-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: 
Subject: Reply to Mark Swett's post
Date: Sunday, February 06, 2000 3:22 AM

Here is a letter forwarded to me by Janice tonight in reply to Mark Swett's
posting earlier in the week.  Thank you Janice. :)


Boy Mark, I don't think Ramsey Clark is off base at all.  How do you
explain the hole in the ceiling of the "bunker"? What I read was that
the concentration of CS gas (an illegal war gas) was well beyond toxic
levels, expecially considering the toxic and flamable dispersant being
used.  You must lack understanding of the relationship between women and
their babies if you think those women (and babies) would not have come
trotting out of that hell on earth UNLESS there was some SERIOUSLLY
COMPELLING REASON not to (like being shot at ).  What about the front
door to the "complex". The front door that would prove whether shots
were fired from the outside in, and/or from the inside out??  Where is
the door? Bring on the evidence, sir. And did you know about the dead
dogs?  Do you think the ATF grinned 'em to death? Also allegedly grown
men that would moon and give the finger to the "victims" inside are men
who in my mind have NO respect for the helpless.  Did you see them raise
their flag over the "compound" ( like a bunch of kids winning at King of
the Mountain) before they bulldozed EVERYTHING along with a huge portion
of the physcial evidence (probably including the notorious missing front
door)?  Forced to admit they lied for six years about the "pyrotechnic"
M-651? grenades, they compounded the lie by misdirection.  Once a liar,
always a liar(lies to cover up the lies notwithstanding). They claim
they did not fire a single shot during the entire 51 day stand-off, so
what were the bullet casing doing in sniper nest number one?  Do you
understand the significance of "patterns of practice and  behavior"? Did
you read what they did at Ruby Ridge?  Man, how's it go, "Meenie meenie
teekle u pharsum?"  Maybe I didn't spell that right but I am
hard-pressed to find many more clear-cut cases of the handwriting on the
wall. Once a liar always a liar.  At this point I really think that if
you are interested in justice and the Constitution that you should do a
serious re-assessment of your assessments. As for me, the burden of
proof should now be off the backs of the dads, the moms, and the
tortured, mutilated dead babies and be squarely on the shoulders of
federales. Come on Mark, whether the Feds caused or allowed those babies
to be tortured is irrelevant. Hostage RESCUE Team? How tragically
laughable! They were granted the resources, power and honor of the
United States of America, and to say they acquittted themselves with any
modicum of decency is magnitudes more ridiculous than anything I have
heard come out of Ramsey Clark, and much more an affront to any
civilized concept of justice.

God Bless Constitution and the Republic, the United States of America.
--- Stu Hansen

Mark Swett wrote:
> To all,
> The following quote attributed to Ramsey Clark (if accurate) is a very
> serious allegation.  Anyone pushing this view should be made to stand up
> and offer concrete proof. It is too easy to make allegations and Mr. Clark
> of all people should know that.  I know Mike Mcnulty and have worked with
> him in a small research capacity on both of his films.  He has raised some
> questions and has offered some evidence that needs to be evaluated.  So
> let's get on with it.
> Those of us who are sickened by what happened at Waco have to be careful to
> not go off "half cocked."  There are a lot of people offering statements
> and making observations about Waco and that are just off the wall.  Too
> often Waco "information" is picked up and repeated over and over again on
> various Web sites.
> So we have a FLIR that purports to show gunfire being directed into Mt.
> Carmel on April 19th.  Then we should also, by the same analysis, be able
> to see individuals enter into the building and then exit.  Whatever
> happened is all there - caught on tape.  Don't get me wrong, the "gunfire"
> and the explosion (or implosion) that we are talking about bothers me very
> much.  Someone says that some Delta Force personnel actually infiltrated
> the building before the fire and were within feet of David Koresh.  Sounds
> nice if you say it fast enough and over and over again.  Someone offer some
> proof - names - something.  Information is one thing and disinformation is
> another.  God - this is starting to sound like, Who Killed JFK, how many
> shots were fired.
> If all these allegations prove right I will be the first in line to march
> against those who did it.  But until then, let's keep our heads screwed on.
> ...Mark Swett
> >      "At about noon [April 19, 1993] FBI agents on
> >      foot entered the Church, and fired shots which
> >      struck plaintiffs many of whom were dead, or
> >      unconscious from gas inhalation. Several FBI
> >      defendants proceeded to the second floor and
> >      placed an explosive material on the top of the
> >      concrete Church vault at the 2nd floor level...
> >      at about 12:20 p.m. a huge explosion blasted
> >      a hole several feet in diameter...[in] the
> >      concrete ceiling of the Church vault, crushing,
> >      cutting, burying and killing or injuring most
> >      of the approximately 30 persons in the vault."

<A HREF="http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/picturethis.html">Please take a
moment to picture this...</A>
<A HREF="http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/picturethis.html">http://www.wizardso
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Abraham Lincoln

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