-Caveat Lector- <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"> </A> -Cui Bono?- http://www.davidicke.com/icke/temp/kindercare6.html KINDERCARE OWNER IS VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF GEORGE BUSH, ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS PAEDOPHILES. OWNER ALSO CONNECTED TO HENRY KISSINGER AND THE ROCKEFELLERS Kindercare is owned by a holding company called Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts (KKR), of 9 West 57th Street, Suite 4200, New York NY 10019. Telephone 212-750-8300. It is America's largest provider of preschool educational and child-care services. KinderCare Learning Centers Inc. owns and operates more than a thousand facilities in 39 states and the United Kingdom. In 1997, the company, which was founded in 1969 by Perry Mendel, a Montgomery, Alabama, real estate developer, had net operating revenues of more than $563 million. Also in 1997, Kolhberg, Kravis and Roberts acquired approximately 85 percent of the company's stock. After almost 30 years in Montgomery, KinderCare moved its corporate headquarters to Portland, Oregon following the takeover, and David Johnson, the CEO of Red Lion Inns, a KKR company based in Portland, became the new CEO of KinderCare. They also replaced virtually the entire corporate staff. Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts are a New York "investment firm" specializing in leveraged buyouts, which are often hostile, dependent on junk bonds worth more than the company being acquired, and therefore often resulting in the dismemberment and/or bankruptcy of once-solvent companies. KKR is Jerome Kohlburg Jr, Henry Kravis, and his cousin, George Roberts. Its 1980s deals included RJR Nabisco ($25 billion), Beatrice Foods ($6 billion), Safeway ($5 billion), and Owens-Illinois ($4 billion). Dealing continued in the 1990s with the Bank of New England, K-III Holdings (consumer magazines), and TW Holdings (Denny's and Hardee's restaurants). Other holdings include American Re-Insurance, Duracell, First Interstate, Fred Meyer, Stop & Shop, Union Texas Petroleum, and Walter Industries (Hoover's Handbook of American Business 1993, p. 360). It has also acquired the publishing and media operation, PRIMEDIA (including magazines like New Woman and Seventeen), diversified manufacturer Borden, online mortgage lender Nexstar, Regal Cinemas which have more than 4,100 screens at about 430 theaters in more than 30 states, and the "in-schools" TV network , Channel One (see related article). Foreign subsidiaries picked up in the takeovers have included Del Monte Malaysia, Del Monte International in Panama and Bandegua (Guatemala), the Philippine Packing Corp., Associated Biscuits Malaysia, and RJ Reynolds Tobacco in Malaysia Sources: (Who Owns Whom 1990: Australia & Far East). Reference Work Merchants of Debt: KKR and the Mortgaging of American Business, by George Anders (Basic Books, 1992). Out of Print Book Search / Order The Money Machine: How KKR Manufactured Power and Profit, by Sarah Bartlett (Warner). Not Yet Released Order - release scheduled Feb 2000 The buy-out of RJR-Nabisco was, for eight years, the biggest takeover in US history. RJR is R.J. Reynolds, the tobacco giant based around Raleigh (Cary) in North Carolina. The Reynold's Illuminati bloodline is, according to Fritz Springmeier's research, one of the top 13 Illuminati Satanic bloodlines. See his book, The Illuminati Bloodlines (Ambassador House). R.J. Reynolds, by the way, was controlled by the family of George Bush's White House lawyer, C. Boyden Gray which must have made it easier for the Bush-supported KKR to beat the opposition for control of the company. As Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin say in their book, George Bush, the Unofficial Biography, the deal put R.J.R** - Nabisco into so much debt, they would, had they been a country, have been among the top 15 debter nations on the planet. But then that has been the KKR mode of operation throughout their association with the Bush family which goes back to the days of George Bush's father, Prescott Bush. It is interesting how often North Carolina appears in the investigation of Satanism, the abuse of children, and the Illuminati agenda. Very few people know that immediately after the last war, in 1946-47, it was Boyden Gray's father, Gordon Gray, a close friend of Prescott Bush, who launched a project involving the forced sterlisation of children in North Carolina if they fell below a stipulated level in an "intelligence