-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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"For decades, anti-fluoride activists have blamed fluoride (which is only
slightly less poisonous than arsenic) for a variety of problems, including
osteoporosis, bone cancer, kidney problems, arthritis, genetic damage and
birth defects, premature aging, lowered intelligence, and Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder. Although there are numerous studies suggesting links
between fluoride and various illnesses, pro-fluoridationists have always
contended - correctly - that the exact effects of long-term fluoridation on
our bodies have not been established beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Dave Hartley


        * Prominent Researcher Apologizes for Pushing Fluoride [PARA]* Whole Body
Vaccine Mandates [PARA]* Help For Dry Mouth[PARA]* Hepatitis C - A non-toxic
treatment![PARA]* Mercury a possible cause of heart failure[PARA]* Multiple
Sclerosis: A Revival of Hope[PARA][NL]Prominent Researcher Apologizes for
Pushing Fluoride [NL](return to index)[NL]Prominent Researcher Apologizes
for Pushing Fluoride by Barry Forbes The Tribune, Mesa, AZ Sunday, December
5, 1999 "Reproduced With Permission" "Why'd you do it, Doc? Why'd you toss
the fluoride folks overboard?" I had just tracked down Dr. Hardy Limeback,
B.Sc., Ph.D in Biochemistry, D.D.S., head of the Department of Preventive
Dentistry for the University of Toronto, and president of the Canadian
Association for Dental Research. (Whew.) Dr. Limeback is Canada's leading
fluoride authority and, until recently, the country's primary promoter of
the controversial additive. In a surprising newsmaker interview this past
April, Dr. Limeback announced a dramatic change of heart. "Children under
three should never use fluoridated toothpaste," he counseled. "Or drink
fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap
water. Never." Why, I wondered? What could have caused such a powerful
paradigm shift? "It's been building up for a couple of years," Limeback told
me during a recent telephone interview. "But certainly the crowning blow was
the realization that we have been dumping contaminated fluoride into water
reservoirs for half a century. The vast majority of all fluoride additives
come from Tampa Bay, Florida smokestack scrubbers. The additives are a toxic
byproduct of the super-phosphate fertilizer industry." "Tragically," he
continued, "that means we're not just dumping toxic fluoride into our
drinking water. We're also exposing innocent, unsuspecting people to deadly
elements of lead, arsenic and radium, all of them carcinogenic. Because of
the cumulative properties of toxins, the detrimental effects on human health
are catastrophic." A recent study at the University of Toronto confirmed Dr.
Limeback's worst fears. "Residents of cities that fluoridate have double the
fluoride in their hip bones vis-a-vis the balance of the population. Worse,
we discovered that fluoride is actually altering the basic architecture of
human bones." Skeletal fluorosis is a debilitating condition that occurs
when fluoride accumulates in bones, making them extremely weak and brittle.
The earliest symptoms? "Mottled and brittle teeth," Dr. Limeback told me.
"In Canada we are now spending more money treating dental fluorosis than we
do treating cavities. That includes my own practice." One of the most
obvious living experiments today, Dr. Limeback believes, is a proof-positive
comparison between any two Canadian cities. "Here in Toronto we've been
fluoridating for 36 years. Yet Vancouver û which has never fluoridated û has
a cavity rate lower than Toronto's." And, he pointed out, cavity rates are
low all across the industrialized world û including Europe, which is 98%
fluoride free. Low because of improved standards of living, less refined
sugar, regular dental checkups, flossing and frequent brushing. Now less
than 2 cavities per child Canada-wide, he said. "I don't get it, Doc. Last
month, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ran a puff piece all across
America saying the stuff was better than sliced bread. What's the story?"
"Unfortunately," he replied, "the CDC is basing its position on data that is
50 years old, and questionable at best. Absolutely no one has done research
on fluorosilicates, which is the junk they're dumping into the drinking
water." "On the other hand," he added, "the evidence against systemic
fluoride in-take continues to pour in." "But Doc, the dentists." "I have
absolutely no training in toxicity," he stated firmly. "Your
well-intentioned dentist is simply following 50 years of misinformation from
public health and the dental association. Me, too. Unfortunately, we were
wrong." Last week, Dr. Hardy Limeback addressed his faculty and students at
the University of Toronto, Department of Dentistry. In a poignant, memorable
meeting, he apologized to those gathered before him. "Speaking as the head
of preventive dentistry, I told them that I had unintentionally mislead my
colleagues and my students. For the past 15 years, I had refused to study
the toxicology information that is readily available to anyone. Poisoning
our children was the furthest thing from my mind." "The truth," he confessed
to me, "was a bitter pill to swallow. But swallow it I did." South of the
border, the paradigm shift has yet to dawn. After half a century of
delusion, the CDC, American Dental Association and Public Health stubbornly
and skillfully continue to manipulate public opinion in favor of
fluoridation. Meantime, study after study is delivering the death knell of
the deadly toxin. Sure, fluoridation will be around for a long time yet, but
ultimately its supporters need to ready the life rafts. The poisonous waters
of doubt and confusion are bound to get choppier. "Are lawsuits inevitable?"
