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Reptilian research archives

CASE FILE #33 - Story of 'J'
CASE FILE #34 - Story of 'missing car'

archived 10-19-99
Archive file# e101999b
donated by James Vandale



"J" made the following comments:

...Regarding the first story on that link which Michael Lindemann was
relating, I know that woman personally. Her name is "D". There is MUCH MUCH
before Michael was "turned" by the security services. Truth to tell, much of
the info he had obtained from Bill Hamilton and some of the un-named persons
heavily involved in the investigations of the underground facilities in the
Antelope Valley... You can literally feel the negative energy there in the
Antelope Valley and further east near Ridgecrest where "D" used to live.
China Lake is near Ridgcrest and that place is positively evil. What
Lindemann didn't tell you about "D" was that her family bloodline was
followed by the military. They told her that prior to the development of
verbal communication, humans communicated by telepathy which was possibly
because of a particular hormone secreted in the brain (A good bet that
reptilian geneticist bred this capability right out of most humans). The
gland that secretes this hormone has atrophied in most families except for
"D's"! So the Navy would kidnap her while she was still a young girl and
take her to the underground facility at China Lake and put her through
Trauma Based Programming. Then the next week, the Air Force would kidnap her
and take her to the underground facility beneath George Air Force Base in
Victorville California in the high desert. She said it was a case of the
right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing. Or at least that was
the impression they were trying to give her. (Incidentally, the NEW Federal
Concentration Camp, excuse me Detention Facility has been permanently moved
to a location adjacent to George Air Force Base along the old Air Base Road.

It has recently been moved from its temporary location near Bishop along
highway 395. Friends of mine have driven by it and it's operational. They
say it looks for all the world like a Concentration Camp complete with
barbed wire and guard towers. And there IS a Russian/U.N. Presence in that
region) "D" has been used by the military for remote viewing operations. She
is the real thing. I introduced her to another former military remote viewer
I know and they compared notes on an underground facility where friends of
mine have been taken to. Without knowing anything about what these abductees
described down there, both "D" and the other viewer described numerous
details of the underground facility. I know what the command and control
center looks like. There were military personnel, reptilians and
military/reptilian shapeshifters down there. Years ago, "D" was taken
underground beneath China Lake and shown the genetics lab and holding
facility for all the genetically engineered mutants. She described ghastly
creatures of every size and shape. There were also captive humans down
there. She was taken down there to intimidate her and show her what would
happen if she didn't cooperate. Her own son was murdered by a local "law
enforcement officer", the details and investigation covered up. I lost track
of her. The last I heard she moved out of the high desert. I would love to
meet this gal again... Yes, "D" was the one who witnessed the reptilian
slashing open the chest of the gray. She was then laid on a table and
sexually assaulted by the reptilian.

She hates that particular species of reptilians. They have materialized
inside of her car while she was driving! (the "intermediate" height of some
of these reps are 4-41/2 feet. She's also the one who saw the rep playing
around with her jewelry box.) Lindemann says there was an argument between
the gray crew leader and the reps but my info was that when the reptilian
walked onto the ramp into the ship all of the grays became extremely
frightened and seemed to "stand at attention." I think she likened it to
"the admiral" coming onboard, such was the fear that was elicited amongst
the grays by this reptilian. ("Admiral on the deck!") On another occasion
she was taken to a reptilian underground base (that SAME species again)
beneath Death Valley. She was brought before the "Ancient One" my nickname
for the reptilian chieftain that she met. This entity stood taller than the
others of its species and actually wore an Egyptian headress with a cobra
snake motif on the front!