test." Gordon Gray founded the Bowman Gray (Memorial) "Medical School" in Winston-Salem. It was named after his grandfather who had owned the R.J. Reynold's tobacco company. Children enrolled in the Winston-Salem school district were given tests and if they didn't pass a certain grade they and their parents had to appear before a State Eugenics Board which had the power under North Carolina law to enforce the sterilisation of boys and girl. Many were sterilised as a result. Yes, this is America I am talking about. The Proctor and Gamble family were involved, also. You would have thought there would have been a press outcry over this Nazi law (or maybe you wouldn't), but there was no chance of the local media saying a word. The Winston-Salem Journal, Twin City Sentinel, and the local radio station, WSJS, were all owned by Gordon Gray, Prescott Bush's friend! Ever wondered why the voices of little boys and girls telling their horror stories are so seldom heard? The Kravis family of Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts, have also long been closely connected to the Illuminati Satanists, the Bush family.George Bush's father, Prescott Bush, was one of the key funders of the Rothschild offspring called Adolf Hitler. Bush channelled money to the Nazis via a company called the Union Banking Corporation, part of the Harriman empire, of which Prescott Bush was a leading executive. The UBC interfaced with the empire of the German, Fritz Thyssen, who was officially recognised as one of Hitler's major financial backers. In 1948, when Prescott was looking for a job in the oil industry for his son, the future US President, George Bush, he turned to his great friend, Ray Kravis, the father of Henry Kravis, the very same man who today owns Kindercare through his company, Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts. Father Ray was the son of a British tailor who made a fortune through the oil industry. His speciality was tax accountancy and he invented a tax shelter which reduced tax liability for oil companies by as much as 65%. He was very popular with the classic Illuminati families and offered George Bush a job, although he later chose to work elsewhere. "I know George Bush well," Ray Kravis said later. "I've known him since he got out of school. His father was a very good friend of mine." Ray Kravis also became closely associated with the Kennedy family and the mega-crook, Joseph Kennedy, the Illuminati father of JFK, made him manager of the family fortune. Kravis and Joe Kennedy were often golf partners during their winters in Palm Beach. Tarpley and Chaitkin, in their outstanding book, George Bush, the Unauthorised Biography**, say that the business techniques of father Ray were passed onto his son, Henry, the owner of Kindercare. They write: "Such activity imparted the kind of primitive-accumulation mentality that was later seen to animate Ray Kravis's son Henry. During the 1980s, as we will see, Henry Kravis personally generated some $58 billion in debt for the purpose of acquiring 36 companies and assembling the largest corporate empire, in paper terms, of all time. Henry Kravis would be one of the leaders of the leveraged buyout gang which became a mainstay of the political machine of George Bush". During the Reagan-Bush and Bush-Quayle administrations, Kohlburg, Kravis,and Roberts (KKR), founded in 1976, compiled a fantastic empire through often forced takeovers of companies using apparently limitless borrowed money.Actor Michael Douglas was the former prep school classmate of Henry Kravis, and it was his character that inspired Douglas's portrayal of Gordon Gekko, the corporate raider in the Oliver Stone movie, Wall Street. KKR's method of operation was as cynical as you can imagine. They would look for companies that would be worth more than their share price if they were broken up and sold off. They would take control of these companies with borrowed money, sack the management, and asset strip them without a thought of the consequences for those employed. If anyone typified the uncaring, greed and cynicism of the Thatcher-Reagan-Bush years it was Henry Kravis and the KKR. Their financial backers included Metropolitan Life Insurance of New York, Prudential, Aetma, North West Mutual, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Bankers Trust (a backer of Kindercare), and state pension funds in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Minnesota, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, and Montana. Money was no