I asked the good doctor. "Remember tobacco," was his short, succinct reply.
Welcome, Dr. Hardy Limeback, to the far side of the fluoride equation. It's
lonely over here, but in our society loneliness and truth frequently travel
hand in hand. Thank you for the undeniable courage of your convictions. Want
more scientific information about fluoride/fluoridation? Find it on the net.
[PARA]International Society for Fluoride Research
http://www.fluoride-journal.com  [PARA]CadVision of Canada
http://www.cadvision.com/fluoride  [PARA]Fluoride Issues
http://www.sonic.net/~kryptox/fluoride.htm  [PARA]Dental Fluorosis:
http://www.inter-view.net/~sherrell  [PARA]IAOMT Risk Assessment for
ingested fluoride http://www.SaveTeeth.org  [PARA]Zero Waste America
http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Fluoride.htm  [PARA]The Preventive Dental
Health Association's http://emporium.turnpike.net/P/PDHA/health.htm
[PARA]Stop Fluoridation USA http://www.rvi.net/~fluoride/  [NL][NL][NL]Whole
Body Dentistry[NL](return to index)[NL]"WHOLE BODY DENTISTRY"[NL]That is the
title of a just published book, written by Dr. Mark A. Breiner, D.D.S. with
an introduction by Robert C. Atkins, M.D. The rational behind the title is
that more and more scientific research is discovering and revealing that the
etiology of an overwhelming array of health problems and diseases start in
the mouth. As Dr Warrem M. Levin, M.D. puts it in his comment on the back
cover of the book "Mark Breiner challenges the Medical and Dental
professions to recognize that the teeth are vital living structures that
impact the health of the entire body." One of the things that impressed me
the most, when I read the book, is how Dr. Breiner explains some of the most
complicated and controversial subjects in a simple straight forward, easy to
understand way. Throughout the book, vignettes of case histories are
provided as "Dental Detective Stories" that clearly demonstrate the area
being discussed. This is an important book that provides a clear insight
into where dentistry should be heading in the new millenium. It rationally
establishes the inseparable link between dentistry, medicine and your
ultimate ability to live in good health.[NL]The book can be purchased
through our on-line catalog, or you may call 1-800-282-9670 and order it.
The price is $19.95 U.S. plus $3.00 shipping.[NL][NL][NL]A CRACK APPEARS IN
THE FLUORIDE FRONT!![NL](return to index)[PARA]After surveying the growing
evidence, a high-profile advocate has second thoughts about the safety of
fluoride By Michael Downey Special to The Toronto Star, April 25,
1999[NL]Two years ago, parents in the United States began noticing the word
"poison" on their toothpaste tubes. The reason: U.S. drug regulators were
beginning to doubt the safety of fluoride, particularly to children, and
demanded warnings on the labels. Health Canada has not followed the U.S.
lead, although fluoride toothpaste here does carry a mild warning to avoid
swallowing it. But attitudes toward fluoride in this country are also
beginning to change.[NL]Dr. Hardy Limeback is a leading Canadian fluoride
authority who is often cited by health officials in their defense of
fluoridated water. He is also a long-standing consultant to the Canadian
Dental Association and a professor of dentistry at the University of
Toronto. But in an interview last week, he conceded that fluoride may be
destroying our bones, our teeth and our overall health. Although he still
believes fluoride in toothpaste is effective against tooth decay, he says it
doesn't need to be added to our water and we may be taking unnecessary risks
by doing so. "There is no point swallowing fluoridated water. The only
benefit comes with direct contact with the teeth."[NL]Limeback is currently
studying fluoride buildup in the body, and his results, like those of other
studies, are worrisome. "What we're finding indicates a trend: Torontonians
have double the fluoride levels in their hip bones compared to Montreal,
where water is not fluoridated." What effect these high fluoride deposits in
our bones will have is unclear, he says, "but we know that in areas of the
world where water is naturally high in fluoride, skeletal fluorosis is a
widespread problem." [NL]Skeletal fluorosis is a debilitating condition that
occurs when fluoride accumulates in bones, making them extremely weak and
brittle. In parts of China, India and Turkey where water is naturally high
in fluoride, residents tend to age early and die before the age of 50, weak,
arthritic and hunched over. "Old" men of 30 drag themselves around, leaning
on sticks; their bones shatter like glass when they fall. Women give birth
to dead babies after pregnancies of only four months.[NL]The earliest
symptom? Mottled and brittle teeth, a condition known as dental fluorosis.
The condition weakens teeth, making them porous and thus easily stained. The
mottled spots start off white but typically turn brown. It's permanent and
recurring, and treating it is very costly.[NL]If this description sounds
familiar, there's a good reason. Limeback says "most" of the children he
treats in his Mississauga practise suffer dental fluorosis, and by some
estimates, 60 per cent of all children living in fluoridated areas have it.
What causes it in these children is not just the water. Young children do
not have the reflexes to avoid swallowing toothpaste when brushing their
teeth. Some even enjoy the taste of it. And because they're developing
rapidly, children are more susceptible to the negative effects of fluoride
buildup.[NL]"Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste.