I saw the sketch she drew. Facsinating. [Note: Could these reptilians be
connected to the 'Gizeh', 'Kamagol', or 'Phoenix' Empire below Egypt that
was reportedly deeply involved with the Bavarians/Nazi's? Incidentally in
regards to Death Valley, in past years the D.V. / Panamint Mt. base was{?},
according to several contactees, a MAJOR earth-base for "Federation" {Vega,
etc.} personnel & delegates on earth, however IF THIS base had some
connections with the neo-Mayan "Ashtarian" city-complex beneath Mt. Shasta,
THEN in light of the infiltration of the Ashtar/Astarte psionic collective
by reptilian agents from Alpha Draco, Rigel Orion & Sirius-B, the
treaties -- which the secret Washington/Telosian {Mt. Shasta} alliance had
made with the Greys/Reptilians before these "aliens" betrayed the treaties
and took over several of the "joint operational" bases & "Melchizedekian"
colonies underground during the Dulce/Groom wars of 1997-1985 -- might have
provided an open door for these reptilian parasites to enter in and take
over this last bastian of Non-Interventionist "Federation" influence under
North America. I have to wonder, since Alex Collier and other contactees
suggest that the "Federation blockade" of the Sol-ar system has been
collapsing, at last report, and that many of the Federation personnel have
left the earth to help fight the MAJOR draconian offensives which have been
threatening the entire galaxy -- the "war in heaven" of Revelation chapter

We should of course hope for the best, but prepare for the possibility of
the worst, i.e. the worst being that we are now "on our own"... GOD help us
if we are, and HE WILL help if we believe, since the ONLY abductees who have
apparently been able to repel or kill potential reptilian/alien abductors --
at least those "empowered" would-be-abductees that I have heard of -- in
spite of vastly superior alien technological and psychological advantages,
are "blood-bought" Reborn Christians who have claimed the SUPERNATURAL POWER
and AUTHORITY resident within the "divine blood transfusion" that IS offered
to us as a result of Jesus' sacrfice at Calvary: "Behold, I GIVE unto you
POWER to TREAD ON SERPENTS and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the
enemy: and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you." / Luke 10:19. This divine
decree should be the calling card for all of you potential "Jesu-di" knights
out there... As you can see by the fact that I'm still kickin and swinging
in spite of the relentless and painful psychic attacks of the
"repti-poltergeists", it's worked for me! - Branton] It proceeded to
transmit into "D's" mind the "official" version of its species history here
on Earth, i.e. how they survived the cataclysm of the dinosaurs by living
underground, became intelligent, were alternately worshipped by humans as
gods and reviled by humans as monsters etc etc etc. During her visit she saw
a clutch of reptilian eggs. She said she wanted to take an axe to them!
(IHOP eat your heart out. I don't think any amount of syrup will make that
omelette taste any good)... "J"


Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 13:41:51 -0500
Subject: [MOTU] missing car


Here is a good one for you. This is a true story. I might have told it
before ,but felt I should again.

Around 1988 I had to make several trips to Pittsburgh weekly for business
reasons. The road I travel was RT. 8 this road has 4-5 lanes form a town
called Butler to Pittsburgh itself.

One a certain Sunday I was traveling this road by myself. It was early in
the morning and I was quite tired. This road had many stop signal followed
by brief areas of no turn offs.

On this certain morning I pulled up to a red light and was waiting for the
light to change. As I did I saw a black limo pull up directly beside me. As
I looked over at the limo I noticed that the back window started to come
down. I then saw two figures in the back seat. I then notice that the limo
started to pull forward although the light hadn't changed. I then saw one of
the figures come closer to the back window that was down. As he did I notice
that his skin was very pale in color and had a GREEN cast. He also was
wearing a black hat, suit and sun glasses. He then took off his glasses and
I saw the most strangest eyes I have ever seen. THEY LOOKED LIKE A REPTILE.
He then motioned for me to follow him. I was totally freaked out.

I didn't know what to do. I then turned my head toward the traffic light
hoping it would change. Well sure enough it did and I made a bee line to go
as fast as I could to get away from this limo. As I was heading forward I
looked in the rear view mirror and saw the limo coming up closer and closer
towards me. I then started to go so fast I was afraid. I then looked in the
rear view mirror again to see if the limo was still following me and to my
surprise the limo had disappeared. There were no turn off inbetween the
light that I stopped at and the next one, so there couldn't have been any
place for the limo to pull over. To this day I don't know where the limo
went, but oh do I still remember those EYES.

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