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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Ian Goddard 
Subject: Waco Bomb: WANR
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 4:59 AM

  I recently acquired a copy of the new documentary
  Waco: A New Revelation (http://Waco-ANewRevelation.com).
  Even before it was finished it led to a Congressional
  inquiry into Waco. I could not more strongly recommend
  this video! The government granted them permission to
  test the remains of the demolished concrete room for
  traces of military-explosives residue. Former FBI
  Special Agent Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, who narrates
  the video, accompanied them to the site. However,
  the portion of the room they were looking for was
  not to be found even after an exhaustive search.

  WANR interviews military operations and explosives
  experts who conclude that a shaped-charge bomb blasted
  through the roof of the concrete room, or church vault.
  It's a disturbing conclusion that's easy to agree
  with: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/wacorom2.htm

  Steven M. Barry, a retired Sergeant First Class from
  the U.S. Army Special Forces states: "The blast hole at
  the top of the roof, you can plainly see the rebar is
  bent in. The damage to the stainless steel refrigerator,
  which appears to have been under the blast hole, is
  consistent with a shaped charge. And the blast, being
  directed downward into the room -- in this inclosed
  concrete room -- would very likely create some seam
  rupture and create a huge overpressure inside the room
  that would pretty much kill everyone in there. Anybody
  who was under this device when it was blown would have
  been horribly mangled, probably dismembered, pretty
  much like being thrown into a grain crusher."

  As Barry spoke, WANR showed the evidence he refers to.
  The bodies from the concrete room that were delimbed,
  decapitated, and hideously mutilated beyond recognition
  are compelling evidence of a powerful explosion. Colonel
  Jack Frost, a retired U.S. Air Force Ordnance Engineer
  concludes: "Having examined still photographs and video-
  tapes of the bunker it was apparent to me that this was
  caused by a shaped charge. But what bothers me is who
  would have the audacity to use such a charge."

  Sergeant Steve Barry, quoted above, is then shown saying:
  "Rather than risk your own people going in there and try
  to shoot it out with them, it's a standard tactic in city
  fighting in military operations in built-up terrain to use
  an explosive in this manor [as seen at Waco] to kill people
  in a targeted room that you're going to attack." Brigadier
  General Benton K. Partin, a retired U.S. Air Force Ordnance
  Engineer, then grimly concluded: "It's very obvious that
  the effort that was demonstrated there assured that there
  would be no survivors in the church records vault."

  It's easier to believe it can't be true if only because it's
  hard to believe anyone could do that to woman and children;
  but we have a classic shaped-charge-blast-hole in a bombed-
  out room filled with hideously militated bodies, cracks and
  seam rupture around the room indicate that a powerful over-
  pressure filled the room. It's compelling evidence, and
  it's why experts are telling us the room was bombed.
  We should remember that the FBI dropped a bomb on the
  MOVE headquarters in Philadelphia that burned down an
  entire city block: http://www.iacenter.org/philpris.htm

  WACO BOMB?: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/wacorom2.htm

    "There are times when you cannot keep your job and
    put alternative explanations for data on the table."
     Former FBI Special Agent Dr. Frederic Whitehurst

  WACO PROTEST: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/waco-1.htm

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