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</A> -Cui Bono?-


Recent Questions

I micro-waved one cup of plain water for one minute at 100 degrees
Celsius. After taking it out of the micro-wave oven, I put one tea spoon
of instant coffee powder into the cup. Surprisingly, the water splashed
out of the cup to a height of around 4 cm and scalded my hand. Is there
any substance in the instant coffee powder that leads to such a
'reaction'? It happened only once. I have tried doing so many times but
none has such an effect.

Answer : A portion of the water in your cup was actually heated slightly
above the boiling point. In other words, the water was becoming
superheated. It would normally boil at this temperature. But, because of
the smooth surface of the cup, the boiling is hindered by the lack of
nucleation sites needed to form the bubble. Superheated liquid can boil
explosively if something is added. The addition of some instant coffee
powder sufficed to allow bubble formation.

After keeping the cup still and micro-waving for a long time, turbulence
in the superheated liquid by stirring or by moving the cup could also
provide enhanced nucleation with an explosive rate of steam production.
It could cause the liquid to splash out of the cup. This can be avoided
by leaving any liquid that has been heated in a microwave oven to stand
for at least a minute before touching it or open the door of the oven.
This allows for slight cooling and for the heat to become more evenly
distributed. It is therefore recommended that everyone does this when
heating liquids in a microwave oven, even to make a cup of tea.

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