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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] Polls 20% OFF on McCain's final total
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 6:27 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

February 2, 2000 NA (Network America) E-wire

Pre-Election Polls 20% OFF on McCain's final total

Yesterday our e-wire said, “The TV Networks were careful to be careful.
They did not call the GOP race for quite a while after the polls closed,
as opposed to the instant
call usually made -- and which "instant calls" we believe will be made
again in the coming 100% computer counted states.”

In the above sentences, we should have said that the networks “did not
call the DEMOCRATIC race for quite a while” – as they did call the GOP
race at 7 PM as the polls close. It still holds true that the Networks
did NOT call any percentages until the real numbers came in. Also, the
final result between Gore and Bradley was 52% to 47%. Now, in years past
the Big TV Networks called MANY elections, AS THE POLLS CLOSED, by a
margin of as close as 51% to 49% --- when computers were counting the
votes. Clearly the networks were gun-shy in this handcounted state – to
call any percentages – or even call the race until about 9 PM – after a
trend of real numbers were coming in.

On the basis of this, we must say that in New Hampshire there are so few
polling places (I believe 600 or so) that Voter News Service could
conceivably have exit pollers at 60 or even 100 of them, and therefore
get an actual read if it is not a close race. Since McCain ended up
beating Bush by 5 to 3 --- it must be conceded that the exit polls did
allow the Networks to call such a wide margin accurately in this small

Remember, we do not hold that all elections are fixed – or that polls
cannot possibly be right; what we do say is that in any given race,
especially close races, pre-election public opinion polls can be way off
(the pre-election polls on McCain’s totals in NH last night were a FULL
20% off of the actual totals), and that exit polls can also be way off –
witness the wrong call all four networks made in New Hampshire on
Buchanan in the 1992 primary and Sen. Smith in the1996 general election.

Needless to say, in a computer generated state with no checks or
balances – ANY close election could be tilted the other way, and even a
not so close could be reversed. More tomorrow.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

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Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

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following: 1) go to www.topica.com  2)if you have not yet done so, log in as a topica 
member which requires your e-mail address and a password you make up (this only need 
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top of the screen; then on 4) Network America, and then 5) click on "Read Current 
Messages" which is the top choice at the left column on that screen. (Note: in some 
cases you may find that you have skipped over the "my topica" screen and have been 
sent straight to the screen with the "Network America" choice.)

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