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History is Bunk

Chinese Group Threatens to A-Bomb Japanese Web Sites

Deniers of the Nanjing holocaust.

BEIJING, Feb 14, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) An extreme right-wing Chinese
group has declared cyber war on Japanese web sites in a bid to force "Japan's
mad dogs" to face up to wartime atrocities committed in China.

The self-styled Chinese Extreme Right-Wing Anti-Japanese Alliance, in a
message on their web site www.bsptt.gx.cn/public/badboy/hack/, claimed to
have attacked around 30 Japanese sites between January 24 and February 13.

Launching a new "anti-Japanese war," the organization said it had targeted a
series of web sites belonging to ministries, the prime minister, parliament
and the state planning agency.

It also claimed cyber raids on web sites belonging to the Mainichi Shimbun
newspaper, the NHK television station, the central post office in Okinawa, an
old people's home in Kyoto and the electronics group JVC.

Japanese officials said last month a host of government web sites had been
plastered with anti-Japanese graffiti.

The site said the movement was founded by "information technology enthusiasts
imbued with a strong sense of patriotism," and it called on readers to
download special listed software to launch hacking attacks.

"We welcome more anti-Japanese sites to join the attack and explode an atom
bomb on the Japanese Internet," said the group.

"The main principle of the alliance is to make continued cyberspace attacks
on a small number of Japanese mad dogs.

"The main attack goals will be the web sites of the little Japanese
government and companies."

The claim of responsibility came after Japanese officials said last month
that hackers broke into a government Internet site and left a message
blasting Tokyo's failure to recognise its war-time past.

Messages in several languages were discovered at the site of the Management
and Coordination Agency, which gathers economic official data, said Hiroshi
Kume, head of the agency's planning section.

In broken English, one message read: "Japanese, as all people know, is a folk
which has no courage face to the truth of history. It's the disgrace of
Asia," according to the official.

Several days later the hackers launched new attacks, mocking government
security controls.

The cyber attack followed a nationalist conference in the western city of
Osaka which denied the 1937 Nanjing massacre by Japanese troops in China ever
took place, triggering fury in Beijing.
China Today, February 14, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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