GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE
                 Chris W. Stark - Director
                       P.O. Box 1924
                 Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
          Ph. 1-281-787-4111  Fax 1-281-328-7505
              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                     05 February 2000

                      Boxing Liberty

              Copyright © 2000 by DOUG FIEDOR.
     Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
            is left intact in its original state.


                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Way back when -- when we were a lot poorer but didn't know
it because we were happy and life was good -- there was a
famous neighborhood orator who was also a United States

As a young boy always available to do odd jobs around the
neighborhood, I was required to attend a rather large
outside function one beautiful June day.  The Senator spoke
of the joy of being an American, love of country, duty to
God and country, and how proud he was of all of us for
joining various civilian national defense related programs
that were still around after the Second World War.

Then, a surprising thing happened:  His booming voice
cracked and tears came to his eyes as he started to read the
names of local boys killed in the Korean Police Action.  He,
too, knew some of those guys.

And then, just when we thought he was done, he started on

Freedom and Liberty were a big deal with us back then.
There were a lot of people in the neighborhood who had lived
under Hitler and most of us lost relatives over there.  So,
when that serious stuff started, we kids knew that was not
the time to be rustling around -- lest the nearest adult
give us a healthy smack across the head.

That day, it was a repeat of his famous "box" speech I had
heard before and we had also discussed thoroughly in school.

Of course he talked of the "ballot" box.  I'm not sure, but
it may have been an election year -- not that it ever
mattered in his case.  He was "Our Senator," everyone liked
him, and that was that.

Then he said, "I have the soap box," and went on to explain
to us how important it was that we also use our freedom of
speech to get our political points across. The old folks
loved that.  Especially the ones who recently arrived from

But, when he got to the "jury" box he diverted from the law
a little, some said.  Apparently, he too agreed that a jury
must not only judge the guilt of the person being tried, but
also the applicability of the law in the matter before the
jury.  "That helps keep government in check," he said to
thunderous applause.

Soon thereafter, a little joking around started and the band
was playing, so I bugged out to the refreshment stand for a
large cherry Coke.  Even then, though, I knew he missed
something.  The speech was not complete.  All of the "Boxes
of Liberty" were not properly related.

The audience was greatly interested by the time I got back.
That old guy didn't forget at all.  The joking and the band
playing were cover, marking time, while people he wanted
came up to the bandstand.

The last Liberty Box, as we all knew very well back then,
was the cartridge box.  And so, after another five or ten
minutes on the methods of protecting Liberty, the Senator
made many mothers in the audience proud by personally giving
awards for expertise and proficiency in the use of personal

Boy Scouts, student ROTC members from high schools and
colleges, police officers . . . he lined them up and
pronounced every name correctly (difficult, in that
neighborhood) as he personally handed each of them an award.
By their presence on that platform, each was proclaimed to
be a good, honorable and useful member of society.  They
were "the protectors of Liberty."  So said our Senator.
Therefore, it must be true.  That is how it was back then,
when things were simpler and life was good.  People said
they could hear that final standing ovation two miles down
the road that afternoon.

Because, there was another important thing we all knew for
certain, deep in our own hearts:  No Nazi Gestapo types
or Stalinist commie pinko punks would be taking over OUR
neighborhood anytime soon.  We had our own own army!  And
anyway, even us kids had guns and knew how to use them.  Me
too, I felt with pride.

A Polish Catholic Priest and a Polish Jewish Rabbi were to
finish out the afternoon with some words and a prayer or
two.  Both were very memorable with their freedom and
Liberty oriented mini-sermons and their semi-
nondenominational prayers.  Again, there were tears evident
in many of the older folks; those who lost family and
friends to the Nazi jackbooted Gestapo horrors just about a
decade earlier.  The younger among us always thought it
unfortunate that the war stories kept getting rehashed. But,
unless the older folks said something, it was not our place
to mention it.

Then, as the flags came down, a very tall police officer sat
at attention atop his beautiful thoroughbred horse and blew
a very chilling rendition of Taps and the Boy Scouts fired
off a twenty-one gun salute in honor of those boys the
Senator mentioned who were recently lost in Korea.

Back then, we all knew that the soap box, the ballot box and
the jury box were the basics of freedom and liberty and must
be appreciated and used properly. They defend liberty in a
free society.  It's when a society becomes less than free --
when government gets crazy and the other boxes no longer
work properly -- that we must reach for that cartridge box.

As those two great religious leaders painted so dramatically
in word pictures that fine June afternoon many years ago,
one only needs to read the story of the Warsaw Ghetto for an
indication of just how quickly and easily the necessity for
the cartridge box can occur.

There was one thing everyone readily agreed on back then.
Liberty requires work.  These "Liberty Boxes" are not just
rights, they are also our civic duties.

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