object for KKR - nor could it have been given their connections to the Reagan-Bush White House. KKR AND HENRY KRAVIS have also worked with the notorius "firm", Kissinger Associates, headed by the Satanist, Henry Kisssinger, one of the most active orchestrators of the Illuminati agenda, and THE ROCKEFELLERS. Henry Kravis was indeed helped enormously by his place in the inner circle of the Republican Party around it's leading force, George Bush, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, unofficial Ambassador to China, head of the Republican Party at the time of the Watergate hearings, head of the CIA, and Vice-President and President of the United States. Oh, yes, and infamous paedophile and mass murderer. Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts, made massive contributions through their companies to the Republican Party and the George Bush campaign for the Presidency.Kravis and Roberts also gave personally. One fundraiser at the Vista Hotel in lower Manhattan, co-chaired by Kravis, raised $550,000 alone for the Bush fund. In all, their combined contributions to Bush's election fund totalled millions. In January 1990, a year after Bush's inauguration as President, Kravis was chairman of his Inaugural Anniversary Dinner. Kravis has also given considerable donations to the cause of Zionism (see Was Hitler a Rothschild?) and to celebrate Bob Dole's birthday, Kravis threw a $300,000 fundraising bash for the Republican Presidential candidate and lover of backhanded "compliments". SO LET US GET RIGHT TO THE POINT HERE: Henry Kravis and Kohlburg, Kravis, and Roberts, own Kindercare, the biggest pre-school operation in the United States, and at the same time they, and particularly Henry Kravis, are extremely close friends and associates of George Bush. AND GEORGE BUSH IS ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS AND NOTORIOUS PAEDOPHILES AND CHILD KILLERS!!!!! See my books and others like Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien, How to Create an Illuminati Mind Controlled Slave by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier, Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor, The Franklin Cover-up by former Nebraska state senator, John W. DeCamp, The Mother Goddess ~ video from Bridge of Love, etc., etc. When Bush made a presidential visit to Australia a protest was held which asked the question: "Is George Bush the world's most famous paedophile?" SURELY THERE IS NO WAY THAT HENRY KRAVIS COULD BE SO CLOSE TO BUSH AND THE BUSH FAMILY FOR SO LONG AND NOT KNOW THAT GEORGE BUSH IS A COLLOSAL PAEDOPHILE AND KILLER OF CHILDREN. IT IS FAR TOO WIDELY KNOWN BY INSIDERS. SO HOW ON EARTH CAN KRAVIS SQUARE THAT WITH BEING THE OWNER OF THE BIGGEST PRE-SCHOOL CHILD CARE OPERATION IN AMERICA?? IS HE JUST UNINFORMED AND NAIVE ABOUT HIS CLOSE FRIEND OR DOES HE KNOW MORE THAN HE'S TELLING?? AND, OF COURSE, IF THIS STAGGERING TRUTH ABOUT GEORGE BUSH WERE TO HIT THE MAIN PUBLIC ARENA - THROUGH A COURT CASE MAYBE? - IT WOULD DESTROY ANY CHANCE OF HIS SON, GEORGE W. BUSH, BECOMING THE NEXT PRESIDENT ON THE UNITED STATES. AND SO IT SHOULD. ** Sources: George Bush, the Unofficial Biography, by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, (Executive Intelligence Review, Washington DC, 1992). George Bush, the Unofficial Biography is out of print.. but available online on this link Blood Lines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier available from Amazon The Franklin Cover-Up : Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John W. Decamp available from Amazon Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien (see banner below) Read Article on Trance-Formation of America Read Speech made by Cathy O'Brien online Tales of a government sex slave...by David Icke Review of Trance-Formation of America from Amazon Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor -Brice Taylor Trust P.O. Box 655 - Landrum, SC 29356 Read an Interview with Brice Taylor online Revelations of a Mother Goddess - available below from Bridge of Love Distributors Revelations of a Mother Goddess by Brian Desborough - online article David Icke Books and Videos are available from: USA - Bookworld - Bridge of Love Distributor - 1-800-444-2524 Order Line Toll Free United Kingdom - Bridge of Love Australia - Bridge of Love South Africa - Bridge of Love Link Page URL: http://www.davidicke.com/icke/temp/kindercare6.html <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. 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