-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

In Spirituality 101, a required “core” class, it is taught that Soul
normally alternates between male and female bodies from incarnation to
incarnation, following the Laws of Attraction and Attention. (Each
individual has unlimited time to finish the “core” class requirements –
tutoring is available to those who qualify on their own efforts for special
attention – this may result in rapid acceleration of learning curve…
however, the way becomes narrow….)
In Akasha 101 it is taught that Matriarchal as well as Patriarchal societies
have held dominion over human society, also alternating in pendulum swings
from eon to eon – with the extreme end of each swing representing a possibly
less nurturing and respectful viewpoint toward the “underdog sex.”
In Internet 101 it is taught that a person who posts a message which he has
not authored does not necessarily do so as a rubber-stamping of the

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Tosin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 7:12 PM
Subject: [LeadingEdgeResearch] Re: Orion Programming Male/ Female

Why so much focus placed on "succubic women from hell"? Why not talk about
the thousands of women around the world who are beaten everyday by drunk
imbeciles, commonly called "husbands"? Why not talk about the exceedingly
patriarchal mentality established mostly by the judeo-christian religion
that has run the world for over 2000 years? Why women have been considered
soul-less and without inherent rights for much of that period and still
today have an inferior status when compared to men. For someone who is into
Gnosticism, you don't seem to realise how the female energy, which was given
the status of creator along with the male energy, was truly venerated in
Gnostic groups. Just trying to balance things out a bit here... but I
suspect that Brandon may be right and that you're simply trying to wake
people up here. ;^) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: original article:
13 Feb 2000
I received the following commentary this afternoon, relative to some aspects
of some male-female relationships that are affected by Orion-based cultural
programming . It's posted for your commentary. Val

When some men go deep sea fishing and catch a marlin or something big, or
even something much smaller, many like having their picture taken with the
catch. This picture become the trophy.
When a woman gets married, she wants her trophy too, those damned wedding
pictures. That's her trophy AND, more importantly, they litter the house
with them, especially the living room and bedroom. This is to remind the man
who he belongs to and who has staked claim to his energy. The succubistic
nature of women is very jealous in guarding their energy source, especially
from other women. They know that women are predators (the reptilian part of
Females are always seen hanging around males, but always complain about it.
Why, then, do they hang with them? Their energy which they feed on. They
bitch that men should be like women, be subservient to women and let women
change them to what they want them to be. This is very Dark
side/controlling, but this is their nature. Go to any area, even a gay bar,
and you'll find women hanging around, feeding. They don't need sex to feed,
although that's a prime way, at least in order to hook their energy source
and stake him. Wedding pictures...do the men, unfortunate enough to get
married, run around with their wedding albums. No. It's the female to keep
him under her control and warn other females away. Trophies.

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