-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Just when you thought you'd heard it all...

Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin admitted today she was never alone with
Elian Gonzalez's grandmothers and they never told her the things
she earlier claimed the grandmothers had told her.

Today's editions of the Miami Herald reported that Sister Jeanne
claimed one of Elian's grandmothers had told her privately that
she wanted to defect; that Juan Miguel Gonzlez, Elian's dad, had
been an abusive husband and father; that the father's side of the
family had known about and acquiesced to Elin's mother's plan to
bring the child to the states; and that Lzaro Gonzlez, Elian's
great uncle in Miami, had been told about the plan 10 days before
the trip.

Commenting on this story, I noted that the Herald reporter, who
for once exercised at least a bit of healthy journalistic
raised questions about whether Sister Jeanne in fact could have
had such a conversation with one or both of the grandmothers. She
reports that Sister Jeanne is not known for speaking Spanish and
that, at most, it is claimed she usually understands "the gist"
what is said in this language.

I also pointed out that the claim that Lzaro Gonzlez's family had
been notified in advance about the trip is brand new; that this
family, through Lzaro's daughter Marisleysis, has said repeatedly
(to justify their keeping the child) that the child's dad
them and asked them to look after him after the child had been
found. This account basically coincides with that given by the
boy's dad, although he could not, of course, imagine that his own
uncle would try to keep the boy permanently against his wishes.

Now the Associated Press is reporting that Barry University
spokesperson Michele Morris, on behalf of Sister Jeanne, claims
that Sister Jeanne claims that she heard the story, not from the
grandmothers, but "from people she [sister Jeanne] trusted."

A paper statement attributed by the University spokesperson to
nun states categorically: "I never met with the Grandmothers

``While some of the specifics noted in the Herald contributed to
my decision, it is untrue that I heard any of that from the
grandmothers. Any information attributed to them came from other
sources,'' the statement said.

For its part, the Miami Herald is sticking by its story.

Executive editor Martin Baron put out a statement affirming,
can say without hesitation that our story was an accurate account
of what Sister Jeanne told us.'' Moreover the discussion with
Jeanne about her understanding of Spanish which is reflected in
the Herald story tends to corroborate the Herald's statement.
a discussion would have been pointless unless the claim was that
Sister Jeanne's source was one of the grandmothers.

*    *    *

So here's the quick rundown. Sister Jeanne, who claimed to be
neutral, as soon as the grandmothers had cleared town used the
prominence and credibility she had gained as "neutral" host of
their meeting with Elin to openly join the counterrevolutionary
campaign to impose U.S. citizenship on Elin as a way of making
kidnapping permanent.

To justify her supposedly abrupt shift, Sister Jeanne claimed
she was able to see that Elin had "bonded" with Marisleysis
his 21 year old second aunt (as many Cubans reckon these things)
or second cousin (as Americans do). She also claimed that an
of fear surrounded the grandmothers, and that she was able to
somehow intuit that this fear was inspired by Fidel a couple of
hundred miles away in Cuba rather than by the packs of jackals
hyenas of the Miami annexationist mafia that were all over and
around the meeting site.

As recently as last Tuesday, Sister Jeanne was sticking by this
story of her conversion, version 1.0. She then met with the
for the kidnappers, who impressed on  her the need to come up
something dramatic to torpedo Elian's repatriation if Judge
tells them to go to hell, as legal experts widely anticipate.

Thus was born the nun's story, version 2.0, which the Herald
a sensation with as soon as they web-published it last night. As
often happens, Version 2.0 is quite a different product from 1.0.
In this version, she admits what she said before made her seem
a flake, and it wasn't the true dope. Apart from the apparent
linguistic difficulty, and the contradiction with the known facts
of the case, there were, of course, bugs in the 2.0 story, as is
common with any point-oh version of anything. The main one being,
if Sister Jeanne knew this all along, why didn't she tell anyone,
not even her friend, the attorney general of the United States,
who, oh happy coincidence, actually has the power to do something
about the outcome of the case on the basis of the information?

Hence an upgrade became urgently necessary and now we have
2.1, where sister Jeanne changes her mind because unnamed
that the good sister "trusts" claim that the grandmothers have
saying these things.

And who are these "sources"? Did THEY have it first-hand from the
grandmothers, or were they, too, intermediaries for alleged
Were they in a position to know what the grandmothers really
At what time, in what place, and under what circumstances were
"sources" taken into the grandmothers' confidence? And why did
decide to betray the grandmother's trust to Sister Jeanne? And
don't these sources themselves come forward with their accounts,
instead of leaving it to a poor, 70-year-old-nun to do all the
heavy lifting?

As we can see, version 2.1 is even more buggy than version 2.0.
Which leads one to wonder, why was it released at all?

It certainly does not make sister Jeanne sound any more credible
or judicious. Now instead of her OWN observations and intuitions,
sister Jeanne is basing her conversion to second, third or
rumors about what the grandmothers supposedly said. In fact, she
NOW says she was so conscious of how this would sound in public
that that is why she did not mention it, because she herself had
no personal knowlege of the matter, and those who putatively did
weren't speaking.

Version 2.1 doesn't help the standing of the lawyers for the
kidnappers at all. In the Herald article, they are portrayed by
sister Jeanne as having played a key role in convincing her to
forward with her now (admittedly false) version 2.0 at this time
in a transparent attempt to influence the outcome of pending
litigation by extrajudicial means.

The one merit version 2.1 does have is that it takes Sister
off the hook, legally speaking. Obviously, it would have been
necessary for INS to take what Sister Jeanne claimed to have been
told by the grandmothers into account. But to do so, the INS
need a sworn version of the story.

This would have required some form of official interview,
affidavit or deposition. I suspect as soon as it became clear to
Sister Jeanne that she would be forced to swear to version 2.0,
she hatched version 2.1 and rushed it out the door. No wonder it
was buggier than a Microsoft operating system.

But version 2.1 does have a great virtue: it is utterly lacking
probative value for legal purposes. Sister Jeanne won't have to
swear to this one, it's all hearsay, she now claims there's
she can vouch for of her own, direct, personal knowledge.

Which puts her in the same category as everyone else in Miami who
is supporting the kidnapping. I'm sure on any day you can get 100
people at any streetcorner in Little Havana to swear they've been
told by someone they "really trust" that Juan Miguel is a wife
beater who wanted his ex to run away with his son, that the
grandmothers all want to defect, and much else besides, like that
Fidel eats little babies for breakfast. Such is life in "la cuba
de ayer" at the dawn of the 21st century.

So, once again, another cowardly counterrevolutionary propaganda
ambush blows up in the face of its perpetrators.

Serves them right.



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