-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I first met John on alt.health.alternative usenet group 4 or 5 years ago -
he's been collecting and disseminating information on the workings of the
allopathic pharmaceutical medical industrial complex for quite a while, and
has put together a pretty good website.

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 7:42 AM
To: Leading Edge; Canine Health Concern
Subject: [LeadingEdgeResearch] Medical Myths

A quick list of medical myths.

This is the Golden Age of medicine. In fact this is the Dark Ages of
medicine due to the drug cartels

Vaccination rid the world of smallpox. Vaccination increased the cases of
smallpox. Most cases had been vaccinated. Smallpox declined with the decline
in poverty and hunger and is still around under terms such as "monkey pox."

Polio was eradicated by vaccination. There is no evidence for this but
plenty to show polio was a man made disease brought on by other
vaccinations, DDT usage, tonsil removal, junk food, and antibiotic
injections. http://www.whale.to/Vaccines/polio.html
Chemotherapy is the only proven therapy for cancer (with radiation &
surgery). The only thing proven about chemo is that it doesn’t work for the
vast majority of cancers. http://www.whale.to/Cancer/Chemotherapy.html Many
better alternatives have been suppressed for over 100 years

Alzheimer’s is a mystery, only treatable with drugs. Chelation therapy has
been around for decades to treat this mercury amalgam disease, but ignored
due to medical politics and governments fear of a litigation and
compensation nightmare. http://www.whale.to/Dental/alzheimers.html

The FDA protects the consumer. The FDA’s main job is to protect the market
of the drug cartel. They suppress the competition.

Cancer (and aids) charities are working for the cancer patient. The cancer
charities take money from industry and are, effectively, drug companies.

Drugs are more effective than herbs. They make drugs from herbs to increase
effectiveness. They make drugs to get the patent, and herbs are, in most
cases, far more potent than drugs, and safer.

HIV causes AIDS, and drugs are the only effective therapy. HIV hasn’t been
demonstrated to cause AIDS, and some scientists claim it doesn’t even exist.
AIDS has been cured by naturopathic herbalism.

Surgery and drugs for heart disease. Over 98% of surgery is unecessary.
Heart disease is curable with diet, herbs, and nutrients.

Cot Death is a mystery. http://www.whale.to/SIDS.html

John  www.whale.to

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