-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Sat, 05 Feb 2000 10:59:47 -0500
From:                   DRxDON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: [SD] McCain the Full UFO Disclosure Candidate?

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> Following his unexpected upset over Bush in New Hampshire, a rather cocky
> McCain told the public "I will never lie to you."
> This give ufologists a unique opportunity to push on this campaign promise.
> If he would lie to us about UFOs, then he would lie about everything else, so
> it follows that if pressed on the point along the campaign trail, the answer
> to the question of "Will you give us full disclosure about UFOs?" would have
> to be an unqualified yes if he is elected president, because anything less
> would be a lie of omission.

A few years ago, Charles Grodin, on his CNBC show, was just musing about things,
as he often does.  He got into the subject of aliens and said that he was curious
but very skeptical about the whole thing. He then said that a few weeks prior he
had lunch with (then)Senator Bill Bradley.  I forget how, but the subject of aliens
came up and Charles Grodin asked the Senator about Roswell.  To his amazement,
he said that Bill Bradley told him point blank "Sure it's true.  I know several
people in the government who have seen the bodies, though I haven't myself."  He
also told Grodin that many people in the government know about it; that it is
"common knowledge" that just "isn't discussed" openly.

What If --------------------------?

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"Reptilians make good barbeque."

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