More immigrants mean more support
for contrived media minority issues. The media selectively promotes minority
issues that divide the citizens of the United States. Once a country is
divided, it can be conquered.

2. The New World Order knows that Haider was put in power by the very people
who have successfully thwarted the One World Government being put forth by
the international oligarches who make up the New World Order.

A. Since the end of WWII, the group who opposes the NWO have called
themselves “Faction 2". The leaders of Faction 2 came out of the Abwehr,
German military intelligence. Most of the leaders were Austrian or Bavarian.

The New World Order has hated Bavarians, since 1776. At that time, the
Illuminati, the progenitor of the New World Order, was set to take over all
of the European thrones by placing Illuminati advisors in every royal court.
The King of Bavaria figured out what they were doing and alerted the kings
and queens of Europe. The Illuminati was driven back into the shadows. The
actions of the King of Bavaria set back the plan for a One World Government
by 100 years. The New World Order lost round one.

B. Round two came in three steps. The first step saw the break up on the
Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late 1800's. Even though the Empire no longer
existed, the newly created nation states were still too strong for the New
World Order to completely control. Not only did these countries have to be
controlled, they had to be broken so badly that they would never recover. WWI
and WWII succeeded in getting rid of the major opponents of the NWO.

The “social engineering” that was done after the war succeeded in dividing
nations so that the people could never unite in opposition to the policies
and plans of the New World Order


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