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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: publish 
Subject: Heads Up! Austria: Free to Choose Subservience.
Date: Friday, February 04, 2000 5:32 PM

The inattentive souls who doubt the existence of the New World Order
gangsters had better pay attention to Austria.  There Bill Clinton and the
unelected future dictators of the European Union are sending a clear signal:
The scaffold of world government is almost completed, and even "friendly"
nations will be hung if they cling to the idea of self-rule.

Tiny democratic Austria now faces American and EU sanctions for the crime of
voting for an Austrian patriot.  That patriot, the "right wing" Joerg Haider,
holds logical views about immigration and sovereignty.  Haider's ideas should
be considered mainstream.  But they are unacceptable to the
internationalists, who have slowly eliminated free speech in the western

And the ruling Globalists now feel free to take open action.  Last year NATO
terrorized Serbian civilians for their country's internal policies, in order
to intimidate "rogue" nations who snub the World Government team.  Now the
current propaganda attacks and embargo threats against Austria are intended
to show "team" states the limits of their imagined freedom.  To punctuate all
this with warlike overtones, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak called the
freely elected Haider "dangerous" to democracy and recalled Israel's
ambassador from Vienna for an indefinite period.

In Austria, democratic nations are being reminded that they may choose only
approved rulers.  Such rulers must unfailingly support goals critical to the
success of the Cecil Rhodes vision of world socialism.  Thus even honorable
opposition to destructive immigration policies is forbidden.  "Diversity"
shall no longer include the wondrous mix of unique cultures that once made up
the world's patchwork of nation-states.  Assertions of national sovereignty
shall be condemned as "racist" and "anti-Semitic."  In economic matters,
policies to help one's own country must be subordinated to the demands of
non-democratic international organizations.

In allowing Mr. Haider, who earned a plurality of votes, to form a ruling
coalition, Austria has pushed a few of these "hot buttons" and unwittingly
defied the Chosen.  Now the classically liberal nation of ten million faces
economic attack, with the implicit possibility of future military attack.  In
the tradition of a Russian dissident succumbing to Soviet tyrants, Mr. Haider
hastened to issue the mandatory statements of contrition.

Marxist leaning Franklin Roosevelt once hailed the so-called "Everyman"-the
little guy, the masses yearning to be represented.  Yet today, if an auto
mechanic in Salzburg casts a vote for his own nation's leadership, the inner
circle of "enlightened" dictators in far-away Brussels or Washington will
coldly overrule his choice.

Despite the happy nonsense about the "spread of freedom" in the post-Cold War
era, the drive of the Warmakers to extinguish the unalienable rights of men
has continued.  The pace quickens.

D. Rabil for Heads Up!

For a related story see : Divide and Disarm:  The Warmakers Plan for the
Occupation of Yugoslavia, (http://www.whtt.org/990610cc.htm)

Copyright 2000, story may be reproduced in full for non-commercial use.
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