-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

[Is it REALLY about Foster?  Or maybe, an earlier, more urgent,
unsolved mystery?  Is there not one firm rock or stump one can
stand on in the swamp of history???  Answer:  No!  --MS]

Feb 7, 2000 - 02:35 PM

Park Service Investigates Statue of Liberty's Racial Origins

By Tom Kirchofer
Associated Press Writer

BOSTON (AP) - The Statue of Liberty has long stood as a beacon of
hope to immigrants. But National Park Service researchers are
looking into the possibility that Lady Liberty may have been
intended, at least in part, as a monument to freed black slaves.

And if that's true, it could lead to a change in how the park
service portrays the 114-year-old monument's history.

An unsourced text began appearing on the Internet several years
ago and quickly spread the theory that the widely accepted
history of the Statue of Liberty is not true, says Rebecca M.
Joseph, a Boston-based park service anthropologist.

The Internet report said that the statue "was intended as a
monument to the abolition of slavery in the United States and
that the original model was a black woman," according to Joseph.

The park service's official history of the Statue of Liberty
holds it was proposed by French historian Edouard Laboulaye in
1865 to commemorate the friendship between France and the United
States born during the Revolutionary War.

But Laboulaye was also a leader of the French abolitionist
movement with a commitment to fighting slavery, notes Diane H.
Dayson, the statue's superintendent.

"Our history states that he was an abolitionist, but we still
don't know whether or not it was relative to the Statue of
Liberty," she says. "The important thing for us is just to
validate the history one way or another."

Joseph is now combing archives and libraries here and in France
to find out whether Laboulaye also wanted the statue to honor the
recently freed slaves. Dayson says he may have conceived the
statue with both the slaves and Franco-American friendship in

Richard Newman, a research officer at Harvard University's W.E.B.
DuBois Institute for Afro-American Research, says it is widely
believed in academic circles that Laboulaye meant for the statue
to honor the slaves, as well as mark the recent Union victory in
the Civil War and the life of Abraham Lincoln.

However, by the time sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi's
151-foot statue was erected in New York Harbor in 1886, European
immigration had begun to rise dramatically and the statue took on
a whole new symbolism, he says.

"It was entirely related to slavery, and not about immigration at
all," Newman says. "The 'liberty' was the freedom of the slaves."

Joseph also is checking into the possibility a 21-inch model of
Lady Liberty completed by Bartholdi in 1870 may have been based
on the likeness of a black woman. That model, now in the Museum
of the City of New York, has a broken chain around its hand; the
statue in the harbor has a more discreet broken shackle on its

Joseph refused Monday to say what she has discovered so far. Her
final report is due for release this summer.

"Those people who are looking for a report that's going to
support the most traditional interpretation of the Statue of
Liberty are going to be disappointed," she said, "and those who
are looking for a report that will support the rumors in their
entirety will also be disappointed.

"History is much more complicated than that. It's not a sound

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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