Or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using
Toronto tap water. Never. In fluoridated areas, people should never use
fluoride supplements. We tried to get them banned for children but (the
dentists)wouldn't even look at the evidence we presented," says Limeback,
emphasizing that we are now spending more treating dental fluorosis than we
would spend treating cavities if water were not fluoridated.[NL]For decades,
anti-fluoride activists have blamed fluoride (which is only slightly less
poisonous than arsenic) for a variety of problems, including osteoporosis,
bone cancer, kidney problems, arthritis, genetic damage and birth defects,
premature aging, lowered intelligence, and Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder. Although there are numerous studies suggesting links between
fluoride and various illnesses, pro-fluoridationists have always contended -
correctly - that the exact effects of long-term fluoridation on our bodies
have not been established beyond a shadow of a doubt.[NL]As Chris Clark, a
high-profile fluoride booster and professor of dentistry at the University
of British Columbia, says, "There is no proof that fluoride causes brittle
bones or cancer" at current concentrations. (Toronto's water supply is 1
part per million (ppm) fluoride. Toothpaste, typically, contains 1,500
ppm.)[NL]Limeback, who until very recently would have been considered an
ally of Clark's, vehemently disagrees. "We absolutely know about the tragic
consequences of higher levels of fluoride, and we know it builds up over
time. These people haven't done any studies to find out what effect fluoride
accumulation will have at current levels. How can they say it's safe when
the studies haven't been done? Right now, we have people who have been
ingesting fluoride for 35 years. What happens in another 50 years, when
these people have been adding this poison to their bones for 85
years?"[NL]Limeback points out that almost all the beverages we drink (beer,
pop, juice) are made with fluoridated water. Fish and other foods also
contain fluoride. Many of the vegetables we eat are fertilized with
compounds containing fluoride; they are irrigated with, and washed and
cooked in, fluoridated water. So we are getting far more fluoride than it
appears.[NL]And, considering safe fluoride levels in terms of concentrations
(parts per million) is a dubious practice, since at least half the fluoride
we ingest fuses with bones and teeth and never leaves the body. So although
a big one-time dose of fluoride can kill - as happened to a New York boy
during a fluoride treatment and to people in Alaska when too much fluoride
was accidentally added to the water - Limeback says it's the cumulative
effect we should be most worried about.[NL]Contrary to popular belief, there
is no proof that fluoride fights cavities. In the U.S., the government
recently ordered toothpaste manufacturers to stop claiming it does until
they could prove it. (None bothered to try.) Studies have shown that
children in B.C., where most water is not fluoridated, have better teeth
than children here, where it is. And while it's true there's no absolute
proof that fluoride, at established levels, isn't safe, there is also no
proof, as Limeback points out, that it is.[NL]The stand most health
officials seem to be taking these days is that, until we get proof that
fluoride is harmful, it will continue to be added to water. (This may seem
ironic, given that companies who want to market new drugs must prove they
are safe first whereas a drug already in our water will stay there until we
prove it isn't safe.)[NL]Absolute proof may be hard to come by, but the
evidence is abundant and compelling. A U.S. congressional subcommittee
announced after hearings in 1977 that it could no longer assure the public
that fluoride doesn't cause cancer; later tests, which it ordered, showed a
link to bone and liver cancer.[NL]The U.S. National Research Council
reported that fluoride is dangerous to health and that "reductions in
fluoride in drinking water would be easier to administer, monitor and
evaluate" than reductions in foods, beverages and dental products.[NL]A half
dozen studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association show more
hip fractures in fluoridated areas - up to 300 per cent more, according to
one report. Appearing on a recent Canadian television show, a former
scientist with the Environmental Protection Agency called fluoridation "the
biggest fraud of the century."[NL]Dr. John Colquhoun, Principal Dental
Officer for the New Zealand city of Auckland, once advised mandatory
fluoridation; so did Dr. Richard Foulkes, special consultant to the B.C.
Minister of Health. Both later reversed their recommendations. Wrote
Colquhoun in 1982: "Common sense should tell us that if a poison circulating
in a child's body can damage tooth-forming cells, then other harm is also
likely." Foulkes wrote in 1992: "There is evidence that fluoridation does
not prevent tooth decay and may cause serious illness, birth defects and
premature death."[NL]In the final analysis, perhaps the proof is in the
water. So, does Limeback drink tap water? "I purchase distilled water at a
local drugstore and we use it for all our beverage needs," he says. "Look,
I've been drinking fluoride for 35 years and I'm worried. "I have joint
problems which cleared up when I switched to non-fluoridated water . . .
fluoride is a pollutant, so why would you want to swallow that
stuff?"[NL][TEXT BOX in article was:][NL]"Children under three should never
use fluoridated toothpaste. Or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula
must never be made up using Toronto tap water. Never" - [NL]Dr. Hardy
Limeback Fluoride expert[NL]Michael Downey is a Toronto freelance writer.
You can access the story directly at:
25FBOD01b_BS-FLUOR25.html[NL]We wish to thank Elke Babiuk for emailing us
this story. You can find out more about the fluoride issue at her site:
http://www.cadvision.com/fluoride [NL]http://www.fluoride-journal.com [PARA]

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